SF/Fantasy Small Press
Science Fiction & Fantasy books published by small presses.
Cosmos Books
- Asher, Neal: The Engineer Reconditioned

Five Star
- Anderson, Kevin J.: Landscapes

- Baxley, Jon F.: The Blackgloom Bounty

- Reisman, Jessica: The Z Radiant

- Stableford, Brian: Year Zero

- Wilson, David Niall: The Mote in Andrea's Eye

Four Walls, Eight Windows
- DiFilippo, Paul: Little Doors

- Doctorow, Cory: A Place So Foreign

- Munroe, Jim: Everyone in Silico

- Witpunk (edited by Claude Lalumiere & Marty Helpern)

Golden Gryphon Press
- Baker, Kage: Black Projects, White Knights

- Bishop, Michael: Blue Kansas Sky

- Brown, Eric: Threshold Shift

- Effinger, George Alec: Budayeen Nights

(part of Effinger's Budayeen series, listed under Cyberpunk)
- Ford, Jeffrey: The Empire of Ice Cream

- Ford, Jeffrey: The Fantasy Writer's Assistant

- Kress, Nancy: Nothing Human

- Lupoff, Richard A.: Claremont Tales II

- MacLeod, Ian R.: Breathmoss and Other Exhalations

- Reed, Robert: The Cuckoo's Boys

- Reed, Robert: The Dragons of Springplace

- Rusch, Kristine Kathryn: Stories for an Enchanted Afternoon

- Sargent, Pamela: Thumbprints

- Shepard, Lucius: Louisiana Breakdown

- Shepard, Lucius: Two Trains Running

- The Silver Gryphon (edited by Gary Turner & Marty Halpern)

- Vandermeer, Jeff: Secret Life

- Wilson, F. Paul: LaNague Federation series

- An Enemy of the State

- Wheels Within Wheels

- Healer

Meisha Merlin
- Moore, James A.: Under the Overtree

- Van Belkom, Edo: Teeth

MonkeyBrain Books
- Newman, Kim: The Man From the Diogenes Club

- De Camp, L. Sprague: Years in the Making

- Sheckley, Robert: The Masque of Manana

Night Shade Books
- Armstrong, Jon: Grey

- Baker, Kage: Dark Mondays

- Bear, Elizabeth: The Chains That You Refuse and Other Stories

- Bledsoe, Alex: The Sword-Edged Blonde

- Cook, Glen: Sung in Blood

- Drake, David: The Complete Hammer's Slammers volume 1

- Eclipse One: New Fantasy and Science Fiction (edited by Jonathan Strahan)

- Haldeman, Joe: War Stories

- Moon, Elizabeth: Moon Flights

- Pratt, Tim: Hart & Boot & Other Stories

- Saunders, Charles: Imaro series

- Imaro

- The Quest for Cush

- The Trail of Bohu

- Shepard, Lucius: Viator

- Sullivan, Tricia: Maul

- Williams, Liz: The Banquet of the Lords of Night & Other Stories

Prime Books
- Best New Fantasy (edited by Sean Wallace)

- Hemmingson, Michael: The Rose of Heaven

- Valente, Catherynne M.: The Labyrinth

- Vandermeer, Jeff: Veniss Underground

Small Beer Press
- Emshwiller, Carol: The Mount

- Stevenson, Jennifer: Trash Sex Magic

- Stewart, Sean: Perfect Circle

- Vukcevich, Ray: Meet Me In the Moon Room

Speed-of-C Productions
- Meade, Phil: PsiScouts series
- At Risk

- Sakers, Don: Curse of the Zwilling

- Sakers, Don: Scattered Worlds series
3.75 - Dance for the Ivory Madonna

4.55 - Weaving the Web of Days

4.882 - A Voice in Every Wind

5.38 - A Rose From Old Terra

8.50 - The Leaves of October

- Sakers, Don: The SF Book of Days

Subterranean Press
- Brite, Poppy Z.: The Devil You Know

- Browning, William: The Ocean and All Its Devices

- Crowther, Peter: Songs of Leaving

- De Lint, Charles: Seven Wild Sisters

- De Lint, Charles: Triskell Tales

- De Lint, Charles: Triskell Tales 2

- Farmer, Philip José: The Best of Philip José Farmer

- Farmer, Philip José: Pearls from Peoria

- Farmer, Philip José: Venus on the Half-Shell and Others

- Kiernan, Caitlin R.: The Dry Salvages

- Klein, T.E.D.: Reassuring Tales

- Lansdale, Joe R.: Zeppelins West

- Lumley, Brian: Screaming Science Fiction: Horrors from Out of Space

- Silverberg, Robert: In the Beginning

- Vance, Jack: The Jack Vance Treasury

Tachyon Publications
- Aldiss, Brian: Cultural Breaks

- Cadnum, Michael: Can't Catch Me and Other Twice-Told Tales

- Feeling Very Strange: The Slipstream Anthology (edited by James Patrick Kelly & John Kessel)

- Gunn, Eileen: Stable Strategies and Others

- Kelly, James Patrick: Burn

- Palwick, Susan: The Fate of Mice

- Rewired: The Post-Cyberpunk Anthology (edited by James Patrick Kelly)

- Stirling, S.M.: Ice, Iron and Gold

- Swanwick, Michael: The Dog Said Bow-Wow

Tharsis Books
- Cronin, Thomas W.: Mars series

- As It Is On Mars

- Give Us This Mars

- Glory Be To Mars

Thunder's Mouth Press
- Broderick, Damien: Players in the Contest of Worlds series
- Godplayers

- K-Machines

- Di Filippo, Paul: Shuteye for the Timebroker

- Doctorow, Cory: Overclocked

- Rucker, Rudy: Mad Professor: The Uncollected Short Stories of Rudy Rucker

- Sterling, Bruce: Visionary in Residence

Wildside Press
- Biggle, Lloyd: The Chronocide Mission

- Henry, Maren: Anise

- Langford, David: Different Kinds of Darkness

- Smeds, Dave: Piper in the Night

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updated: Thursday, January 10, 2008