Gates Between Worlds
Fantasies dealing with a multiplicity of worlds and the often-magical connections between them.
Related Genres
SF: Parallel Worlds/Other Dimensions
Authors & Titles
- Cherryh, C.J.: Morgaine series
- Gate of Ivrel

- Well of Shiuan

- Fires of Azeroth

- Exile's Gate

(The first three novels are collected as The Morgaine Saga
- Douglas, Carole Nelson: Sword & Circlet series
- Six of Swords

- Exiles of the Rynth

- Keepers of Edanvant

- Heir of Rengarth

- Seven of Swords

- Frost, P.R.: Tess Noncoiré series
- Hounding the Moon

- Moon in the Mirror

- Faery Moon

- Grimsley, Jim: Senal/Irion series

- Kirith Kirin

- The Ordinary

- Kiernan, Caitlin R.: Spyder Baxter series

- Silk

- Murder of Angels

- Lisle, Holly: World Gates series
- Memory of Fire

- The Wreck of Heaven

- Gods Old and Dark

- Phillips, Holly: The Burning Girl

- Pullman, Philip: His Dark Materials series
- The Golden Compass

- The Subtle Knife

- The Amber Spyglass

- Stross, Charles: The Atrocity Archives

- Valente, Catherynne M.: The Labyrinth

- Warrington, Freda: Books of the Silver Wheel

- Elfland

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updated: Thursday, September 24, 2009