Political Humor
Humor set in the world of politics
Related Genres
Authors & Titles
- Beinhart, Larry: The Librarian

- Buckley, Christopher: No Way to Treat a First Lady

- Buckley, Christopher: Supreme Courtship

- Buckley, Christopher: The White House Mess

- Buckley, William F. Jr.: The Rake

- Costello, Mark: Big If

- Cox, Ana Marie: Dog Days

- Date, S.V.: Black Sunshine

- Dezenhall, Eric: Jonah Eastman series

- Money Wanders

- Shakedown Beach

- Turnpike Flameout

- Ehrlich, Ev: Big Government

- Folman, Bill: The Scandal Plan

- Frank, Jeffrey: Bad Publicity

- Franken, Al: Why Not Me?

- Gavin, William F.: The Ernesto Che Guevara School for Wayward Girls

- Gavin, William F.: One Hell of a Candidate

- Gerber, Robin: Eleanor vs. Ike

- Gore, Kristin: Sammy's Hill

- Lefcourt, Peter: The Woody

- MacPherson, Malcolm: Hocus POTUS

- Merlis, Mark: Man About Town

- Merullo, Roland: American Savior

- Mizner, David: Political Animal

- Politically Inspired
(edited by Stephen Elliott)
- Stumbling and Raging: More Polticially Inspired Fiction (edited by Stephen Elliott)

- Weld, William F.: Terry Mullally series
- Mackerel By Moonlight

- Big Ugly

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updated: Monday, December 22, 2008