Aviation Thrillers
Suspense/Thrillers involving the world of aviation.
Related Genres
Authors & Titles
- Ball, David: Last Plane Out

- Block, Thomas: Mayday

- Block, Thomas: Orbit

- Casey, Tom: Strangers' Gate

- Crichton, Michael: Airframe

- Gann, Ernest K.: The High and the Mighty

- Hailey, Arthur & Castle, John: Runway Zero-Eight

- Heitman, Lynne: Alex Shanahan series

- Hard Landing

- Tarmac

- First Class Killing

- The Pandora Key

- Lafferty, Perry: The Downing of Flight Six Heavy

- McElroy, Paul: Tracon

- Nance, John J.: Fire Flight

- Nance, John J.: Kat Bronsky series
- The Last Hostage

- Blackout

- Nance, John J.: Medusa's Child

- Nance, John J.: Orbit

- Nance, John J.: Pandora's Clock

- Nance, John J.: Phoenix Rising

- Nance, John J.: Scorpion Strike

- Nance, John J.: Skyhook

- Nance, John J.: Turbulence

- On Glorious Wings (edited by Stephen Coonts)

- Stewart, Chris: The God of War

- Thayer, James: Terminal Event

- White, Robin A.: The Last High Ground

- Wills, Maralys: Scatterpath

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updated: Wednesday, April 16, 2008