Antiques & Collectibles Mysteries
Mystery stories set in and around the world of antiques & collectibles appraisers, collectors, and traders.
Related Genres
Archaeological Mysteries
Long-Lost Manuscripts (& other antiquities)
Authors & Titles
- Allan, Barbara: Trash'n'Treasure series

- Antiques Roadkill

- Antiques Maul

- Antiques Flee Market

- Antiques Bizarre

- Caine, Leslie: Domestic Bliss series

- Death by Inferior Design

- False Premises

- Manor of Death

- Killed By Clutter

- Fatal Feng Shui

- Cleland, Jane K.: Josie Prescott series
- Consigned to Death

- Deadly Appraisal

- Antiques to Die For

- Killer Keepsakes

- Silent Auction

- Fiffer, Sharon: Jane Wheel series
- Killer Stuff

- Dead Guy's Stuff

- The Wrong Stuff

- Buried Stuff

- Hollywood Stuff

- Scary Stuff

- Flinn, Elaine: Molly Doyle series

- Dealing in Murder

- Tagged for Murder

- Deadly Collection

- Deadly Vintage

- Gash, Jonathan: Lovejoy series

- The Judas Pair

- Gold by Gemini

- The Grail Tree

- Spend Game

- The Vatican Rip

- Firefly Gadroon

- The Sleepers of Erin

- The Gondola Scam

- Pearlhanger

- The Tartan Sell

- Moonspender

- Jade Woman

- The Very Last Gambado

- The Great California Game

- The Lies of Fair Ladies

- Paid and Loving Eyes

- The Sin Within Her Smile

- The Grace in Older Women

- The Possessions of a Lady

- The Rich and the Profane

- A Rag, A Bone and a Hank of Hair

- The Ten Word Game

- Faces in the Pool

- Jenkins, Emyl: Sterling Glass series
- Stealing With Style

- The Big Steal

- Lamb, John J.: Bear Collector's series

- The Mournful Teddy

- The False-Hearted Teddy

- The Crafty Teddy

- Lupoff, Richard A.: Hobart Lindsey & Marvia Plum series

- The Comic Book Killer

- The Classic Car Killer

- The Bessie Blue Killer

- The Sepia Siren Killer

- The Cover Girl Killer

- The Silver Chariot Killer

- The Radio Red Killer

- The Emerald Cat Killer

(short stories) One Murder at a Time 
- Stanley, J.B.: Collectible Mystery series

- A Killer Collection

- A Fatal Appraisal

- A Deadly Dealer

- Wait, Lea: Antique Print series (aka Maggie Summer series)
- Shadows at the Fair

- Shadows on the Coast of Maine

- Shadows on the Ivy

- Shadows at the Sping Show

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updated: Tuesday, September 28, 2010