Author as Sleuth
Mysteries which feature real-life famous authors (usually deceased) as detectives.
Related Genres
Books & Publishing Industry Mysteries
Historical Mysteries
Authors & Titles
Alcott, Louisa May
- MacLean, Anna: Louisa May Alcott series

- Louisa and the Missing Heiress

- Louisa and the Country Bachelor

Austen, Jane
- Barron, Stephanie: Jane Austen series
- Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor

- Jane and the Man of the Cloth

- Jane and the Wandering Eye

- Jane and the Genius of the Place

- Jane and the Stillroom Maid

- Jane and the Prisoner of Wool House

- Jane and the Ghosts of Netley

- Jane and His Lordship's Legacy

Bierce, Ambrose
- Hall, Oakley: Ambrose Bierce series
- Ambrose Bierce and the Queen of Spades

- Ambrose Bierce and the Death of Kings

- Ambrose Bierce and the One-Eyed Jacks

- Ambrose Bierce and the Trey of Pearls

Brontë, Charlotte
- Rowland, Laura Joh: Charlotte Brontë series
- The Secret Adventures of Charlotte Brontë

- Bedlam: The Further Secret Adventures of Charlotte Brontë

Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson)
- Rogow, Roberta: Charles Dodgson & Arthur Conan Doyle series (1880s)
- The Problem of the Missing Miss

- The Problem of the Spiteful Spiritualist

- The Problem of the Evil Editor

- The Problem of the Surly Servant

Chaucer, Geoffrey
- Morgan, Philippa: Chaucer series
- Chaucer and the House of Fame

- Chaucer and the Legend of Good Women

- Chaucer and the Doctor of Physic

Dodgson, Charles (Lewis Carroll)
- Rogow, Roberta: Charles Dodgson & Arthur Conan Doyle series (1880s)
- The Problem of the Missing Miss

- The Problem of the Spiteful Spiritualist

- The Problem of the Evil Editor

- The Problem of the Surly Servant

Doyle, Arthur Conan
- Engel, Howard: Mr. Doyle & Mr. Bell (1876)

- Pirie, David: Arthur Conan Doyle & Joseph Bell series
- The Patient's Eyes

- The Night Calls

- Rogow, Roberta: Charles Dodgson & Arthur Conan Doyle series (1880s)
- The Problem of the Missing Miss

- The Problem of the Spiteful Spiritualist

- The Problem of the Evil Editor

- The Problem of the Surly Servant

DuMaurier, Daphne
- Challis, Joanna: Daphne DuMaurier series
- Murder on the Cliffs

James, Henry
- Cohen, Paula Marantz: What Alice Knew

Poe, Edgar Allen
- Schechter, Harold: Edgar Allen Poe series
- Nevermore

- The Hum Bug

- The Mask of Red Death

- Silvis, Randall: Edgar Allen Poe series
- On Night's Shore

- Disquiet Heart

Potter, Beatrix
- Albert, Susan Wittig: Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter series

- The Tale of Hill Top Farm

- The Tale of Holly How

- The Tale of Cuckoo Brow Wood

- The Tale of Hawthorn House

- The Tale of Briar Bank

- The Tale of Applebeck Orchard

- The Tale of Oat Cake Crag

Shakespeare, William
- Hawke, Simon: Shakespeare and Smythe series
- A Mystery of Errors

- The Slaying of the Shrew

Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
- Wright, Nancy Means: Midnight Fires: A Mystery with Mary Wollstonecraft (1786)

Tey, Josephine
- Upson, Nicola: Josephine Tey series

- An Expert in Murder

- Angel With Two Faces

Twain, Mark
- Heck, Peter J.: Mark Twain series (USA, c. 1890)
- Death on the Mississippi

- A Connecticut Yankee in Criminal Court

- The Prince and the Prosecutor

- The Guilty Abroad

- The Mysterious Strangler

Wilde, Oscar
- Brandreth, Gyles: Oscar Wilde series
- Oscar Wilde and a Death of No Importance

- Oscar Wilde and a Game Called Murder

- Oscar Wilde and the Dead Man's Smile

Wollstonecraft, Mary: See Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft above
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updated: Monday, January 03, 2011