Junior Bestesellers
Adult bestselling authors try their hands at young adult fiction.
Authors & Titles
- Baldacci, David: Freddy and the French Fries series

- Fries Alive

- The Mystery of Silas Finklebean

- Cussler, Clive: The Adventures of Vin Fiz

- Grisham, John: Theodore Boone series
- Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer

- Theodore Boone: The Adbuction

- Mitchard, Jacquelyn: Midnight Twins series

- The Midnight Twins

- Watch For Me By Moonlight

- Parker, Robert B.: Young Spenser series
- Chasing the Bear

- Patterson, James: Daniel X series

- Daniel X: Watch the Skies

- The Dangerous Days of Daniel X

- Daniel X; Demons and Druids

- Daniel X: Game Over

- Patterson, James: Maximum Ride series
- When the Wind Blows

- The Lake House

- Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment

- Maximum Ride: School's Out Forever

- Saving the World

- The Final Warning

- Max

- Fang

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updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2011