GOH: Algis Budrys
Art GOH: Sean Spacher
Balticon 14 was an important Balticon in many ways. It was
the first with an honest-to-ghod
masquerade; it was also
the first with a weapons policy ("Unsheathed swords, knives,
axs and similar items are subject to confiscation for the duration
of the con. If you're caught twice, we will refund your membership
and send you on your way.") This year, Clam
Chowder was a featured item on Friday and Saturday nights
-- and they had moved out of the "esculator" lobby and
into the King's Pleasure Room.
Balticon 14 was also the first with a video room, where Don
spent many happy hours revisiting old friends from the past: Silent
Running, Earth II and Monty Python and the Holy
Grail are among the videos marked in his program.
Sadly, this was the last Balticon for two fine fannish traditions:
the Amateur Film Festival and the Easter 10:17-1/2 AM Wakeup Party.
Some overheard snatches of conversation impressed Don. The
following exchange, in particular, was amusing:
"Aha! Are you a Tenth Century Frank?"
"Close enough. I have a persona in Tenth Century Gaul...it's good to see someone from my own cultural framework." (Smiles wistfully.) "Of course, my persona was just carried off to Norway by a Viking raid. After that, it's a life of slopping pigs and cleaning the kitchen."
This particular Balticon was Don's first experience with the
free and easy sexual life of fans. It didn't turn him into a raging
maniac, but it was enough to cast a happy glow over the entire
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