B. Variations in Characters
B.1. Minor variations in canonical characters
B.1.00. Legion of Super-Traitors
Universe: An un-named Earth-3 analog
Base: 20th Century Smallvile (sic)
Characteristics: This was an alternate world in which
five Legion members visited Smallvile (sic) and tried to betray
Departure Point: unknown.
Confirmed Members:
Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Ultra
Issues Featured:
- SUPERBOY 117 12/64 Superboy and the Five Legion Traitors
- This alternate universe was distinguished both by the evil
nature of the five Legion visitors, and by the fact that Smallville
was spelled with only three L's.
- We did not see any of the 30th Century of this universe.
- It has been speculated that this universe is consistent with
Earth-3; however, the existence of a B.1.00. Superboy seems to
disprove this theory.
Bizarro Legion
Universe: Earth-2
Base: 30th Century Earth
Characteristics: A Bizarro version of the Legion created
by Bizarro Superboy.
Departure Point: ADVENTURE 329.
Confirmed Members:
Bizarro-Brainiac 5, Bizarro-Chameleon Boy, Bizarro-Cosmic
Boy, Bizarro-Invisible Kid, Bizarro-Lightning Lad, Bizarro-Mon-El,
Bizarro-Saturn Girl, Bizarro-Superboy, Bizarro-Ultra Boy
Issues Featured:
- ADVENTURE 329 2/65 The Bizarro Legion
- The existence of the Bizarro World and a Bizarro-Superboy
in the 30th Century gives continuity-minded fans pause.
B.1.20. Legionnaires (SW6 Batch)
Universe: Arguably Earth-2 or an analog, the same universe
as A.2.70.
Base: New Earth
Characteristics: Originally assumed to be clones of
the LSH, the Legionnaires were ultimately revealed to be chronal
dopplegangers created by the Time Trapper.
Departure Point: between ADVENTURE 351 & 352
Confirmed Members:
- Alchemist, Andromeda, Apparition, Bouncing Boy, Brainiac
5, Chameleon, Chameleon Boy (died), Cosmic Boy, Catspaw, Computo,
Dragonmage, Dream Girl, Ferro, Gossamer, Invisible Kid, Inferno,
Karate Kid (died), Kid Quantum, Leviathan, Live Wire, Matter-Eater
Lad, Princess Projectra (died), Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet,
Star Boy, Triad, Ultra Boy, Valor
Issues Featured:
- LSH (v.4) 24 1/92 - LSH (v.4) 61 9/94
- Legionnaires 1 4/92 - Legionnaires 18 9/94