B. Variations in Characters
B.3. Variations involving non-canonical characters
B.3.00. Romo's Pack
Universe: An un-named universe related to the Superboy
TV show
Base: 2240 AD Metropolis
Characteristics: Under the care of a tiger named Romo,
this band of super-powered teens struggles to avoid the authorities.
Departure Point: Unknown
Confirmed Members:

Diamond, Glyder, Romo, Screamdreamer, Shift, Tara, Tarot, Wildstar
Issues Featured:
- SUPERBOY 5 6/90 With Friends Like These...
- ADVENTURES OF SUPERBOY 15 4/91 It's the End of the World
As We Know It (And I Steal Time)
- A deliberate analog to the beginnings of the LSH, this super-group
is by far the most divergant "alternate Legion" we've
seen yet.
- The 1990's SUPERBOY comic is not a part of DC continuity
(whatever that means)
B.3.10. League of Superteens
Universe: Rift (a fusion of Earth-Byrne and Earth-Milestone)
Base: Dakota
Characteristics: A version of the LSH created by the
villain Rift.
Departure Point: Uncertain.
Confirmed Members:
- Adhesive Lad, Burnrubber, Dough Boy II, Fabulous Boy, Fabulous
Man, Fan Boy, Fat Boy, Foxtrot Lass, Frat Boy, Hardware, Hoot-Man,
Icon, Itty-Bitty Girl, Kite Lad, Kodak Kid, Mall Hair Girl, Maniac
5, Phenomenal Lass, Procrastination Lad, Rocket Gal, Seltzer
Lad, Sneeze Lad, Static Lad, Steel, Sterno Lad, Super Nazi-Fighter,
Superman, Transit, Very Big Boy
Issues Featured:
- This story was the climax of the "Worlds Collide"
crossover series.
B.3.20. League of Infinity
Universe: Earth-Image
Base: Time Tower, "constructed down the central
bore of time itself."
Characteristics: Youths from many ages, banded together
to fight crime across time.
Departure Point: Uncertain.
Confirmed Members:
Young Bill Hickok, Witch Wench, Kid Supreme, Future Girl,
Giganthro, Boy Achilles, Aladdin(?)
Issues Featured:
- SUPREME 42 96/9 The Hoaxers from Beyond History
- SUPREME 55 98/12 Silence at Gettysburg
- The League of Infinity appeared in Image Comics.
B.3.30. Legion of
Titanic Heroes
Universe: Dead Earth
Base: Unknown
Characteristics: A legendary group of super-powered
Departure Point: Uncertain.
Confirmed Members:
Nightwing, Robin, Starfire, Supergirl
Issues Featured:
- This fusion of the Legion and the Teen Titans was referred
to as a legendary super-group as part of the 1996 "Legends
of the Dead Earth" series.
B.3.40. Legion of Galactic Guardians
2099 I
Universe: Amalgam
Base: 2099 Earth
Characteristics: A fusion of Marvel and DC heroes.
Departure Point: Uncertain.
Confirmed Members:

Bouncing Ball, Cannonfire, Chameleon, Dream Date, Fantastic Lad, Growing Boy, Invisible Girl, Lady Bug, Living Lightning Lad, Living Lightning Lass, Martinex 5, Molecule Lad, Multiple Maid, Paste-Eater Pete, Phantom Cat, Psi-Girl, Shadowstar, Star Charlie, Sun Lord, Timberwolf by Night, Universe Boy, Vance Cosmic
Issues Featured:
- Spider-Boy Team-Up 1 6/97
- A fusion of DC and Marvel heroes.
B.3.50. Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099 III
Universe: Amalgam; a close analog of B.3.40.
Base: 2099 Earth
Characteristics: A fusion of Marvel and DC heroes.
Departure Point: Uncertain.
Confirmed Members:

Chameleon, Darkstar, Invisible Girl, Lady Bug, 'Lectron, Living Colossus, Martinex 5, Mass, Mig-El, Myriad, Nucleus, Phantom Cat, Phoenetix, Psi-Girl, Sparkler, Universe Boy, Vance Cosmic, Xcel
Issues Featured:
- Spider-Boy Team-Up 1 6/97
- A fusion of DC and Marvel heroes.