B. Variations in Characters
B.4. Other super-groups with a Legion Connection
B.4.00. Legion of Super-Villains I
Universe: Earth-Adult-Legion (an Earth-1 analog)
Characteristics: The Legion of Super-Villains were adult
foes of Superman and the adult Legion of Super-Heroes.
Confirmed Members:
Cosmic King, Lightning Lord, Saturn Queen, Chameleon Chief,
Sun-Emperor, Beauty Blaze, Echo
Issues Featured:
- Many, beginning with SUPERMAN 147 61/08
- The Adult LSH were frequent opponents of Superman, and appeared
occasionally into the Shooter years.
- Little is known conclusively about the relationship of this
Legion of Super-Villains to later versions (B.4.60.
and B.4.80.) According to Who's Who
and no less an authority than Mark Waid (in The Official Legion
of Super-Heroes Illustrated Index), there is no evidence
to conclude that members of the Adult LSV are the grown-up versions
of their teenage counterparts. In addition, Waid identifies at
least two variants of Cosmic King, Lightning Lord, and Saturn
Queen in stories featuring the Adult LSV.
B.4.10. Legion of Super-Pets
Universe: Earth-1
Base: 30th Century Metropolis, oddly enough
Confirmed Members:
Beppo, Comet, Krypto, Proty II, Streaky
Issues Featured:
- Many, beginning with ADVENTURE 293 62/02
- The Super-Pets frequently appeared as supporting characters,
through the end of the Shooter years.
- Proty and Comet had their own telepathic abilities; Saturn
Girl usually "lent" some of her power to Krypto, Streaky,
and Beppo so that they could converse with the other Super-Pets
and with the Legion. (It is also conjectured that Comet and Proty
could, themselves, maintain a telepathic link between the Super-Pets)
B.4.20. Legion of Substitute Heroes
Universe: Earth-1
Base: A mountain cave outside Metropolis in the 30th
Confirmed Members:
Polar Boy, Night Girl, Fire Lad, Chlorophyll Kid, Stone Boy,
Color Kid, Infectious Lass, Porcupine Pete, Double-Header, Antenna
Issues Featured:
- Many, beginning with ADVENTURE 306 63/03
- The Subs frequently appeared as supporting characters.
- Night Girl and Cosmic Boy carried on a long-time romance.
- Stone Boy is one of the few people to turn down an offer
of LSH membership.
- Polar Boy later joined the LSH.
B.4.30. Heroes of Lallor I
Universe: Earth-1
Base: The Planet Lallor
Characteristics: An atomic blast irradiated five couples;
their children were born with super-powers.
Confirmed Members:
Beast Boy (deceased), Gas Girl, Duplicate Boy, Life Lass,
Evolvo Lad
Issues Featured:
- ADVENTURE 324 64/09
- ADVENTURE 339 65/12
- TALES OF THE LSH 317 84/11
- others
- The Heroes of Lallor appeared occasionally as supporting
characters(i.e. during Earthwar and the Great Darkness).
- Duplicate Boy carried on a romance with Shrinking Violet
for many years, frequently appearing as a supporting character.
B.4.40. SCPA: Space Canine Patrol Agents
Universe: Uncertain; perhaps an analog of Captain Carrot's
Base: A planet of Sirius (the Dog Star), apparently
in Superboy's time
Confirmed Members:
Tail Terrier (Top Dog), Hot Dog, Paw Pooch, Chameleon Collie,
Krypto, Bull Dog, Tusky Husky, Mammoth Mutt (deceased), Mammoth
Issues Featured:
- SUPERBOY 131 66/07
- SUPERBOY 132 66/09
- SUPERBOY 136 67/03
- The SCPA and the LSH never met (unless in one of the great
untold stories of the LSH).
- The SCPA was an interstellar law enforcement group of beings
with super-powers; accordingly, some fans have suggested that
the SCPA is the "pre-Crisis" version of L.E.G.I.O.N.
- It has also been suggested that the SCPA was a figment of
Krypto's imagination.
- The connection (if any) between the SCPA and the Green Lantern
G'nort remains (thankfully?) unexplored.
B.4.50. Wanderers I
Universe: Earth-1
Base: A "remote section of the universe" outside
the United Planets; no fixed home.
Characteristics: A wandering band of heroes, each with
their own super-power.
Confirmed Members:
Dartalg, Immorto, Quantum Queen, Celebrand, Elvo, Psyche,
Issues Featured:
- ADVENTURE 375 68/12
- others
- The Wanderers appeared occasionally as supporting characters
(i.e. during Earthwar and the Great Darkness)
B.4.60. Legion of Super-Villains II
Universe: Earth-1
Base: A copy of the Legion Academy on an undisclosed
planet many hours from Earth via faster-than-light travel
Characteristics: A group of super-powered teenagers
and young adults organized expressly for the purpose of defeating
the LSH. Founded by Tarik the Mute.
Confirmed Members:
Tarik the Mute, Nemesis Kid, Spider Girl, Radiation Roy, Ronn
Kar, Lightning Lord
Issues Featured:
- Tarik the Mute's henchmen blackmailed Colossal Boy into helping
to set up the LSV training center.
- The connection between this LSV and the Adult LSV (B.4.00.)
in uncertain. It is conjectured that the Adult LSV is from an
alternate universe or universes, but this remains unproven.
- Members of the LSV appeared frequently as villains.
B.4.70. L.E.G.I.O.N. and R.E.B.E.L.S.
Universe: Earth-Byrne
Base: The Planet Cairn
Characteristics: An interstellar police force
Confirmed Members:
Lobo, Lyrissa Mallor (deceased), Stealth, Garryn Bek, Strata,
Vril Dox, Durlan (R.J. Brande), Lydea Mallor, Marij'n, Phase,
Garv, Telepath, Valor (briefly),
Issues Featured:
- L.E.G.I.O.N. 1 - 70
- R.E.B.E.L.S. 0 - 17
- others
- Many L.E.G.I.O.N.naires were ancestors of (or from the same
planets as) members of the LSH.
- Valor (Lar Gand) served briefly with L.E.G.I.O.N.
- The un-named Durlan associated with L.E.G.I.O.N. became the
R.J. Brande of A.2.70.
- To distinguish it from "Legion," L.E.G.I.O.N. is
sometimes affectionately referred to as "LEG IRON"
- No satisfactory explanation exists for the origin of Phase.
All we know is that she was exchanged with the Durlan by some
magical or temporal entity. Originally, she was assumed to be
the Phantom Girl (Tinya Wazzo) of A.2.70.,
and the exchange was performed by Glorith (of A.2.60.)
Later, during the course of the timeline confusion directly preceding
Zero Hour, she was explained as Tinya's cousin Enya (presumably
also of A.2.70.) In the Earth-Zero
continuum, Apparition (Tinya Wazzo) was half-Carggite, and Phase
was one of her three selves. The exchange was performed by one
of the Luck Lords. (The whereabouts of Tinya's third self are
currently unknown.)
B.4.80. Legion of Super-Villains III
Universe: Earth-1
Base: 30th Century Orando
Characteristics: A bloodthirsty band of LSH opponents,
organized for the purpose of destroying the LSH.
Confirmed Members:
Cosmic King, Spider Girl, Terrus, Ol-Vir, Radiation Roy, Esper
Lass, Lighning Lord, Neutrax, Chameleon Chief, Sun Emperor, Silver
Slasher, Mist Master, Ron Karr, Hunter II, Lazon, Magno Lad,
Micro Lad, Titania, Tyr, Zymyr, Nemesis Kid (executed).
Issues Featured:
- Many, beginning with LSH(v.3) 1
- Members of the LSV, in groups or singly, frequently appeared
as villains.
B.4.90. Wanderers II
Universe: Earth-1
Characteristics: After the Wanderers were killed, a
Controller reincarnated them in clone bodies so that they could
search for their murderer.
Confirmed Members:
Ornithax, Psyche, The Elvar, Dartalon, Quantum Queen, Re-Animage
Issues Featured:
- The reincarnated Wanderers ran into various Legionnaires
now and again.
B.4.100. Legion of Substitute Heroes
Universe: Earth-1
Base: Legion Academy
Characteristics: An ad-hoc group formed from Legion
Academy personnel by Cosmic Boy.
Confirmed Members:
Bouncing Boy, Karate Kid II (Myg), Night Girl, Cosmic Boy,
Duo Damsel, Comet Queen
Issues Featured:
- The second incarnation of the Legion of Substitute Heroes
was a temporary, somewhat ad-hoc group that pledged to assemble
when and if they were needed.
B.4.110. Li'l Legion
Universe: Glorithverse (Earth-2 ??)
Base: The planet Quarantine
Characteristics: A group of super-powered children.
Confirmed Members:
Ivy, Lynk, Spnge, Scales, Garridan Ranzz
Issues Featured:
- Garridan Ranzz was the son of Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl
- Kent Shakespeare, Celeste Rockfish, and Mara Williams were
(unofficial) adult assistants to the Li'l Legion.
B.4.120. Workforce
Universe: Earth-Zero
Base: McCauley Industries, Lunabase
Characteristics: Leland McCauley's hired security force,
rivals to the LSH
Confirmed Members:
Karate Kid (resigned), Live Wire (resigned), Ultra Boy (resigned),
Inferno (fired), Evolvo, Spider Girl, Radion (fired), Particon,
Blast Off (died), Lori Morning
Issues Featured:
- many others
- The Workforce frequently appeared as supporting characters,
as well as a source for new Legionnaires.
- Inferno may be the Earth-Zero counterpart of Fire Lad
- Radion may be the Earth-Zero counterpart of Radiation Roy
B.4.130. Uncanny Amazers
Universe: Earth-Zero
Base: Xanthu
Characteristics: The super-powered champions of the
planet Xanthu
Confirmed Members:
Kid Quantum (deceased), Star Boy, Monstress, Kid Quantum II,
Insect Queen, Atmos, Konk, Atom'x (deceased)
Issues Featured:
- Legionnaires Star Boy, Monstress, and both Kid Quantums were
originally Amazers
B.4.140. Heroes of Lallor II
Universe: Earth-Zero
Base: Lallor
Characteristics: Champions of the planet Lallor
Confirmed Members:
Splitter, Beast Boy, Gas Girl
Issues Featured:
- The Heroes of Lallor appeared occasionally as supporting
characters. Their full story remains to be told.
B.4.150. Legion of Substitute Heroes
Universe: Earth-Zero
Base: Guyana, Earth
Characteristics: A group of LSH rejects
Confirmed Members:
Polar Boy, Night Girl
Issues Featured:
- This third incarnation of the Subs has made cameo appearances,
but their full story remains to be told.