King Arthur & Camelot
Fictional retellings of the classic legends, or stories related to The Matter of Britain.
Associated Genres
Celtic/Gaelic/Welsh Tales
Authors & Titles
- Barron, T.A.: The Lost Years of Merlin series
- The Lost Years of Merlin

- The Seven Songs of Merlin

- The Fires of Merlin

- The Mirror of Merlin

- The Wings of Merlin

- Bradley, Marion Zimmer: Avalon series
(prequel) Ravens of Avalon (by Diana L. Paxson)

(prequel) The Forest House

- The Mists of Avalon

- Lady of Avalon

- Priestess of Avalon

- Ancestors of Avalon (by Diana L. Paxson)

(short stories) Return to Avalon edited by Jennifer Roberson 
(short stories) Out of Avalon edited by Jennifer Roberson 
- Bradshaw, Gillian: Down the Long Wind series

- Hawk of May

- Kingdom of Summer

- In Winter's Shadow

(omnibus volume) Down the Long Wind 
- Chadwick, Elizabeth: First Knight

- Chamberlin, Ann: Joan of Arc Tapestries
- The Merlin of St. Giles' Well

- The Merlin of the Oak Wood

- Chant, Joy: The High Kings

- Chapman, Vera: The Enchantress

- Chopra, Deepak: The Return of Merlin

- The Chronicles of the Round Table edited by Mike Ashley

- Clegg, Douglas: Mordred series

- Mordred, Bastard Son

- Cochran, Molly & Murphy, Warren: Forever King series
- The Forever King

- The Broken Sword

- Cornwell, Bernard: Grail Quest series
- The Archer's Tale

- Vagabond

- Heretic

- Cornwell, Bernard: Warlord Chronicles series
- The Winter King

- Enemy of God

- Excalibur

- Crompton, Anne Eliot: Fey Forest series
- Merlin's Harp

- Percival's Angel

- Crompton, Anne Eliot: Gawain and Lady Green

- David, Peter: Knight series
- Knight Life

- One Knight Only

- Elliott, Anna: Twilight of Avalon series
- Twilight of Avalon

- Dark Moon of Avalon

- Evans, Quinn Taylor: Merlin's Legacy series
- Daughter of Fire

- Daughter of the Mist

- Daughter of the Light

- Shadows of Camelot

- Dawn of Camelot

- Daughter of Camelot

- Figgis, Paddy: On the Bright Road

- Gilman, Laura Anne: Grail Quest series

- The Camelot Spell

- Morgain's Revenge

- The Shadow Companion

- Godwin, Parke: Beloved Exile

- Guler, Kathleen Cunningham: Macsen's Treasure series
- Into the Path of Gods

- In the Shadow of Dragons

- The Anvil Stone

- Hammond, Gerald: Grail for Sale

- Harris, Angelica: Excalibur series

- The Quest for Excalibur

- Excalibur and the Holy Grail

- Hays, Tony: Arthur series

- The Killing Way

- The Divine Sacrifice

- Headlee, Kim: Dawnflight

- Hemingway, Amanda: Sangreal series

- The Greenstone Grail

- The Sword of Straw

- Holdstock, Robert: The Merlin Codex series
- Celtika

- The Iron Grail

- Hollick, Helen: Pendragon series
- The Kingmaking

- Pendragon's Banner

- Shadow of the King

- Irvine, Alexander: One King, One Soldier

- Kay, Guy Gavriel: Fionavar Tapestry series

- The Summer Tree

- The Wandering Fire

- The Darkest Road

- Kemp, Debra A.: House of Pendragon series

- The Firebrand

- Kennealy-Morrison, Patricia: Tales of Arthur
- The Hawk's Gray Feather

- The Oak Above the Kings

- The Hedge of Mist

- King, J. Robert: Arthurian Triptych series
- Mad Merlin

- Lancelot du Lethe

- Le Morte D'Avalon

- Latham, Aaron: Code of the West

- Lawhead, Stephen R.: Pendragon Cycle
- Taliesin

- Merlin

- Arthur

- Pendragon

- Grail

- Avalon: The Return of King Arthur

- Lewis, C.S.: That Hideous Strength

- Mallory, James: Merlin series
- The Old Magic

- The King's Wizard

- End of Magic

- Massie, Allan: Arthur the King

- Matthews, John: The Book of Arthur

- McDowell, Ian: Mordred series
- Mordred's Curse

- Merlin's Gift

- McKenzie, Nancy: Grail Prince

- McKenzie, Nancy: Prince of Dreams

- McKenzie, Nancy: Queen of Camelot

- Miles, Rosalind: Guenevere series
- Guenevere: Queen of the Summer Country

- The Knight of the Sacred Lake

- The Child of the Holy Grail

- Miles, Rosalind: Tristan and Isolde series
- Isolde, Queen of the Western Isle

- The Maid of the White Hands

- The Lady of the Sea

- Morris, Gerald: The Squire's Tales series
- The Squire's Tale

- The Squire, His Knight, and His Lady

- The Savage Damsel and the Dwarf

- Parsifal's Page

- The Ballad of Sir Dinadan

- The Princess, the Crone, and the Dung-Cart Knight

- Paxson, Diana: The Hallowed Isle series
- The Book of the Sword
- The Book of the Spear
(books 1 and 2 published in one volume as The Hallowed Isle
- The Book of the Cauldron

- The Book of the Stone

- Radford, Irene: Merlin's Descendants series
- Guardian of the Balance
- Guardian of the Trust

- Guardian of the Vision

- Guardian of the Promise

- Guardian of the Freedom

- Saberhagen, Fred: Merlin's Bones

- Small, Bertrice: The Dragon Lord's Daughters

- Stewart, Mary: Merlin series
- The Crystal Cave

- The Hollow Hills

- The Last Enchantment

- The Wicked Day

- Stewart, Mary: The Prince and the Pilgrim

- Tarr, Judith: Kingdom of the Grail

- Taylor, Holly: Dreamer's Cycle

- Night Bird's Reign

- Crimson Fire

- Cry of Sorrow

- May Earth Rise

- Telep, Peter: Squire series
- Squire

- Squire's Blood

- Squire's Honor

- Twain, Mark: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

- Vande Velde, Vivian: The Book of Mordred

- Walton, Jo: The King's Peace

- White, T.H.: The Once and Future King

- Whyte, Jack: Camulod Chronicles
- The Skystone

- The Singing Sword

- The Eagles' Brood

- The Saxon Shore

- The Fort at River's Bend

- The Sorceror: Metamorphosis

- Uther

- The Lance Thrower

- Wolf, Joan: Celtic/Saxon series
- The Road to Avalon

- Born of the Sun

- Woolley, Persia: Guinevere trilogy
- Child of the Northern Spring

- Queen of the Summer Stars

- Guinevere: the Legend in Autumn

- Zettel, Sarah: Camelot series
- For Camelot's Honor

- Under Camelot's Banner

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updated: Tuesday, September 28, 2010