Celtic/Gaelic/Welsh Tales
Associated Genres
King Arthur & Camelot
Authors & Titles
- Bradley, Marion Zimmer: The Forest House

- Bragg, Melvyn: The Sword and the Miracle

- Carson, Ciaran: The Táin

- Cullen, Brian: Chalice of Fire series

- Seekers of the Chalice

- The Valley of Shadows

- Cunningham, Elizabeth: Magdalen series
- Daughter of the Shining Isles

- Deitz, Tom: David Sullivan series

- Windmaster's Bane

- Fireshaper's Doom

- Darkthunder's Way

- Sunshaker's War

- Stoneskin's Revenge

- Ghostcountry's Wrath

- Dreamseeker's Road

- Landslayer's Law

- Warstalker's Track

(related title) The Gryphon King 
- DeLint, Charles: Into the Green

- Douglas, L. Warren: The Sacred Pool

- Eickhoff, Randy Lee: He Stands Alone

- Emerald Magic: Great Tales of Irish Fantasy (edited by Andrew Greeley)

- Farrell, S.L.: Cloudmages series
- Holder of Lightning

- Mage of Clouds

- Heir of Stone

- Figgis, Paddy: On the Bright Road

- Forsyth, Kate: The Witches of Eileanan series
- The Witches of Eileanan

- The Pool of Two Moons

- The Cursed Towers

- The Forbidden Land

- The Skull of the World

- The Fathomless Caves

- Gemmell, David: Stones of Power series
- Ghost King

- Last Sword of Power

- Wolf in Shadow

- The Last Guardian

- Bloodstone

- Grundy, Stephan: Rhinegold

- Guler, Kathleen Cunningham: Macsen's Treasure series
- Into the Path of Gods

- In the Shadow of Dragons

- The Anvil Stone

- Hetley, James A.: Summer Country series
- The Summer Country

- The Winter Oak

- Irish Magic: Four Tales of Romance and Enchantment

- Irish Magic II: Four Unforgettable Novellas of Love and Enchantment

- Isaak, Elaine: Lochalyn series

- The Singer's Crown

- The Eunuch's Heir

- Kavanagh, Herminie Templeton: Darby O'Gill

- Lawhead, Stephen R.: Celtic Crusades series
- The Iron Lance

- The Black Rood

- The Mystic Rose

- Llywelyn, Morgan: Bard: the Odyssey of the Irish

- Llywelyn, Morgan: Brian Boru series
- Lion of Ireland

- Pride of Lions

- Llywelyn, Morgan: Druids series
- Druids

- The Greener Shore

- Llywelyn, Morgan: Grania

- Llywelyn, Morgan: The Last Prince of Ireland

- Lukeman, Tim: Witchwood

- Mackey, Mary: Coming of the Horses series
- The Year the Horses Came

- The Horses at the Gate

- Marcellas, Diana: Witch of Two Suns series
- Mother Ocean, Daughter Sea

- The Sea Lark's Song

- Twilight Rising, Serpent's Dream

- Marillier, Juliet: Heart's Blood

- Marillier, Juliet: Sevenwaters series
- Daughter of the Forest

- Son of the Shadows

- Child of the Prophecy

- Marillier, Juliet: Wolfskin series (aka Children of the Light Isles series)
- Wolfskin

- Foxmask

- McCall Smith, Alexander: Dream Angus

- McReynolds, Glenna: Cairn Merioneth series
- The Chalice and the Blade

- Dream Stone

- Miles, Rosalind: Guenevere series
- Guenevere: Queen of the Summer Country

- The Knight of the Sacred Lake

- The Child of the Holy Grail

- Miles, Rosalind: Tristan and Isolde series
- Isolde, Queen of the Western Isle

- The Maid of the White Hands

- The Lady of the Sea

- Mor, Caiseal: The Watchers series
- The Meeting of the Waters

- The King of Sleep

- The Raven Game

- Osborne-McKnight, Juliene: Ireland series
- I Am of Irelaunde

- Daughter of Ireland

- Bright Sword of Ireland

- Song of Ireland

- Scott, Manda: Boudica series
- Dreaming the Eagle

- Dreaming the Bull

- Dreaming the Hound

- Stemple, Adam: Douglas Stewart series

- Singer of Souls

- Steward of Song

- Tarr, Judith: Celtic series
- Lady of Horses

- White Mare's Daughter

- Daughter of Lir

- Taylor, Holly: Dreamer's Cycle

- Night Bird's Reign

- Crimson Fire

- Cry of Sorrow

- May Earth Rise

- Tuttle, Lisa: The Silver Bough

- Waldo, Anna Lee: Madoc series
- Circle of Stones

- Circle of Stars

- Walton, Jo: The King's Peace

- Watson, Jules: Dalriada series

- The White Mare

- The Dawn Stag

- Song of the North

- Watson, Jules: The Swan Maiden

- Wolf, Joan: Celtic/Saxon series
- The Road to Avalon

- Born of the Sun

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updated: Monday, April 05, 2010