Tales of the timeless transition from childhood to adulthood.
(NOTE: This category contains adult books which feature children, teen, or young adult characters -- not books aimed at a teen or young adult audience.)
Authors & Titles
- Adam, Christina: Love and Country

- Alcott, Louisa May: Little Women

- Alther, Lisa: Kinflicks

- Ammaniti, Niccolò: I'm Not Scared

- Appelfeld, Aharon: All Whom I Have Loved

- Appleton, Janet: That Summer

- Ashworth, Andrea: Once in a House on Fire (England, contemporary [1990s])

- Askari, Brent: Not Ready for Prime Time

- Babcock, Joe: The Boys and the Bees

- Baldacci, David: Wish You Well

- Ballard, J.G.: Empire of the Sun

NOTE: a sequel was published in 1992: The Kindness of Women

- Bardi, Abby: The Book of Fred

- Barkdull, Larry: Cold Train Coming

- Barkdull, Larry: The Mourning Dove

- Barry, Lynda: Cruddy

- Basu, Jay: The Stars Can Wait

- Bathurst, Bella: Special

- Bausch, Richard: Good Evening Mr. & Mrs. America, and All the Ships At Sea

- Bellows, Nathaniel: On This Day

- Bialosky, Jill: House Under Snow

- Bird, Sarah: The Flamenco Academy

- Bird, Sarah: The Yokota Officers Club

- Black, Jim: River Season

- Blau, Jessica Anya: The Summer of Naked Swim Parties

- Boren, Karen Lee: Girls in Peril

- Borofka, David: The Island

- Bouraoui, Nina: Tomboy

- Bowen, Elizabeth: The Last September

- Boyden, Amanda: Pretty Little Dirty

- Braff, Joshua: The Unthinkable Thoughts of Jacob Green

- Brewer, Sonny: A Sound Like Thunder

- Broder, Bill: Taking Care of Cleo

- Brook, Rhidian: The Testimony of Taliesin Jones

- Brown, Carrie: The Rope Walk

- Brown, Joe David: Paper Moon

- Browner, Jesse: Everything Happens Today

- Burchill, Julie: Sugar Rush

- Burgess, Melvin: Doing It

- Burks, Cris: Neecey's Lullaby

- Burton, Rainelle: The Root Worker

- Bynum, Sarah Shun-Lien: Madeleine is Sleeping

- Cadre, Adam: Ready, Okay!

- Caldwell, V.M.: Runt

- Carter, Betsy: Swim to Me

- Carter, Vincent O.: Such Sweet Thunder

- Cauley, Harry: Millersburg

- Charles, Bryan: Grab On to Me Tightly As If I Knew The Way

- Chen, Ran: A Private Life

- Childress, Mark: Crazy in Alabama

- Childress, Mark: One Mississippi

- Chong, Kevin: Baroque-A-Nova

- Chorão, Ian: Bruiser

- Chun, Sue: Beijing Doll

- Clair, Maxine: October Suite

- Clarke, Brock: The Ordinary White Boy

- Clauser, Suzanne: A Girl Named Sooner

- Coe, Jonathan: Rotter's Club

(NOTE: This title is part of the Rotter's Club series, listed under Satire)
- Cofer, Judith Ortiz: The Meaning of Consuelo

- Cohen, Leah Hager: Heat Lightning

- Cook, K.L.: The Girl From Charnelle

- Courtenay, Bryce: The Power of One

- Craze, Galaxy: May series

- By the Shore

- Tiger, Tiger

- Cronin, A.J.: A Song of Sixpence

- Cullin, Mitch: Whompyjawed

- Cunningham, M. Allen: The Green Age of Asher Witherow

- Daniels, N. Frank: Futureproof

- Davis, Amanda: Wonder When You'll Miss Me

- Davis, Bridgett M.: Shifting Through Neutral

- Day, Angie: The Way to Somewhere

- Deane, Seamus: Reading in the Dark

- Dierbeck, Lisa: One Pill Makes You Smaller

- Di Filippo, Paul: Roadside Bodhisattva

- Dolby, Tom: The Sixth Form

- Donner, Rebecca: Sunset Terrace

- Donoghue, Emma: Stir-Fry

- Doster, Stephen: Lord Baltimore

- Duchovny, Avram: Coney

- Duffy, Bruce: Last Comes the Egg

- Dunthorne, Joe: Submarine

- Durkee, Lee: Rides of the Midway

- Earley, Tony: Jim Glass series
- Jim the Boy

- The Blue Star

- Eidus, Janice: The War of the Rosens

- Eppes, Cindy: South of Reason

- Eprile, Tony: The Persistence of Memory

- Ferguson, Drew: The Screwed Up Life of Charlie the Second

- Ferrell, Monica: The Answer is Always Yes

- Fischer, Jackie Moyer: An Egg on Three Sticks

- Fletcher, Susan: Eve Green

- Foley, Mick: Tietam Brown

- Ford, Darnella: Finding Me

- Francis, Brian: Fruit

- Freda, Joseph: The Patience of Rivers

- Freedman, J.F.: The Obstacle Course

- Freud, Esther: Love Falls

- Fuerst, James W.: Huge

- Fuqua, Jonathon Scott: Gone and Back Again

- Fuqua, Jonathon Scott: The Reappearance of Sam Webber

- Fusco, John: Paradise Salvage

- Garigliano, Jeff: Dogface

- Gatewood, Robert: The Sound of the Trees

- Gearino, G.D.: Blue Hole

- Gibb, Camilla: Mouthing the Words

- Gilchrist, Ellen: Net of Jewels

- Glancy, Diane: Flutie

- Godden, Rumer: Pippa Passes

- Godden, Rumer: Thursday's Child

- Godfrey, Rebecca: The Torn Skirt

- Goldberg, Natalie: Banana Rose

- Goodman, Eric: Child of My Right Hand

- Gordon, Jacquie: Flanders Point

- Gottlieb, Eli: The Boy Who Went Away

- Greenlaw, Lavinia: Mary George of Allnorthover

- Greenway, Alice: White Ghost Girls

- Guene, Faiza: Kiffe Kiffe Tomorrow

- Gunn, James: The Toy Collector

- Gunn, Kirsty: Rain

- Gunn, Neil: Morning Tide

- Haines, Carolyn: Summer of the Redeemers

- Handler, Daniel: The Basic Eight (High School, 1990s)

- Harfenist, Jean: A Brief History of the Flood

- Harper, Rachel M.: Brass Ankle Blues

- Harris, Fred: Following the Harvest

- Hart, Lenore: Waterwoman

- Hawke, Ethan: The Hottest State

- Hays, Tommy: In the Family Way (South Carolina, 1960s)

- Hedges, Peter: An Ocean in Iowa

- Hegi, Ursula: Sacred Time

- Helms, Beth: Dervishes

- Hepinstall, Kathy: The Absence of Nectar

- Hermann, Nellie: The Cure for Grief

- Hesse, Herman: Demian

- Hill, Mars: The Moaner's Bench

- Hollingsworth, A.B.: Chipper DeHart series
- Flatbellies

- University Boulevard

- Hornbacher, Marya: The Center of Winter

- Hornburg, Michael: Downer's Grove

- Huffey, Rhoda: The Hallelujah Side

- Huston, Charlie: The Shotgun Rule

- Hyland, M.J.: Carry Me Down

- Hyland, M.J.: How the Light Gets In

- Inman, Robert: Dairy Queen Days

- Jackson, Jeremy: In Summer

- Jarrar, Randa: A Map of Home

- Jenkins, Emily: Mister Posterior and the Genius Child

- Johnson, Dedra: Sandrine's Letter to Tomorrow

- Johnson, Wayne: The Devil You Know

- Johnston, Wayne: The Divine Ryans

- Johnston, Wayne: Human Amusements

- Jong-Fast, Molly: Normal Girl

- Joyce, Graham: The Facts of Life

- Kalpakian, Laura: Educating Waverly

- Kaplow, Robert: Me and Orson Welles

- Keegan, Nicola: Swimming

- Kenry, Chris: Uncle Max

- Kersh, Jack: Hotel Sarajevo

- Khedairi, Betool: A Sky So Close

- Kidd, Chip: Happy series
- The Cheese Monkeys

- The Learners

- Kimmel, Haven: Something Rising (Light and Swift)

- Kincaid, Jamaica: Annie John

- Kincaid, Jamaica: Lucy

- King, Lily: The Pleasing Hour

- King, Stephen: novella "The Body" in his collection Different Seasons

- King, Tabitha: One on One

- Kirshenbaum, Binnie: An Almost Perfect Moment

- Klein, Rachel: The Moth Diaries

- Kowalski, William: The Adventures of Flash Jackson

- Kowalski, William: Eddie's Bastard

- Kramon, Justin: Finny

- Lalwani, Nikita: Gifted

- Lamb, Wally: She's Come Undone

- Lazar, Zachary: Aaron, Approximately

- LaZebnik, Claire Scovell: Same As It Never Was

- Lefcourt, Peter: Eleven Karens

- Lerner, Lisa: Just Like Beauty

- Lessing, Doris: Ben Lovatt series
- The Fifth Child

- Ben, in the World

- lê thi diem thúy: The Gangster We Are All Looking For

- Levy, B.S.: Last Open Road series (aka Buddy Palumbo series)
- The Last Open Road

- Montezuma's Ferrari

- The Fabulous Trashwagon

- Leyner, Mark: The Tetherballs of Bougainville

- Lott, Bret: The Hunt CLub

- Ludington, Max: Tiger in a Trance

- Lukas, Susan: Fat Emily

- Luna, Louisa: Brave New Girl

- MacDonald, Ann-Marie: The Way the Crow Flies

- MacLaverty, Bernard: The Anatomy School

- MacLeod, Alistair: No Great Mischief

- Magruder, James: Sugarless

- Makine, Andrei: Dreams of My Russian Summers

- Malloy, Brian: The Year of Ice

- Mantel, Hilary: An Experiment in Love

- Martinez, Manuel Luis: Drift

- Mathews, Lou: L.A. Breakdown

- May, Jesse: Shut Up and Deal

- McBride, Shawn: Green Grass Grace

- McCabe, Patrick: The Butcher Boy

- McCafferty, Megan: Jessica Darling series
- Sloppy Firsts

- Second Helpings

- Charmed Thirds

- Fourth Comings

- Perfect Fifths

- McCandless, Sarah Grace: The Girl I Wanted To Be

- McCandless, Sarah Grace: Grosse Pointe Girl

- McLain, Paula: A Ticket to Ride

- McComas, Paul: Planet of the Dates

- McCorkle, Jill: The Cheer Leader

- McDermott, Alice: Child of My Heart

- McDonell, Nick: Twelve

- McFarland, Dennis: Prince Edward

- McNally, John: The Book of Ralph

- McNeil, Jean: Hunting Down Home

- McNicholl, Damian: A Son Called Gabriel

- Meallet, Sandro: Edgewater Angels

- Melville, Herman: Redburn

- Mendelsohn, Jane: Innocence

- Meno, Joe: Hairstyles of the Damned

- Merrick, Elizabeth: Girly

- Merullo, Roland: The Talk-Funny Girl

- Miller, Heather Ross: Champeen

- Miller, Karen E. Quinones: Using What You Got

- Minot, Eliza: The Tiny One

- Minot, Susan: Monkeys

- Mitcham, Judson: Sabbath Creek

- Mitchell, David: Black Swan Green

- Mitchell, David: Number9Dream

- Monroe, Mary: God Don't Like Ugly

(NOTE: This title is part of the Annette Goode & Rhoda Nelson series, listed under Sistahs)
- Moore, Michael Scott: Too Much of Nothing

- Moore, Susanna: The Whiteness of Bones

- Moriarty, Jaclyn: Feeling Sorry for Celia

- Morris, Michael: Slow Way Home

- Mosby, Katherine: The Season of Lillian Dawes

- Mosher, Howard Frank: Waiting for Teddy Williams

- Murphy, Peter: John the Revelator

- Murray, Paul: Skippy Dies

- Nelson, Lisa: Playing Botticelli

- Nicholls, David: A Question of Attraction

- Nicholson, Joy: The Tribes of Palos Verdes

- Niemi, Mikael: Popular Music from Vittula

- Nolan, Han: Born Blue

- Norman, Howard: The Bird Artist

- O'Dell, Tawni: Back Roads

- Odhiambo, David: Kipligat's Chance

- O'Neill, Heather: Lullabies for Little Criminals

- Paul, Jasmine: A Girl, in Parts

- Peacock, Nancy: Life Without Water (North Carolina, 1960s)

- Peck, Dale: What We Lost

- Peck, Robert Newton: A Day No Pigs Would Die (Vermont Shakers, contemporary [1970s])

- Pedersen, Laura: Hallie Palmer series

- Beginner's Luck

- Heart's Desire

- Perrotta, Tom: The Wishbones (New Jersey, 1970s)

- Peterson, Ray: Cowkind (1960s)

- Phillips, Jayne Anne: Lark and Termite

- Phillips, Jayne Anne: Shelter

- Phillips, Max: Snakebite Sonnet

- Picoult, Jodi: My Sister's Keeper
- Pierson, DC: The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep and Never Had To

- Pietrzyk, Leslie: A Year and A Day

- Poirier, Mark Jude: Modern Ranch Living

- Pope, Dan: In the Cherry Tree

- Porter, Connie: Imani All Mine

- Portes, Andrea: Hick

- Quindlen, Anna: Object Lessons

- Raleigh, Michael: In the Castle of the Flynns

- Ran Chen: A Private Life

- Raucher, Herman: Summer of '42

- Reed, Terry: The Full Cleveland

- Reid, Nicole Louise: In the Breeze of Passing Things

- Reidy, Sue: The Visitation

- Reiken, Frederick: Rubin Family series
- The Odd Sea

- The Lost Legends of New Jersey

- Reynald, Lance: Pop Salvation

- Reynolds, Clay: Monuments

- Reynolds, Sheri: The Sweet In-Between

- Riggs, Jack: When the Finch Rises

- Rinaldi, Ann: The Last Silk Dress

- Rivers, Caryl: Virgins

- Roberts, Karen: The Flower Boy

- Robinson, C. Kelly: Between Brothers

- Robinson, Marilynne: Housekeeping

- Roers, Walter J.: The Pact

- Roesch, Mattox: Sometimes We're Always Real Same-Same

- Rose, Joanna: Little Miss Strange

- Rosenfeld, Stephanie: Massachusetts, California, Timbuktu

- Rosoff, Meg: What I Was

- Roth, Philip: Indignation

- Roth, Philip: Portnoy's Complaint

- Rubio, Gwyn Hyman: Icy Sparks

- Salzman, Mark: The Laughing Sutra

- Sanchez, Alex: Rainbow Boys

- Santana, Patricia: Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of Tranquility

- Saterstrom, Selah: The Meat and Spirit Plan

- Satyal, Rakesh: Blue Boy

- Searles, John: Boy Still Missing

- Shapiro, Anna: Living on Air

- Shepard, Jim: Project X

- Shimko, Bonnie: Letters in the Attic

- Shrake, Bud: Billy Boy

- Siddons, Anne Rivers: Downtown

- Siddons, Anne Rivers: Sweetwater Creek

- Silver, Marisa: The God of War

- Silvers, Ester Katz: Sondra's Search

- Simmons, Charles: Salt Water

- Singleton, George: Why Dogs Chase Cars

- Sittenfeld, Curtis: The Man of My Dreams

- Sittenfeld, Curtis: Prep

- Skyler, Heather: The Perfect Age

- Sloan, Kay: The Patron Saint of Red Chevys

- Smith, Danyel: More Like Wrestling

- Smith, Dodie: I Capture the Castle

- Spanbauer, Tom: Now is the Hour

- Spatz, Gregory: No One But Us

- Spence, Alan: Way to Go

- Spitz, Marc: How Soon is Never?

- Stuart, Sebastian: The Hour Between

- Sullivan, Mary: Ship Sooner

- Swann, Maxine: Serious Girls

- Tanney, Katherine: Carousel of Progress

- Taylor, Julie: Franco American Dreams

- TeBordo, Christian: We Go Liquid

- Thayer, Cynthia: Strong for Potatoes

- Thompson, Julian F.: Terry and the Pirates

- Toews, Miriam: A Complicated Kindness

- Towler, Katherine: Snow Island

- Tremain, Rose: The Way I Found Her

- Trevor, William: The Story of Lucy Gault

- Troyan, Sasha: Angels in the Morning

- Tyau, Kathleen: A Little Too Much Is Enough

- Tyler, Sandra: Blue Glass

- Udall, Brady: The Miracle LIfe of Edgar Mint

- Voigt, Cynthia: Tillerman series
- Homecoming

- Dicey's Song

- A Solitary Blue

- The Runner

- Come a Stranger

- Sons From Afar

- Seventeen Against the Dealer

- Wagner, Bruce: I'll Let You Go

- Warner, Sally: Finding Hattie

- Watson, Larry: Laura

- Watson, Larry: Montana 1948

- Watson, Sterling: Sweet Dream Baby

- Weisberg, Joseph: 10th Grade

- Weld, William F.: Stillwater

- Wesley, Mary: Part of the Furniture

- Whiteford, Mary: If Wishes Were Horses

- Whitehead, Colson: Sag Harbor

- Whitehouse, Lucie: The House at Midnight

- Wildgen, Michelle: You're Not You

- Wieringa, Tommy: Joe Speedboat

- Williamson, Debrah: Singing With the Top Down

- Williamson, Eric Miles: East Bay Grease

- Willis, Sarah: Some Things That Stay

- Wilson, Cintra: Colors Insulting to Nature

- Witt, Martha: Broken As Things Are

- Wittenborn, Dirk: Fierce People

- Wolff, Tobias: Old School

- WoodBrown, V. Diane: Halfborn Woman

- Woodson, Jacqueline: Autobiography of a Family Photo

- Woolf, Virginia: Jacob's Room

- Wouk, Herman: Marjorie Morningstar

- Wroblewski, David: The Story of Edgar Sawtelle

- Youngblood, Shay: Black Girl in Paris

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updated: Thursday, October 06, 2011