SF: ESP and Psionics
Telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, and other
powers of the mind.
Related Genres
Superman & Superwoman/Next Stage
Authors & Titles
- Ashwell, Pauline: Project Farcry

- Barnes, John: Candle

- Bester, Alfred: The Demolished Man

- Bradley, Marion Zimmer: Darkover series
In order of publication (as preferred by the author):
- The Planet Savers

- Star of Danger

- Winds of Darkover

- The World Wreckers

- Darkover Landfall

- The Spell Sword (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #1)

- The Heritage of Hastur (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #1)

- The Shattered Chain (Renunciates Trilogy #1)

- The Forbidden Tower (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #2)

- Stormqueen!

- The Bloody Sun (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #3)

- Two to Conquer

- Sharra's Exile (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #2)

- Hawkmistress!

- Thendara House (Renunciates Trilogy #2)

- City of Sorcery (Renunciates Trilogy #3)

- The Heirs of Hammerfell

- Rediscovery (with Mercedes Lackey)

- Exile's Song (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #1) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

- The Shadow Matrix (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #2) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

- Traitor's Sun (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #3) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

- The Fall of Neskaya (with Deborah J. Ross)(Clingfire Trilogy #1)

- Zandru's Forge (with Deborah J. Ross)(Clingfire Trilogy #2)

- Flame in Hali (Clingfire Trilogy #3)

- The Reluctant King (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #3) (not yet published)
- Thunderlord (not yet published)
In chronological order:
- Darkover Landfall

- Stormqueen!

- Thunderlord (not yet published)
- The Fall of Neskaya (with Deborah J. Ross) (Clingfire Trilogy #1)

- Zandru's Forge (with Deborah J. Ross)(Clingfire Trilogy #2)

- Flame in Hali (Clingfire Trilogy #3)

- Hawkmistress!

- Two to Conquer

- The Heirs of Hammerfell

- Rediscovery (with Mercedes Lackey)

- The Spell Sword (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #1)

- The Forbidden Tower (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #2)

- The Shattered Chain (Renunciates Trilogy #1)

- Thendara House (Renunciates Trilogy #2)

- City of Sorcery (Renunciates Trilogy #3)

- Star of Danger

- Winds of Darkover

- The Bloody Sun (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #3)

- The Heritage of Hastur (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #1)

- The Planet Savers

- Sharra's Exile (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #2)

- The Reluctant King (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #3) (not yet published)
- The World Wreckers

- Exile's Song (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #1) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

- Shadow Matrix (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #2) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

- Traitor's Sun (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #3) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

Omnibus Editions: 
- The Ages of Chaos (contains Stormqueen! and Hawkmistress!)

- Darkover: First Contact (contains Darkover Landfall and Two to Conquer)

- The Forbidden Circle (contains The Spell Sword and The Forbidden Tower)

- Heritage and Exile (contains The Heritage of Hastur and Sharra's Exile)

- The Saga of the Renunciates (contains The Shattered Chain, Thendara House, and City of Sorcery)

- To Save a World (contains The World Wreckers and The Planetsavers)

- A World Divided (contains Star of Danger, The Bloody Sun, and The Winds of Darkover)

Darkover anthologies:
- The Keeper's Price

- Sword of Chaos

- Free Amazons of Darkover

- The Other Side of the Mirror

- Red Sun of Darkover

- Four Moons of Darkover

- Domains of Darkover

- Renunciates of Darkover

- Leroni of Darkover

- Towers of Darkover

- Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover

- Snows of Darkover

- Carmody, Isobelle: Obernewtyn Chronicles
- Obernewtyn

- The Farseekers

- Ashling

- Caselberg, Jay: Jack Stein series
- Wyrmhole

- Metal Sky

- The Star Tablet

- Chepaitis, B.A.: Planetoid Prison series
- The Fear Principle

- The Fear of God

- Learning Fear

- David, Peter: Psi-Man series
- Mind-Force Warrior

- Deathscape

- Main Street DOA

- The Chaos Kid

- Stalker

- Haven

- DeLancie, John & Cool, Tom: Soldier of Light

- Dick, Philip K.: Ubik

- Gotlieb, Phyllis: Lyhhrt series
- Flesh and Gold

- Violent Stars

- Mindworlds

- Gotlieb, Phyllis: Sunburst

- Haber, Karen: Kayla John Reed series
- Woman Without a Shadow

- The War Minstrels

- Sister Blood

- Hamilton, Peter F.: Greg Mandel series
- Mindstar Rising

- A Quantum Murder

- The Nano Flower

- Harper, Steven: Silent Empire series
- Dreamer

- Nightmare

- Trickster

- Offspring

- Ingrid, Charles: Marked Man series
- The Marked Man

- The Last Recall

(published in one volume as The Marked Man Omnibus
- Marley, Louise: Singers of Nevya series

- Sing the Light

- Sing the Warmth

- Receive the Gift

(omnibus volume) The Singers of Nevya (contains all three titles) 
- McCaffrey, Anne: Talents series (aka Pegasus series)(aka Rowan series)
- To Ride Pegasus

- Pegasus in Flight

- Pegasus in Space

- The Rowan

- Damia

- Damia's Children

- The Tower and the Hive

- Lyon's Pride

- McCarthy, Kevin & Silva, David: Family series
- Special Effects

- Into the Darkness

- Meade, Phil: PsiScouts series
- At Risk

- Nasir, Jamil: Distance Haze

- Norton, Andre: Beast Master series
- The Beast Master

- Lord of Thunder

- Beast Master's Ark (with Lyn McConchie)

- Beast Master's Circus (with Lyn McConchie)

- Owens, Robin D.: Heart series

- HeartMate

- Heart Thief

- Heart Duel

- Heart Choice

- Heart Quest

- Heart Dance

- Heart Fate

- Sakers, Don: Dance for the Ivory Madonna

(NOTE: This title is part of the Scattered Worlds series, listed under Space Opera)
- Schmitz, James H.: Federation of the Hub series
- Telzey Amberdon

- TNT: Telzey and Trigger

- Trigger and Friends

- The Hub: Dangerous Territory

- Schmitz, James H.: Karres series

- The Witches of Karres

- The Wizard of Karres (posthumous sequel by Mercedes Lackey, Eric Flint, & Dave Freer)

- Vinge, Joan: Cat series
- Psion

- Catspaw

- Dreamfall

- Wentworth, K.D.: House of Moons series
- Moonspeaker

- White, Steve: Forge of the Titans

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updated: Monday, April 05, 2010