SF: Superman & Superwoman/Next Stage
Science fiction stories of individuals or groups, often outcast,
who are the next stage in human evolution.
Related Genres
Based on Comics/Graphic Novels
Immortals & Immortality
Authors & Titles
- Barnes, Steven: Charisma

- Baxter, Stephen: Destiny's Children series
(NOTE: This series is part of Baxter's Xeelee series, listed under Far Future/Clarke's Law)
- Coalescent

- Exultant

- Clough, Brenda: Pearl of Immortality series
- How Like a God

- Doors of Death and Life

- Eskridge, Kelley: Solitaire

- Foster, M.A.: Transformer series

- The Morphodite

- Transformer

- Preserver

(omnibus volume) The Transformer Trilogy (includes all three titles) 
- Gonsalves, Jeff: The Subnorms

- Gotlieb, Phyllis: Sunburst

- Koontz, Dean: Watchers

- Kress, Nancy: Sleepless series
- Beggars in Spain

- Beggars and Choosers

- The Mutant Files (edited by Marthin H. Greenberg & John Helfers)

- Pohl, Frederik: Man Plus

- Robinson, Frank M.: Waiting

- Robson, Justina: Natural History

- Silverberg, Robert: Dying Inside

- van Vogt, A.E.: Null-A series

- The World of Null-A

- The Players of Null-A (aka The Pawns of Null-A)

- Null-A Three

- Null-A Continuum by John C. Wright

- Van Vogt, A.E.: Slan series
- Slan

- Slan Hunter (posthumous collaboration with Kevin J. Anderson)

- Williamson, Jack: Brother to Demons, Brother to Gods

- Williamson, Jack: Dragon's Island

- Williamson, Jack: Firechild

- Williamson, Jack: The Moon Children

- Zeddies, Ann Tonsor: Steel Helix

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updated: Monday, July 26, 2010