Elfpunk/Urban Fantasy
Fantasy stories of elves, dragons, and other denizens of faerie set in mean and gritty city streets.
Related Genres
Magical Realism
The New Weird
Paranormal Thrillers
Unicorns in the Garden
Unreal Cities
Vampyre Gothic
Authors & Titles
- Anthony, Piers & Leming, Ron: The Gutbucket Quest

- Asprin, Robert & Nye, Jody Lynn: License Invoked

- Bacon-Smith, Camille: Daemon series

- Eye of the Daemon

- Eyes of the Empress

(omnibus volume) Daemons, Inc. (contains Eye of the Daemon and Eyes of the Empress) 
(ominbus volume) Daemon Eyes (contains Eye of the Daemon, Eyes of the Empress, and a newly-written prologue) 
- Beagle, Peter S.: The Folk of the Air

- Bear, Greg: Songs of Earth and Power

- Boyett, Steven R.: Ariel series

- Ariel

- Elegy Beach

- Brooks, Terry: Word and Void series
(NOTE: The Genesis of Shannara links this series to the Shannara series, listed under Epic Fantasy.)
- Running With the Demon

- Knight of the Word

- Angel Fire East

Genesis of Shannara series:
- Armageddon's Children

- The Elves of Cintra

- Carroll, Lee: Black Swan Rising series

- Black Swan Rising

- The Watchtower

- Cunningham, Elaine: Changeling series
- Shadows in the Darkness

- Shadows in the Starlight

- deLint, Charles: Newford series
- Dreams Underfoot

- Memory and Dream

- The Ivory and the Horn

- Trader

- Someplace To Be Flying

- Moonlight and Vines

- The Onion Girl

- Tapping the Dream Tree

- Spirits in the Wires

- Widdershins

- Promises to Keep

(short stories) Triskell Tales

(short stories) Triskell Tales 2

(short stories) Muse and Reverie

- Ford, John M.: The Last Hot Time

- Ford, Peter Shann: The Keeper of Dreams

- Frost, P.R.: Hounding the Moon

- Gilman, Laura Anne: Retrievers series

- Staying Dead

- Curse the Dark

- Bring it On

- Burning Bridges

- Free Fall

- Golden, Christopher & Lebbon, Tim: Mind the Gap

- Goodkind, Terry: The Law of Nines

- Hamilton, Laurell K.: Meredith Gentry series
- A Kiss of Shadows

- A Caress of Twilight

- Seduced by Moonlight

- A Stroke of Midnight

- Mistral's Kiss

- A Lick of Frost

- Swallowing Darkness

- Divine Misdemeanors

- Huff, Tanya: The Enchantment Emporium

- Kadrey, Richard: Sandman Slim

- Lackey, Mercedes: SERRAted Edge series
- Born to Run (with Larry Dixon)

- Wheels of Fire (with Mark Shepherd)

- When the Bough Breaks (with Holly Lisle)

- Chrome Circle (with Larry Dixon)

#1 and #4 also published in one volume as The Chrome Borne 
- The Otherworld (with Mark Shepherd & Holly Lisle)

- Bedlam's Bard (with Ellen Guon) (Bedlam's Bard #1)

- Beyond World's End (with Rosemary Edghill) (Bedlam's Bard #2)

- Spirits White as Lightning (with Rosemary Edghill) (Bedlam's Bard #3)

- Mad Maudlin (with Rosemary Edghill) (Bedlam's Bard #4)

- Lebbon, Tim & Golden, Christopher: Mind the Gap

- Lukyanenko, Sergei: Night Watch series

- Night Watch

- Day Watch

- Murphy, C.E.: Joanne Walker series

- Urban Shaman

- Thunderbird Falls

- Coyote Dreams

- Walking Dead

- Demon Hunts

- Murphy, C.E. Negotiator series

- Heart of Stone

- Robson, Justina: Quantum Gravity series

- Keeping It Real

- Selling Out

- Going Under

- Chasing the Dragon

- Rowland, Diana: Kara Gillian series

- Mark of the Demon

- Sedia, Ekaterina: The Secret History of Moscow

- Shirley, John: Bleak History

- Snyder, Midori & Yolen, Jane: Except the Queen

- Stemple, Adam: Douglas Stewart series

- Singer of Souls

- Steward of Song

- Swann, S. Andrew: Kline Maxwell series

- The Dragons of the Cuyahoga

- The Dwarves of Whiskey Island

- Swanwick, Michael: Iron Dragon series

- The Iron Dragon's Daughter

- The Dragons of Babel

- Vaughn, Carrie: Discord's Apple

- Yolen, Jane & Snyder, Midori: Except the Queen

- Zielinski, Stephan: Bad Magic

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updated: Monday, July 25, 2011