Unreal Cities
Fantastic and magical cities.
Related Genres
Inside & Outside/Fortress City
Magical Realism
The New Weird
Urban Fantasy/Elfpunk
Authors & Titles
- Ajvaz, Michal: The Other City

- Barnett, Lisa & Scott, Melissa: Points series (aka Astreiant series)
- Point of Hopes

- Point of Dreams

- Campbell, Alan: Deepgate Codex series

(prequel) Lye Street 
- Scar Night

- Iron Angel

- God of Clocks

- Ford, Jeffrey: Well-Built City series
- The Physiognomy

- Memoranda

- Frost, Gregory: Shadowbridge series

- Shadowbridge

- Lord Tophet

- Gilman, Felix: Ararat series
- Thunderer

- Gears of the City

- Harrison, M. John: Viriconium series

- The Pastel City

- A Storm of Wings

- The Floating Gods

- Viriconium Nights

(omnibus volume) Viriconium (contains all four titles) 
- Meaney, John: Bone Song

- Miéville, China: The City & the City

- Miéville, China: New Crobuzon series
- Perdido Street Station

- The Scar

- Iron Council

- Monette, Sarah: Melusine series
- Melusine

- The Virtu

- The Mirador

- Corambis

- Newton, Mark Charan: Legends of the Red Sun series

- Nights of Villjamur

- Phillips, Holly: The Engine's Child

- Reeve, Philip: The Hungry City Chronicles
- Mortal Engines

- Predator's Gold

- Valente, Catherynne M.: Palimpsest

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updated: Wednesday, November 03, 2010