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Historical: Biographical
Fictionalized biographies of real historical characters.
Authors & Titles
- Mahfouz, Naguib: Akhenaten: Dweller in Truth

Louisa May Alcott
- McNees, Kelly O'Connor: The Lost Summer of Louisa May Alcott

Alexander the Great
- Nicastro, Nicholas: Empire of Ashes

- Pressfield, Steven: The Virtues of War

- Renault, Mary: Alexander the Great series
- Fire From Heaven

- The Persian Boy

- Funeral Games

James Jesus Angleton
- Buckley, William F. Jr.: Spytime

Fatty Arbuckle
- Stahl, Jerry: I, Fatty

- Bradshaw, Gillian: The Sand-Reckoner

Benedict Arnold
- Harr, John Ensor: Dark Eagle

John James Audubon
- Brown, John Gregory: Audubon's Watch

Jane Austen
- Moser, Nancy: Just Jane

Oswaldo Barreto Miliani
- St. Aubin de Teran, Lisa: Swallowing Stones

Clyde Barrow (see Bonnie & Clyde)
Clara Barton
- Day, Ava Dianne: Cut to the Heart

Vanessa Bell
- Sellers, Susan: Vanessa & Virginia

Sarah Bernhardt
- Braver, Adam: Divine Sarah

Billy the Kid
- Brooks, Bill: The Stone Garden

- McMurtry, Larry: Anything for Billy

- Vernon, John: Lucky Billy

William & Kate Blake
- Warner, Janet: Other Sorrows, Other Joys

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
- Hower, Edward: Shadows and Elephants

Anne Boleyn
- Dunn, Suzannah: The Queen of Subtleties

- Gardner, Laurien: A Lady Raised High

(NOTE: This title is part of the Wives of Henry VIII series, listed under Historical Fiction: 1500s)
- Lofts, Norah: The Concubine

- Maxwell, Robin: Mademoiselle Boleyn

Josephine Bonaparte
- Gulland, Sandra: Josephine Bonaparte series
- The Many Lives and Secret Sorrows of Josephine B.

- Tales of Passion, Tales of Woe

- The Last Great Dance on Earth

Napoleon Bonaparte
- Rambaud, Patrick: Napoleon series

- The Battle

- The Reatreat

- Napoleon's Exile

Bonnie & Clyde
- Brooks: Bonnie and Clyde

Lizzie Borden
- Engstrom, Elizabeth: Lizzie Borden

- Hunter, Evan: Lizzie

Lucrezia Borgia
- Faunce, John: Lucrezia Borgia

- Scott, Manda: Boudica series
- Dreaming the Eagle

- Dreaming the Bull

- Dreaming the Hound

Jim Bowie
- Eickhoff, Randy Lee: Bowie

Brontë Family
- Hughes, Glyn: Brontë

John Brown
- Banks, Russell: Cloudsplitter

Elizabeth Berrett Browning
- Forster, Margaret: Lady's Maid

Giordano Bruno
Chang and Eng Bunker
- Slouka, Mark: God's Fool

- Strauss, Darin: Chang and Eng

Aaron Burr
- Vidal, Gore: Burr

(This title is part of Vidal's American Empire series, listed under Great American Novels)
Julius Caesar
- Iggulden, Conn: Emperor series

- Emperor: the Gates of Rome

- Emperor: The Death of Kings

- Emperor: The Field of Swords

Calamity Jane
- McMurtry, Larry: Buffalo Girls

- Peachment, Christopher: Caravaggio

Giacomo Casanova
- Codrescu, Andrei: Casanova in Bohemia

- Miller, Andrew: Casanova in Love

Fidel Castro
- Fuentes, Norberto: The Autobiography of Fidel Castro

Catherine of Aragon
- Gardner, Laurien: The Spanish Bride

(NOTE: This title is part of the Wives of Henry VIII series, listed under Historical Fiction: 1500s)
- Lofts, Norah: The King's Pleasure

Charging Elk
- Welch, James: The Heartsong of Charging Elk

May Edward Chinn
- Haulsey, Kuwana: Angel of Harlem

Thomas Chippendale
- Laker, Rosalind: Gilded Splendour

Winston Churchill
- Dobbs, Michael: Winston Churchill series

- Winston's War

- Never Surrender

- Churchill's Hour

- Churchill's Triumph

Clark (Lewis and)
- Hall, Brian: I Should Be Extremely Happy in Your Company

- Nevin, David: Meriwether

- Wheeler, Richard S.: Eclipse

Christopher Columbus
- Frohlich, Newton: 1492

Richard "Boss" Croker
- O'Farrell, Padraic: Boss Croker

George Armstrong Custer
- Compton, Ralph: Clarion's Call

Charles Darwin
- Darnton, John: The Darwin Conspiracy

Louis Daugerre
- Smith, Dominic: The Mercury Visions of Louis Daugerre

Charles Lutwidge Dawson
- Roiphe, Kate: Still She Haunts Me

Lenora Demarest
- Carlson, Lori M.: The Flamboyant

Valentino Achak Deng
- Eggers, Dave: What is the What

Laura Diaz
- Fuentes, Carlos: The Years with Laura Diaz

Charles Dickens
- Arnold, Gaynor: Girl in a Blue Dress

Emily Dickinson
- Charyn, Jerome: The Secret Life of Emily Dickinson

- Edwards, Anne: The Hesitant Heart

- Fuller, Jamie: The Diary of Emily Dickinson

Walt Disney
- Jungk, Peter Stephan: The Perfect American

Dixon (& Mason)
- Pynchon, Thomas: Mason & Dixon

John Donne
- Haran, Maeve: The Lady and the Poet

Frederick Douglass
- Rhodes, Jewell Parker: Douglass' Women

George Drouillard
- Thom, James Alexander: Sign-Talker

Aimee du Buc
- Wallach, Janet: Seraglio

Daphne DuMaurier
- Picardie, Justine: Daphne

Amelia Earhart
- Mendelsohn, Jane: I Was Amelia Earhart

Eleanor of Aquitaine
- Kaufman, Pamela: The Book of Eleanor

- Lofts, Norah: Eleanor the Queen

- Lofts, Norah: Queen in Waiting

Frantz Fanon
- Wideman, John Edgar: Fanon

Charley Floyd (Pretty Boy Floyd)
- Brooks, Bill: Pretty Boy

- McMurtry, Larry & Ossana, Diana: Pretty Boy Floyd

Nathan Bedford Forrest
- Bell, Madison Smartt: Devil's Dream

Sir John Franklin
- Edric, Robert: The Broken Lands

Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II
- Bordihn, Maria R.: The Falcon of Palermo

Jessie Benton Fremont
- Stone, Irving: Immortal Wife

John Charles Fremont
- Nevin, David: Dream West

Robert Frost
- Hall, Brian: Fall of Frost

Paul Gauguin
- Vargas Llosa, Mario: The Way to Paradise

Virginie Gautreau
- Diliberto, Gioia: I Am Madame X

Genghis Khan
- Iggulden, Conn: Genghis Khan series

- Genghis: Birth of an Empire

- Genghis: Lords of the Bow

- Genghis: Bones of the Hills

Gary Gilmore
- Mailer, Norman: The Executioner's Song

Ulysses S. Grant
- Byrd, Max: Grant

- Ehrlich, Ev: Grant Speaks

- Parry, Richard: That Fateful Lightning

- Skimin, Robert: Ulysses

Johann Gutenberg
- Morrison, Blake: The Justification of Johann Gutenberg

Nell Gwyn
- Scott, Susan Holloway: The King's Favorite

Emma Hamilton
- Elyot, Amanda: Too Great a Lady: The Notorious, Glorious Life of Emma, Lady Hamilton

G.H. Hardy
- Leavitt, David: The Indian Clerk

Sally Hemings
- Chase-Riboud, Barbara: Sally Hemings series
- Sally Hemings

- The President's Daughter

Wild Bill Hickok
- Eickhoff, Randy Lee: And Not to Yield

Joe Hill
- Stegner, Wallace: Joe Hill

Heinrich Hoffmann
- Dudman, Clare: 98 Reasons for Being

John Henry "Doc" Holliday
- Eickhoff, Randy Lee: The Fourth Horseman

- Olds, Bruce: Bucking the Tiger

Gerard Manley Hopkins
- Hansen, Ron: Exiles

Isabella I of Spain
- Lofts, Norah: Crown of Aloes

Henry James
- Boorstin, Jon: The Newsboys' Lodging-House

- Lodge, David: Author, Author

- Tóibín, Colm: The Master

Martha Jefferson
- Grimes, Roberta: My Thomas

Samuel Johnson
- Bainbridge, Beryl: According to Queeney

John Paul Jones
- Nicastro, Nicholas: The Eighteenth Captain

Chief Joseph
- Dugan, Bill: Chief Joseph

Katherine of Aragon
(see Catherine of Aragon above)
Ned Kelly
- Carey, Peter: True History of the Kelly Gang

John F. Kennedy
(Also see JFK Thrillers)
- Mercurio, Jed: American Adulterer

Marie Laveau
- Rhodes, Jewell Parker: Voodoo Dreams

Florence Lawrence
- Mann, William J.: The Biograph Girl

Lewis & Clark
- Hall, Brian: I Should Be Extremely Happy in Your Company

- Nevin, David: Meriwether

- Wheeler, Richard S.: Eclipse

Abraham Lincoln
- Braver, Adam: Mr. Lincoln's Wars

- Slotkin, Richard: Abe

- Vidal, Gore: Lincoln

(This title is part of Vidal's American Empire series, listed under Great American Novels)
Mary Todd Lincoln
- Newman, Janis Cooke: Mary: A Novel

Peter Lorre
- Epstein, Leslie: Pandaemonium

Owen Madden
- Walsh, Michael: And All the Saints

Alma Mahler
- Phillips, Max: The Artist's Wife

George Mallory
- Archer, Jeffrey: Paths of Glory

Madame Mao
- Min, Anchee: Becoming Madame Mao

Marie Antoinette
- Davis, Kathryn: Versailles

- Erickson, Carolly: The Hidden Diary of Marie Antoinette

- Naslund, Sena Jeter: Abundance

Grace Marks
- Atwood, Margaret: Alias Grace

Andrew Marvell
- Peachment, Christopher: The Green and the Gold

Mary, Queen of Scots
- Erickson, Carolly: The Memoirs of Mary Queen of Scots

Mason & Dixon
- Pynchon, Thomas: Mason & Dixon

Mata Hari
- Murphy, Yannick: Signed, Mata Hari

- Skinner, Richard: The Red Dancer

Joseph McCarthy
- Buckley, William F. Jr.: The Redhunter

Thomas Francis Meagher
- Wheeler, Richard S.: The Exile

Empress Mehrunnisa
- Sundaresan, Indu: The Twentieth Wife

Herman Melville
- Parini, Jay: The Passages of H.M.

- Stone, Irving: The Agony and the Ecstasy

Max Mohr
- Reuss, Frederick: Mohr

Marilyn Monroe
- Oates, Joyce Carol: Blonde

Henry Morgan
- Newcomb, Kerry: Mad Morgan

Maria Anna Mozart
- Charbonnier, Rita: Mozart's Sister

Nonhelema, Shawnee Indian Woman Chief
- Thom, James Alexander & Dark Rain: Warrior Woman

Joshua Norton, Emperor of the United States
- Cech, John: A Rush of Dreamers

Rudolf Nureyev
- McCann, Colum: Dancer

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
- Francisco, Ruth: The Secret Memoirs of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Bonnie Parker (see Bonnie & Clyde)
Katherine Parr (Sixth Wife of Henry VIII)
- Erickson, Carolly: The Last Wife of Henry VIII

- Luke, Mary: The Ivy Crown

Saint Patrick
- Lawhead, Stephen R.: Patrick: Son of Ireland

Eva Peron
- Enright, Anne: The Pleasure of Eliza Lynch

Harry Pierpont
- Blake, James Carlos: Handsome Harry

Allan Pinkerton
- Lerner, Eric: Pinkerton's Secret

Camille Pissarro
- Stone, Irving: Depths of Glory

Sylvia Plath
- Moses, Kate: Wintering

- Donnell, Susan: Pocahontas

Edgar Allan Poe
- May, John: Poe & Fanny

Sir Walter Raleigh
- Lofts, Norah: Here Was a Man

- Nye, Robert: The Voyage of the Destiny

Srinivasa Ramanujan
G.H. Hardy
- Leavitt, David: The Indian Clerk

Ramses the Great
- Jacq, Christian: Ramses series
- The Son of Light

- The Eternal Temple

- The Battle of Kadesh

- The Lady of Abu Simbel

- Under the Western Acacia

Henry & Clara Rathbone
- Mallon, Thomas: Henry and Clara

Red Cloud
- Chiaventone, Frederick J.: Moon of Bitter Cold

Richard the Lionhearted
- Lofts, Norah: The Lute Player

Alice Roosevelt
- Wilson, Dorothy Clarke: Alice & Edith

Edith Roosevelt
- Wilson, Dorothy Clarke: Alice & Edith

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
- Feldman, Ellen: Lucy

Rumi (Djalal al-din Mohammed Balkhi)
- Tajadod, Nahal: Rumi: The Fire of Love

- Glancy, Diane: Stone Heart

- Jong, Erica: Sappho's Leap

Clara Schumann
- Galloway, Janice: Clara

Dred Scott
- Neighbour, Mary E.: Speak Right Out: Dred Scott, a Novel

Chief Sequoyah
- Conley, Robert J.: Sequoyah

Julia Shakespeare
- Tiffany, Grace: My Father Had a Daughter

William Shakespeare
- Cook, Bruce: Young Will

- Rush, Christopher: Will

- Tiffany, Grace: Will

O.J. Simpson
- Dunne, Dominick: Another City, Not My Own

Wallis Warfield Simpson
- Edwards, Anne: Wallis

Sitting Bull
- Dugan, Bill: Sitting Bull

Harriet Smithson
- Balint, Christine: Ophelia's Fan

Baruch Spinoza
- Smilevski, Goce: Conversation with Spinoza

Henry Morton Stanley
- Forbath, Peter: The Last Hero

Doña Inés Suárez
- Allende, Isabel: Ines of My Soul

- Picezenik, Steve & Rovner-Picezenik, Roberta: My Beloved Talleyrand

- Thom, James Alexander: Panther in the Sky

Benjamin Thompson
- Delbanco, Nicholas: The Count of Concord

Flora Tristan
- Vargas Llosa, Mario: The Way to Paradise

Leon Trotsky
- Delahunt, Meaghan: In the Casa Azul

Sojourner Truth
- Sheehan, Jacqueline: Truth

Nat Turner
- Styron, William: The Confessions of Nat Turner

Vincent Van Gogh
- Stone, Irving: Lust for Life

A'Lelia Walker
- Neihart, Ben: Rough Amusements

C.J. Walker
- Due, Tananarive: The Black Rose

Alfred Wegener
- Dudman, Clare: One Day the Ice Will Reveal All Its Dead

Wilde, Constance (wife of Oscar)
- Elfman, Clare: The Case of the Pederast's Wife

William the Conqueror
- Heyer, Georgette: The Conqueror

Roger Williams
- Settle, Mary Lee: I, Roger Williams

Virginia Woolf
- Sellers, Susan: Vanessa & Virginia

Frank Lloyd Wright
Orville & Wilbur Wright
- Boyne, Walter J.: Dawn Over Kitty Hawk

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updated: Tuesday, September 28, 2010