Notable: Short Stories
Shorter tales by the best authors.
Authors & Titles
- Adams, Alice: The Stories of Alice Adams

- Alcott, Louisa May: Glimpses of Louisa

- Allison, Dorothy: Trash

- Alvarez, Rafael: Orlo and Leini

- Alvarez, Rafael: Storyteller

- Ames, Brian: Eighty-Sixed

- Anaya, Rudolfo: The Man Who Could Fly

- The Anchor Book of Modern African Stories (edited by Nadeza Obradovic)

- Ansay, A. Manette: Read This and Tell Me What It Says

- Atwood, Margaret: Bluebeard's Egg & Other Stories

- Atwood, Margaret: Good Bones and Simple Murders

- Atwood, Margaret: Wilderness Tips

- Auchincloss, Louis: The Anniversary and Other Stories

- Auchincloss, Louis: The Friend of Women and Other Stories

- Auchincloss, Louis: Manhattan Monologues

- Baby Remember My Name (edited by Michelle Tea)

- Baingana, Doreen: Tropical Fish: Stories Out of Entebbe

- Banner, Keith: The Smallest People Alive

- Barnes, H. Lee: Minimal Damage: Stories of Veterans

- Barnes, Julian: The Lemon Table

- Barrett, Andrea: Servants of the Map

- Barrett, Andrea: Ship Fever

- Barth, John: The Development

- Barthelme, Donald: Flying to America: 45 More Stories

- Barthelme, Donald: Forty Stories

- Barthelme, Donald: Sixty Stories

- Barthelme, Frederick: The Law of Averages

- Barzak, Christopher: The Love We Share Without Knowing

- Bass, Rick: The Hermit's Story

- Bates, H.E.: Elephants Nest in a Rhubarb Tree and Other Stories

- Bausch, Richard: Someone To Watch Over Me

- Bausch, Richard: The Stories of Richard Bausch

- Bausch, Richard: Wives & Lovers

- Beattie, Ann: Park City

- Beattie, Ann: Perfect Recall

- Benioff, David: When the Nines Roll Over and Other Stories

- Bennett, Alan: The Clothes They Stood Up In and the Lady in the Van

- Bennett, Alan: The Laying On of Hands

- Bensko, John: Sea Dogs

- Berg, Elizabeth: The Day I Ate Whatever I Wanted

- Berg, Elizabeth: Ordinary Life

- Berriault, Gina: Women In Their Beds

- The Best American Erotica 2000 (edited by Susie Bright)

- The Best American Erotica 2001 (edited by Susie Bright)

- The Best American Erotica 2002 (edited by Susie Bright)

- The Best American Erotica 2003 (edited by Susie Bright)

- The Best American Erotica 2004 (edited by Susie Bright)

- The Best American Erotica 2005 (edited by Susie Bright)

- The Best American Erotica 2006 (edited by Susie Bright)

- The Best American Short Stories series
- The Best American Short Stories 1998

- The Best American Short Stories 1999

- The Best American Short Stories 2000

- The Best American Short Stories 2001

- The Best American Short Stories 2002

- The Best American Short Stories 2003

- The Best American Short Stories 2004

- The Best American Short Stories 2005

- The Best American Short Stories 2006

- The Best American Short Stories 2007

- Best European Fiction 2010 (edited by Aleksandar Hemon)

- The Best New American Voices 2005 (edited by Francine Prose)

- Bezmozgis, David: Natasha and Other Stories

- Bingham, Sallie: Red Car

- Bloom, Amy: A Blind Man Can See How Much I Love You

- Bolano, Roberto: Last Evenings on Earth

- Boswell, Robert: The Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards

- Boudinot, Ryan: The Littlest Hitler

- Bowen, Elizabeth: The Collected Stories of Elizabeth Bowen

- Bowles, Paul: The Stories of Paul Bowles

- Boyd, William: The Destiny of Nathalie X

- Boyle, T.C.: T.C. Boyle Stories

- Boyle, T.C.: Wild Child

- Boyle, T.C.: Without a Hero and Other Stories

- Bradbury, Ray: Bradbury Stories

- Bradbury, Ray: The Cat's Pajamas

- Bradbury, Ray: One More for the Road

- Bradbury, Ray: The Toynbee Convector

- Brennan, Maeve: The Rose Garden

- Brite, Poppy Z.: Antediluvian Tales

- Brockmeier, Kevin: The View From the Seventh Layer

- Brodsky, Michael: Limit Point

- Brown, Carrie: The House on Belle Isle

- Brown, Jason: Why the Devil Chose New England for His Work

- Brown, Rebecca: The Last Time I Saw You

- Brownstein, Gabriel: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Apt. 3W

- Bunin, Ivan: Collected Stories of Ivan Bunin

- Burke, Kenneth: Here and Elsewhere

- Busch, Frederick: Don't Tell Anyone

- Busch, Frederick: Rescue Missions

- Butler, Robert Olen: Intercourse

- Butler, Robert Olen: Severance

- Byatt, A.S.: Angels & Insects

- Byatt, A.S.: Elementals

- Byatt, A.S.: Little Black Book of Stories

- Cady, Jack: Ghosts of Yesterday

- Camus, Albert: Exile and the Kingdom

- Capote, Truman: The Complete Stories of Truman Capote

- Cartarescu, Mircea: Nostalgia

- Carved in Rock (edited by Greg Kihn)

- Carver, Raymond: Call If You Need Me

- Carever, Raymond: Where I'm Calling From

- Cavell, Benjamin: Rumble, Young Man, Rumble

- Chabon, Michael: Werewolves in Their Youth

- Chaon, Dan: Among the Missing

- Chapman, Clay McLeod: Rest Area

- Cheever, John: The Stories of John Cheever

- Chekhov, Anton: Stories

- Chiappone, Richard: Water of an Undetermined Depth

- Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules (edited by David Sedaris)

- Chilson, Peter: Disturbance-Loving Species

- Chopin, Kate: A Vocation and a Voice

- Clayton, John J.: Wrestling With Angels

- Coberly, Lenore McComas: The Handywoman Stories

- Cohen, Robert: The Varieties of Romantic Experience

- Coleman, Anita Scott: Unfinished Masterpiece: The Harlem Renaissance Fiction

- Coleman, Wanda: Jazz and Twelve O'Clock Tales

- Conley, Tim: Whatever Happens

- Cooper, J. California: Wild Stars Seeking Midnight Suns

- Coupland, Douglas: Life After God

- Crace, Jim: The Devil's Larder

- Crane, Elizabeth: You Must Be This Happy to Enter

- Curtis, Rebecca: Twenty Grand and Other Tales of Love and Money

- D'Ambrosio, Charles: The Dead Fish Museum

- D'Ambrosio, Charles: The Point

- Dark, Alice Elliott: In the Gloaming

- Davis, Lydia: Varieties of Disturbance

- Dean, Debra: Confessions of a Falling Woman and Other Stories

- DeLancey, Kiki: Coal Miner's Holiday

- DeNiro, Alan: Skinny Dipping in the Lake of the Dead

- DeSaulniers, Janet: What You've Been Missing

- Dobozy, Tamas: Last Notes and Other Stories

- Dobyns, Stephen: Eating Naked

- Doctorow, E.L.: Sweet Land Stories

- Doerr, Anthony: The Shell Collector

- Doerr, Harriet: The Tiger in the Grass

- A Dollar and a Dream (edited by Carl Weber)

- Donoghue, Emma: Touchy Subjects

- Downs, Greg: Spit Baths

- Doyle, Roddy: The Deportees and Other Stories

- Dubus, Andre: The Cage Keeper

- Dufresne, John: Johnny Too Bad

- Dunmore, Helen: Ice Cream

- Duval, Peter: Rear View: Stories

- Dybek, Stuart: I Sailed With Magellan

- Ebony Rising: Short Fiction of the Greater Harlem Renaissance Era (edited by Craig Gable)

- Eisenberg, Deborah: Twilight of the Superheroes

- Eldridge, Courtney: Unkempt

- Engberg, Susan: Above the Houses

- Englander, Nathan: For the Relief of Unbearable Urges

- Epstein, Joseph: Fabulous Small Jews

- Everett, Percival: Big Picture

- Everett, Percival: Damned If I Do

- Faber, Michel: The Courage Consort

- Faber, Michel: Vanilla Bright Like Eminem

- Faith: Stories (edited by C. Michael Curtis)

- Feitell, Merrill: Here Beneath Low Flying Planes

- Fleming, Anne Taylor: Marriage

- Ford, Richard: A Multitude of Sins

- Ford, Richard: Women with Men

- Fountain, Ben: Brief Encounters with Che Guevara

- Freed, Lynn: The Curse of the Appropriate Man

- Fulton, Alice: The Nightingales of Troy

- Furst, Joshua: Short People

- Gale, Zona: Miss Lulu Bett and Other Stories

- Garcia-Marquez, Gabriel: Collected Stories

- Garcia-Marquez, Gabriel: Strange Pilgrims

- Geng, Veronica: Love Trouble

- Gifford, Barry: The Stars Above Veracruz

- Gilchrist, Ellen: The Age of Miracles

- Gilchrist, Ellen: Collected Stories

- Gilchrist, Ellen: I, Rhoda Manning, Go Hunting with My Daddy

- Gilchrist, Ellen: In the Land of Dreamy Dreams

- Gilchrist, Ellen: Victory Over Japan

- Godwin, Gail: Mr. Bedford and the Muses

- Goldfaden, John: Human Resources

- Gordimer, Nadine: Beethoven Was One-Sixteenth Black and Other Stories

- Gordimer, Nadine: Loot and Other Stories

- Gordon, Mary: The Stories of Mary Gordon

- Gotham Writers Workshop Fiction Gallery (edited by Alexander Steele)

- The Greatest War Stories Ever Told (edited by Lamar Underwood)

- Greene, Graham: Collected Stories

- Greene, Graham: A Sense of Reality

- Greene, Graham: The Third Man and The Fallen Idol

- Griffith, Michael: Bibliophilia

- Grimes, Martha: The Train Now Departing

- Gurganus, Allan: The Practical Heart

- Gurganus, Allan: White People

- Guterson, David: The Country Ahead of Us, the Country Behind

- Gwyn, Aaron: Dog on the Cross

- Hadley, Tessa: Sunstroke

- Hagy, Alyson: Ghosts of Wyoming

- Hall, James W.: Paper Products

- Handler, Daniel: Adverbs

- Harris, Joanne: Jigs & Reels

- Harrison, M. John: Things That Never Happen

- Haslett, Adam: You Are Not a Stranger Here

- Hecht, Julie: Isabelle series
- Do the Windows Open? (short stories)

- The Unprofessionals (novel)

- Happy Trails to You (short stories)

- Helprin, Mark: The Pacific and Other Stories

- Helwig, David: Coming Through

- Hemingway, Ernest: The Snows of Kilimanjaro

- Hemmings, Kaui Hart: House of Thieves

- Hempel, Amy: The Collected Stories of Amy Hempel

- Henriquez, Cristina: Come Together, Fall Apart

- Henry, O.: Best Stories of O. Henry

- Hernandez, Lisa: Migrations and Other Stories

- Hersey, John: Key West Tales

- Highsmith, Patricia: Little Tales of Misogyny

- Highsmith, Patricia: Mermaids on the Golf Course

- Highsmith, Patricia: Nothing That Meets the Eye

- Highsmith, Patricia: The Selected Stories of Patricia Highsmith

- Hinton, S.E.: Some of Tim's Stories

- Hoffman, Alice: Blackbird House

- Holland, Noy: What Begins With Bird

- Hood, Ann: An Ornithologist's Guide to Life

- Horack, Skip: The Southern Cross

- Hospital, Janette Turner: North of Nowhere, South of Loss

- Howard, Maureen: Big as Life

(NOTE: This title is part of the Four Seasons series, listed under Lyrical Prose)
- Hughes, Langston: The Return of Simple

- Hyakken, Uchida: Realm of the Dead

- Iagnemma, Karl: On the Nature of Human Romantic Interaction

- Inside and Other Short Fiction: Japanese Women by Japanese Women

- Ishiguro, Kazuo: Nocturnes: Five Stories of Music and Nightfall

- Jaime-Becerra, Michael: Every Night is Ladies' Night

- Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer: My Nine Lives

- Jin, Ha: The Bridegroom

- Johnson, Charles: Dr. King's Refrigerator and Other Bedtime Stories

- Jones, Edward P.: All Aunt Hagar's Children

- Jones, James: The Ice-Cream Headache and Other Stories

- Josipovici, Gabriel: Goldberg: Variations

- Just, Ward: Lowell Limpett (And Two Stories)

- Just, Ward: 21 Selected Stories

- Kawabata, Yasunari: First Snow on Fuji

- Kennedy, Cate: Dark Roots

- Keret, Etgar: The Girl on the Fridge

- Keret, Etgar: The Nimrod Flipout

- Kincaid, Jamaica: At the Bottom of the River

- Kinsella, W.P.: The Dixon Cornbelt League and Other Baseball Stories

- Kinsella, W.P.: The Further Adventures of Slugger McBatt

- Kinsella, W.P.: Shoeless Joe Jackson Comes to Iowa: Stories

- Kipling, Rudyard: Kipling: A Selection of His Stories and Poems

- Kipling, Rudyard: Phantoms and Fantasies

- Klima, Ivan: My First Loves

- Klimasewiski, Marshall N.: Tyrants: Stories

- Kneale, Matthew: Small Crimes in an Age of Abundance

- Knight, Michael: Goodnight, Nobody

- Kobin, Joann: Woman Made of Sand

- Köenings, N.S.: Theft

- Krasikov, Sana: One More Year

- Krysl, Marilyn: Dinner With Osama

- LaBute, Neil: Seconds of Pleasure

- Lain, Douglas: Last Week's Apocalypse

- Lam, Vincent: Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures

- L'Amour, Louis: From the Listening Hills

- Le, Nam: The Boat

- Leavitt, David: The Marble Quilt

- Lee, Rae Ellen: The Bluebird House

- LeGuin, Ursula K.: The Birthday of the World and Other Stories

- Lehane, Dennis: Coronado

- Leith, Prue: Sisters

- Lessing, Doris: The Grandmothers

- Lessing, Doris: The Real Thing: Stories and Sketches

- Lessing, Doris: Stories

- Lethem, Jonathan: Men and Cartoons

- Liebrecht, Savyon: A Good Place for the Night

- Lopez, Barry: Resistance

- Luvaas, William: A Working Man's Apocrypha

- Malae, Peter Nathaniel: Teach the Free Man

- Malamud, Bernard: The Complete Stories

- Malone, Michael: Red Clay, Blue Cadillac

- Mann, Thomas: Stories of Three Decades

- Martin, Valerie: The Unifinished Novel and Other Stories

- Mason, Bobbie Ann: Zigzagging Down a Wild Trail

- Maugham, W. Somerset: Collected Stories

- Maxwell, William: All the Days and Nights

- McCafferty, Jane: Director of the World and Other Stories

- McCauley, William: Need: Stories From Africa

- McCorkle, Jill: Creatures of Habit

- McCullers, Carson: Collected Stories of Carson McCullers

- McGrath, Patrick: Ghost Town

- McGruder, Krista: Beulah Land

- McGuane, Thomas: Gallatin Canyon

- McNamee, Eoin: The Last of Deeds & Love In History

- Means, David: The Secret Goldfish

- Melville, Pauline: The Migration of Ghosts

- Meno, Joe: Demons in the Spring

- Messina, Maria: Behind Closed Doors: Her Father's House and Other Stories of Sicily

- Messinger, Jonathan: Hiding Out

- Michalopoulou, Amanda: I'd Like

- Miller, Alyce: Water

- Miller, Arthur: Homely Girl, A Life

- Millhauser, Steven: Dangerous Laughter

- Millhauser, Steven: The King in the Tree

- Minot, Susan: Lust

- Mitchell, Joseph: McSorley's Wonderful Saloon

- Mitchell, Margaret: Lost Laysen

- Monk, Bathsheba: Now You See It

- Moody, Rick: The Ring of Brightest Angels Around Heaven

- Moore, Lorrie: Birds of America

- Moss, Barbara Klein: Little Edens

- Munoz, Manuel: The Faith Healer of Olive Avenue

- Munro, Alice: Friend of My Youth

- Munro, Alice: Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage

- Munro, Alice: The Love of a Good Woman

- Munro, Alice: Open Secrets

- Munro, Alice: Too Much Happiness

- Munro, Alice: The View From Castle Rock

- Murakami, Haruki: Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman

- Murphy, Yannick: In a Bear's Eye

- Nabokov, Vladimir: The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov

- Nailah, Anika: Free and Other Stories

- Nayman, Shira: Awake in the Dark

- Nelson, Antonya: Some Fun

- Nelson, Randy R.: The Imaginary Lives of Mechanical Men

- New Stories From the South
- 1986 edition

- 1987 edition

- 1988 edition

- 1989 edition

- 1990 edition

- 1991 edition

- 1992 edition

- 1993 edition

- 1994 edition

- 1995 edition

- 1996 edition

- 1997 edition

- 1998 edition

- 1999 edition

- 2002 edition

- 2003 edition

- 2004 edition

- 2005 edition

- 2006 edition

- 2007 edition

- 2008 edition

- 2009 edition

- 2010 edition

- Oates, Joyce Carol: Dear Husband: Stories

- Oates, Joyce Carol: High Lonesome: Stories 1966-2006

- Oates, Joyce Carol: I Am No One You Know

- Oates, Joyce Carol: Sourland: Stories

- Oates, Joyce Carol: The Wheel of Love

- Oates, Joyce Carol: Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?

- Oates, Joyce Carol: Where is Here?

- Oates, Joyce Carol: Will You Always Love Me?

- O'Brien, Flann: The Various Lives of Keats and Chapman

- O'Connor, Flannery: The Complete Stories

- Ogawa, Yoko: The Diving Pool

- O. Henry Prize Stories
- 2000 edition

- 2001 edition

- 2002 edition

- 2003 edition

- 2005 edition

- 2006 edition

- Ohlin, Alix: Babylon and Other Stories

- Olafsson, Olaf: Valentines: Stories

- Olsen, Tillie: Tell Me a Riddle

- On the Rocks: The KGB Bar Fiction Anthology (edited by Rebecca Donner)

- Otis, Mary: Yes, Yes, Cherries

- Ozick, Cynthia: Dictation: A Quartet

- Packer, Z.Z.: Drinking Coffee Elsewhere

- Palma, Ruben: The Trail We Leave

- Panning, Anne: Super America

- Parvin, Roy: In the Snow Forest

- Percy, Benjamin: Refresh, Refresh

- Peterson, Paula W.: Women in the Grove

- Ping, Wang: The Last Communist Virgin

- Politically Inspired (edited by Stephen Elliott)

- Pollock, Donald Ray: Knockemstiff

- Proulx, Annie: Close Range: Wyoming Stories

- Proulx, Annie: Fine Just the Way It Is

- Pushcart Prize series

- The Pushcart Prize (1977)

- The Pushcart Prize II (1978)

- The Pushcart Prize III (1979)

- The Pushcart Prize IV (1980)

- The Pushcart Prize V (1981)

- The Pushcart Prize VI (1982)

- The Pushcart Prize VII (1983)

- The Pushcart Prize VIII (1984)

- The Pushcart Prize IX (1985)

- The Pushcart Prize X (1986)

- The Pushcart Prize XI (1987)

- The Pushcart Prize XII (1988)

- The Pushcart Prize XIII (1989)

- The Pushcart Prize XIV (1990)

- The Pushcart Prize XV (1991)

- The Pushcart Prize XVI (1992)

- The Pushcart Prize XVII (1993)

- The Pushcart Prize XVIII (1994)

- The Pushcart Prize XIX (1995)

- The Pushcart Prize XX (1996)

- The Pushcart Prize XXI (1997)

- The Pushcart Prize XXII (1998)

- The Pushcart Prize XXIII (1999)

- The Pushcart Prize XXIV (2000)

- The Pushcart Book of Short Stories: The Best Stories from a Quarter-Century of the Pushcart Prize

- The Pushcart Prize XXV (2001)

- The Pushcart Prize XXVI (2002)

- The Pushcart Prize XXVII (2003)

- The Pushcart Prize XXVIII (2004)

- The Pushcart Prize XXIX (2005)

- The Puscart Prize XXX (2006)

- The Pushcart Prize XXXI (2007)

- The Pushcart Prize XXXII (2008)

- The Pushcart Prize XXXIII (2009)

- The Pushcart Prize XXXIV (2010)

- Pym, Barbara: Civil to Strangers

- Rahman, Imad: I Dream of Microwaves

- Raphael, Lev: Secret Anniversaries of the Heart

- Rash, Ron: Chemistry and Other Stories

- Reddi, Rishi: Karma and Other Stories

- Reid, Gilbert: So This is Love

- Reynolds, Clay: Sandhill County Lines

- Rhodes, Dan: Don't Tell Me the Truth About Love

- Richards, Susan Starr: The Hangings in the Foaling Barn

- Richter, Stacey: Twin Study: Stories

- Riley, Gwendoline: Tuesday Nights and Wednesday Mornings

- Robinson, Lewis: Officer Friendly and Other Stories

- Robinson, Roxana: Asking for Love

- Rock, Peter: The Unsettling

- Rose, Alex: The Musical Illusionist and Other Tales

- Ruefle, Mary: The Most of It

- Russo, Richard: The Whore's Child

- Rylands, Jane Turner: Venetian Stories

- Saki: The Short Stories of Saki

- Sams, Ferrol: The Widow's Mite and Other Stories

- Saunders, George: CivilWarLand in Bad Decline

- Saunders, George: In Persuasion Nation

- Saunders, George: Pastoralia

- Schlink, Bernard: Flights of Love

- Schutt, Christine: A Day, A Night, Another Day, Summer

- Schwartz, Lynne Sharon: Referred Pain and Other Stories

- Seiffert, Rachel: Field Study

- Selzer, Richard: The Doctor Stories

- Shabtai, Yaakov: Uncle Peretz Takes Off

- Shepard, Jim: Like You'd Understand, Anyway

- Shepard, Jim: Love and Hydrogen

- Shepard, Lucius: Two Trains Running

- Shepard, Sam: Great Dream of Heaven

- Sherman, Carlotte Watson: Killing Color

- Sherman, Rachel: The First Hurt

- Silber, Joan: Ideas of Heaven

- Silber, Joan: The Size of the World

- Singer, Margot: The Pale of Settlement

- Singleton, George: Drowning in Gruel

- Singleton, George: Why Dogs Chase Cars

- Smith, Lee: Me and My Baby View the Eclipse

- Smith, Lee: News of the Spirit

- Smith, Neil: Bang Crunch

- Smith, R.T.: Uke Rivers Delivers

- Snyder, Scott: Voodoo Heart

- Sojourner, Mary: Delicate

- Somerville, Patrick: Trouble: Stories

- Sorrentino, Gilbert: A Strange Commonplace

- Soueif, Ahdaf: I Think of You: Stories

- Spain (edited by Peter Bush & Lisa Dillman)

- Spark, Muriel: All the Stories of Muriel Spark

- Spencer, Elizabeth: The Southern Woman

- Stamm, Peter: In Strange Gardens and Other Stories

- Stansbury, Nicole: The Husband's Dilemma

- Stavans, Ilan: The Disappearance

- Steinberg, Susan: The End of Free Love

- Steinberg, Susan: Hydroplane

- Stern, Steve: A Plague of Dreamers

- Stern, Steve: The Wedding Jester

- Stevenson, Jane: Good Women

- Stories: All-New Tales (edited by Neil Gaiman and Al Sarrantonio)

- Strom, Dao: The Gentle Order of Girls and Boys

- Styron, William: The Suicide Run

- Sutton, Barbara: The Send-Away Girl

- Swan, Gladys: A Garden Amid Fires

- Tambour, Anna: Monterra's Deliciosa & Other Tales &

- Taylor, Peter: The Old Forest and Other Stories

- Tel, Jonathan: Arafat's Elephant

- Tel, Jonathan: The Beijing of Possibilities

- Telling Tales (edited by Nadine Gordimer)

- Theroux, Paul: Half Moon Street

- Theroux, Paul: The Stranger at the Palazzo d'Oro and other stories

- Thien, Madeleine: Simple Recipes

- Thompson, Jean: Do Not Deny Me

- Thompson, Jean: Throw Like a Girl

- Thompson, Jean: Who Do You Love

- Tinti, Hannah: Animal Crackers

- Tóibín, Colm: Mothers and Sons

- Trevor, William: A Bit On the Side

- Trevor, William: Cheating at Canasta

- Twain, Mark: The Complete Humorous Sketches and Tales of Mark Twain

- Twain, Mark: How Nancy Jackson Married Kate Wilson

- Udall, Brady: Letting Loose the Hounds

- Updike, John: Licks of Love

- Updike, John: My Father's Tears and Other Stories

- Van Booy, Simon: The Secret Lives of People in Love

- Vapnyar, Lara: Broccoli and Other Tales of Food and Love

- Vapnyar, Lara: There Are Jews in My House

- Vonnegut, Kurt: Bagombo Snuff Box

- Vonnegut, Kurt: Look at the Birdie: Unpublished Short Fiction

- Vukcevich, Ray: Meet Me in the Moon Room

- Walbert, Kate: Our Kind

- Wallace, David Foster: Oblivion

- Wang Xiaobo: Wang in Love and Bondage

- Welsh, Irvine: If You Liked School, You'll Love Work

- Welty, Eudora: Selected Stories of Eudora Welty

- Wheeler, Kate: Not Where I Started From

- Williams, Joy: Honored Guest

- Williams, Tennessee: Collected Stories

- Wolfe, Thomas: The Complete Short Stories of Thomas Wolfe

- Wolff, Tobias: Back in the World

- Wolff, Tobias: The Night in Question

- Wolff, Tobias: Our Story Begins

- Wycoff, Corrina: O Street

- Yamada, Amy: Bedtime Eyes

- Yu, Charles: Third Class Superhero

- Zoschenko, Mikhail: The Galosh and Other Stories

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updated: Friday, June 03, 2011