True Psychology
Nonfiction books about the strange and often-bizarre behavior of the human mind.
Related Genres
Children in Jeopardy
Psychological Fiction
Authors & Titles
- Axline, Virginia: Dibs in Search of Self

- Barron, Judy & Sean: There's A Boy in Here

- Chase, Truddi: When Rabbit Howls

- Hayden, Tory: Sheila series
- One Child

- The Tiger's Child

- Hornbacher, Marya: Wasted

- Miller, Caroline Adams: My Name is Caroline

- Pelzer, David J.: Child Called "It" series
- A Child Called "It"

- The Lost Boy

- A Man Named Dave

- Rogers, Annie: A Shining Affliction

- Sacks, Oliver: The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat

- Schreiber, Flora Rheta: Sybil

- Styron, William: Darkness Visible

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