Otherworld Historical Fantasy
Fantasy with a historical flavor, but set on worlds other than Earth, or alternate Earths.
Related Genres
Historical Fantasy
Authors & Titles
- Barlough, Jeffrey E.: Western Lights series

- Dark Sleeper

- The House in the High Wood

- Strange Cargo

- Bertram of Butter Cross

- Anchorwick

- Barnett, Lisa & Scott, Melissa: Points series (aka Astreiant series)
- Point of Hopes

- Point of Dreams

- Butcher, Jim: Codex Alera series

- Furies of Calderon

- Academ's Fury

- Cursor's Fury

- Captain's Fury

- Princeps' Fury

- First Lord's Fury

- Hobb, Robin: Realm of the Elderlings series
Farseer Trilogy:
- Assassin's Apprentice (Farseer Trilogy #1)

- Royal Assassin (Farseer Trilogy #2)

- Assassin's Quest (Farseer Trilogy #3)

Liveship Traders Trilogy:
- Ship of Magic (Liveship Traders Trilogy #1)

- The Mad Ship (Liveship Traders Trilogy #2)

- Ship of Destiny (Liveship Traders Trilogy #3)

The Tawny Man Trilogy:
- Fool's Errand (The Tawny Man Trilogy #1)

- Golden Fool (The Tawny Man Trilogy #2)

- Fool's Fate (The Twany Man Trilogy #3)

Rain Wild Chronicles:
- Dragon Keeper (Rain Wild Chronicles #1)

A Realm of the Elderlings story appears in Legends II (edited by Robert Silverberg) 
A short story in the Realm of the Elderlings universe appears in A Fantasy Medley (edited by Yanni Kuznia)

- Kushner, Ellen: Swordspoint series
- Swordspoint

- The Fall of the Kings (with Delia Sherman)

- The Privilege of the Sword

- McIntosh, Fiona: Percheron Saga

- Odalisque

- Emissary

- McKillip, Patricia A.: Ombria in Shadow

- Miéville, China: New Crobuzon series
- Perdido Street Station

- The Scar

- Iron Council

- Moorcock, Michael: Gloriana

- Murphy, C.E.: Inheritors series

- The Queen's Bastard

- The Pretender's Crown

- Park, Paul: Miranda Popescu series

- A Princess of Roumania

- The Tourmaline

- The White Tyger

- The Hidden World

- Scott, Melissa & Barnett, Lisa: Points series (aka Astreiant series)
- Point of Hopes

- Point of Dreams

- Turtledove, Harry: Videssos series

- The Misplaced Legion

- An Emperor of the Legion

- The Legion of Videssos

- Swords of the Legion

Tale of Krispos:
- Krispos Rising (Tale of Krispos #1)

- Krispos of Videssos (Tale of Krispos #2)

- Krispos the Emperor (Tale of Krispos #3)

Time of Troubles:
- The Stolen Throne (Time of Troubles #1)

- Hammer and Anvil (Time of Troubles #2)

- The Thousand Cities (Time of Troubles #3)

- Videssos Besieged (Time of Troubles #4)

- Bridge of the Separator

(omnibus volume) The Time of Troubles I (contains The Stolen Throne and Hammer and Anvil) 
(omnibus volume) The Time of Troubles II (contains The Thousand Cities and Videssos Besieged) 
- VanderMeer, Jeff: Ambergris series

- City of Saints & Madmen

- Shriek

- Finch

- Volsky, Paula: The Grand Ellipse

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updated: Friday, June 04, 2010