Historical Fantasy
Fantasy stories set in real-world or alternate historical periods, often
involving historical figures.
Related Genres
Celtic/Gaelic/Welsh Tales
King Arthur & Camelot
Otherworld Historical Fantasy
Pirate Fantasy
Authors & Titles
- Anderson, Poul: Mother of Kings

- Anderson, Poul: War of the Gods

- Anthony, Piers: Geodyssey series
- Isle of Woman

- Shame of Man

- Hope of Earth

- Muse of Art

- Climate of Change

- Antieau, Kim: The Jigsaw Woman

- Avery, Fiona: The Crown Rose

- Barnett, Lisa A. & Scott, Melissa: The Armor of Light

- Bates, Brian: The Way of Wyrd

- Baxley, Jon F.: The Blackgloom Bounty

- Baxter, Stephen: Time's Tapestry series

- Emperor

- Conqueror

- Navigator

- Bell, Clare: The Jaguar Princess

- Bell, Jadrien: A.D. 999

- Borchardt, Alice: Maeniel & Regeane series (aka Silver Wolf series)
- The Silver Wolf

- Night of the Wolf

- The Wolf King

- Boyd, Donna: The Alchemist

- Bull, Emma: Territory

- Bullington, Jesse: The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart

- Card, Orson Scott: Tales of Alvin Maker series
- Seventh Son

- Red Prophet

- Prentice Alvin

- Alvin Journeyman

- Heartfire

- The Crystal City

A Tales of Alvin Maker story titled "The Yazoo Queen" appears in Legends II (edited by Robert Silverberg) 
- Cash, Steve: Meq series
- The Meq

- Time Dancers

- Chamberlin, Ann: Joan of Arc Tapestries
- The Merlin of St. Giles' Well

- Clarke, Susanna: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

(A Jonathan Strange short story appears in The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories
- Crusade of Fire: Mystical Tales of the Knights Templar (edited by Katherine Kurtz)

- Cunningham, Elizabeth: Magdalen series
- Daughter of the Shining Isles

- Cutter, Leah R.: Paper Mage

- Dalkey, Kara: Blood of the Goddess series
- Goa

- Bijapur

- Bhagavati

- Dalkey, Kara: Genpei

- Davidson, Avram: The Other Nineteenth Century

- Demarest, Jaki: The Cardinal's Heir

- Douglas, L. Warren: Sorceress' Tale series (aka Pierrette series)
- The Sacred Pool

- The Veil of Years

- The Isle Beyond Time

- Douglass, Sara: Crucible series

- The Nameless Day

- The Wounded Hawk

- The Crippled Angel

- Douglass, Sara: Threshold

- Douglass, Sara: Troy Game series
- Hades' Daughter

- Gods' Concubine

- Darkwitch Rising

- Druid's Sword

- Duncan, Dave: Maestro Nostradamus series

- The Alchemist's Apprentice

- The Alchemist's Code

- The Alchemist's Pursuit

- Finlay, C.C.: Traitor to the Crown series

- The Patriot Witch

- A Spell for the Revolution

- The Demon Redcoat

- The First Heroes: New Tales of the Bronze Age (edited by Harry Turtledove & Noreen Doyle)

- Ford, John M.: The Dragon Waiting

- Fraser, George MacDonald: The Reavers

- Frost, Gregory: Fitcher's Brides

- Gellis, Roberta & Lackey, Mercedes: Scepter'd Isle series
- This Scepter'd Isle

- Ill Met by Moonlight

- By Slanderous Tongues

- Gemmell, David: Stones of Power series
- Ghost King

- Last Sword of Power

- Wolf in Shadow

- The Last Guardian

- Bloodstone

- Gemmell, David: Troy series

- Lord of the Silver Bow

- Shield of Thunder

- Gentle, Mary: Book of Ash series
- A Secret History

- Carthage Ascendant

- The Wild Machines

- Lost Burgundy

- Gentle, Mary: First History series

- Ilario: The Lion's Eye

- Ilario: The Stone Golem

- Goldstein, Lisa: The Alchemist's Door

- Goldstein, Lisa: The Red Magician

- Graham, Jo: Black Ships

- Graham, Jo: Hand of Isis

- Graham, Jo: Stealing Fire

- Grundy, Stephan: Attila's Treasure

- Grundy, Stephan: Rhinegold

- Hannah, Darci: The Angel of Blythe Hall

- Harlan, Thomas: The Oath of Empire series
- The Shadow of Ararat

- The Gate of Fire

- The Storm of Heaven

- The Dark Lord

- Hartley, A.J.: Will Hawthrone series
- Act of Will

- Will Power

- Hemmingson, Michael: The Rose of Heaven

- Holdstock, Robert: The Merlin Codex series
- Celtika

- The Iron Grail

- Holland, Cecelia: Corban Loosestrife series
- The Soul Thief

- The Witches' Kitchen

- Hoyt, Sarah A.: Shakespeare series
- Ill Met by Moonlight

- All Night Awake

- Any Man So Daring

- Irvine, Alexander C.: A Scattering of Jades

- Isidore, Sarah: Daughters of Bast series
- The Hidden Land

- Kay, Guy Gavriel: The Last Light of the Sun

- Kay, Guy Gavriel: Sarantine Mosaic series
- Sailing to Sarantium

- Lord of Emperors

- Kowal, Mary Robinette: Shades of Milk and Honey

- Krinard, Susan: Free People series

- Shield of the Sky

- Kurtz, Katherine: Deryni series
- Camber of Culdi (Legends of Camber of Culdi #1)

- Saint Camber (Legends of Camber of Culdi #2)

- Camber the Heretic (Legends of Camber of Culdi #3)

- The Harrowing of Gwynedd (Heirs of Saint Camber #1)

- King Javan's Year (Heirs of Saint Camber #2)

- The Bastard Prince (Heirs of Saint Camber #3)

- Deryni Rising (Chronicles of the Deryni #1)

- Deryni Checkmate (Chronicles of the Deryni #2)

- High Deryni (Chronicles of the Deryni #3)

- The Bishop's Heir (Histories of King Kelson #1)

- The King's Justice (Histories of King Kelson #2)

- The Quest for Saint Camber (Histories of King Kelson #3)

- King Kelson's Bride

- In the King's Service

(short stories) Deryni Archives 
(short stories) Deryni Magic 
(short stories) Deryni Tales 
(nonfiction) Codex Derynianus 
- Kurtz, Katherine & Harris, Deborah Turner: The Temple and the Stone

- Lackey, Mercedes: Elemental Masters series
- The Serpent's Shadow

- The Gates of Sleep

- Phoenix and Ashes

- The Wizard of London

- Reserved for the Cat

- Lackey, Mercedes: The Fire Rose

- Lackey, Mercedes & Flint, Eric & Freer, Dave: This Rough Magic

- Lackey, Mercedes & Gellis, Roberta: Scepter'd Isle series
- This Scepter'd Isle

- Ill Met by Moonlight

- By Slanderous Tongues

- Lawhead, Stephen R.: Celtic Crusades series
- The Iron Lance

- The Black Rood

- The Mystic Rose

- Lee, J. Ardian: Ciorram series

- Son of the Sword

- Outlaw Sword

- Sword of King James

- Sword of the White Rose

- Lee, Tanith: Secret Books of Venus
- Faces Under Water

- Saint Fire

- A Bed of Earth

- Lindskold, Jane: The Buried Pyramid

- Llywelyn, Morgan and Scott, Michael: Etruscans

- MacLeod, Ian R.: The Light Ages

- Moss, Robert: The Firekeeper

- Norton, Andre & Edghill, Rosemary: Carolus Rex series
- The Shadow of Albion

- Leopard in Exile

- Norton, Andre and Shwartz, Susan: Empire of the Eagle

- Novik, Naomi: Temeraire series

- His Majesty's Dragon

- Throne of Jade

- Black Powder War

- Empire of Ivory

- Osborne-McKnight, Juliene: Ireland series
- I Am of Irelaunde

- Daughter of Ireland

- Bright Sword of Ireland

- Song of Ireland

- Parker, K.J.: Purple and Black

- Pharaoh Fantastic (edited by Martin H. Greenberg & Brittany A. Koren)

- Powers, Tim: The Drawing of the Dark

- Rand, Ken: The Golems of Laramie County

- Rand, Ken: Lucky Nickel Saloon series

- Dadgum Martians Invade the Lucky Nickel Saloon!

- Fairy BrewHaHa at the Lucky Nickel Saloon

- Rand, Ken: Pax Dakota

- Reisert, Rebecca: The Third Witch

- Roessner, Michaela: Catherine de'Medici series
- The Stars Dispose

- The Stars Compel

- Scott, Melissa & Barnett, Lisa A.: The Armor of Light

- Sheffield, Charles: The Amazing Mr. Darwin

- Somtow, S.P.: Darker Angels

- Stevermer, Caroline: Glasscastle series
- A College of Magics

- A Scholar of Magics

- Stevermer, Caroline: When the King Comes Home

- Stover, Matthew Woodring: Iron Dawn series
- Iron Dawn

- Jericho Moon

- Sucharitkul, Somtow: The Aquiliad

- Suyin, Han: The Enchantress

- Tarr, Judith: Kingdom of the Grail

- Tarr, Judith: Pride of Kings

- Tarr, Judith: Queen of the Amazons

- Tarr, Judith: Rite of Conquest

- Tobin, Betsy: Ice Land

- Turney, S.J.A.: Interregnum

- Turtledove, Harry: Between the Rivers

- Turtledove, Harry: Marching Through Peachtree

- Turtledove, Harry: Thessalonica

- Walker, Lars: Blood and Judgment

- Watson, Jules: Dalriada series

- The White Mare

- The Dawn Stag

- Song of the North

- Wheeler, Thomas: The Arcanum

- Wurlitzer, Rudolph: The Drop Edge of Yonder

- Zettel, Sarah: Isavalta series
- A Sorcerer's Treason

- The Usurper's Crown

- The Firebird's Vengeance

- Sword of the Devceiver

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updated: Wednesday, June 15, 2011