Academic Satire
Stories that satirize the academic life.
Related Genres
Academic Mysteries
Authors & Titles
- Acito, Marc: How I Paid for College

- Barth, John: Giles Goat-Boy

- Boylan, James Finney: Getting In

- Brown, Amanda: Legally Blonde

- Chabon, Michael: Wonder Boys

- Clarke, Will: The Worthy

- Coll, Susan: Acceptance

- Cumyn, Alan: Losing It

- Douglas, Lawrence: The Catastrophist

- Grant, Grace & McAllister, P.J.: Flyover States

- Hynes, James: The Lecturer's Tale

- Hynes, James: Publish and Perish

- Kadish, Rachel: Tolstoy Lied

- Lipman, Elinor: My Latest Grievance

- McNally, John: America's Report Card

- Nicholls, David: A Question of Attraction

- Oates, Joyce Carol: I'll Take You There

- Pastan, Rachel: Lady of the Snakes

- Perrotta, Tom: Joe College

- Robbins, Tom: Villa Incognito

- Rosenblatt, Roger: Beet

- Schutt, Christine: All Souls

- Smiley, Jane: Moo

- Viswanathan, Kaavya: How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got a Life

- Williams, Tod Harrison: Knifeboy

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updated: Tuesday, March 25, 2008