Alter Egos/New Identities
Stories involving characters who take on a different identity, including lookalikes or dopplegangers who switch identities.
(Fiction involving superheroes and their secret identities is listed under Graphic Novels/Based on Comics.)
Related Genres
Evil Twins
Psychological Fiction
Authors & Titles
- Baratz-Logsted, Lauren: A Little Change of Face

- Brown, Sandra: Mirror Image

- Cook, Gary J.: Blood Trail

- Deveraux, Jude: Carolina Isle

- Finder, Joseph: High Crimes

- French, Tana: The Likeness

(NOTE: This title is part of the Cassie Maddox series, listed under Psychological Suspense)
- Gregory, Philippa: Zelda's Cut

- Grisham, John: The Partner

- Hallowell, Janis: She Was

- Hammesfahr, Petra: The Lie

- Kauffman, Donna: Let Me In

- Lehrer, Jim: The Phony Marine

- MacEnulty, Pat: Time to Say Goodbye

- Neri, Penelope: Double Play

- Paisner, Daniel: Mourning Wood

- Palmer, Rob: No Time to Hide

- Perry, Michelle: Cain & Abel

- Perry, Thomas: Fidelity

- Perry, Thomas: Jane Whitefield series
- Vanishing Act

- Dance for the Dead

- Shadow Woman

- The Face Changers

- Blood Money

- Runner

- Pina, Gabrielle: Chasing Sophea

- Quindlen, Anna: Black and Blue

- Quinn, Tara Taylor: Hidden

- Saramago, Jose: The Double

- Scottoline, Lisa: Think Twice

(NOTE: This title is part of the Rosato & Associates series, listed under Legal Thrillers)
- Shea, Suzanne Strempek: Becoming Finola

- Skibbins, David: Warren Ritter series (aka Tarot Card series)
- Eight of Swords

- High Priestess

- The Star

- The Hanged Man

- Smith, Rosamond: You Can't Catch Me

- Stringer, Vickie M.: Pamela/Carmen series
- Let That Be the Reason

- Imagine This

- Sullivan, Mark T.: The Fall Line

- Twain, Mark: The Prince and the Pauper

- Vine, Barbara: The Chimney Sweeper's Boy

- Watkins, Paul: The Story of My Disappearance

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updated: Thursday, August 26, 2010