(Within each period, listings are roughly chronological.
Use your browser's FIND function to locate a specific author or series on this page.)
Historical Mysteries: Early Modern Age (c. 1500 - 1799)
Mysteries set in historical periods between the Middle Ages and the 1800s.
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Notable Historical Mysteries
Authors & Titles
16th Century
(Scroll up/down for other Early Modern periods.)
- Harrison, Cora: Burren series

- My Lady Judge

- A Secret and Unlawful Killing

- Sting of Justice

- Writ in Stone

- Eye of the Law

- Levack, Simon: Demon of the Air (Aztec, 1517)

- Clynes, Michael: Sir Roger Shallot series (England, c. 1520)
- The White Rose Murders

- The Poisoned Chalice

- The Grail Murders

- A Brood of Vipers

- The Gallows Murders

- The Relic Murders

- Collier, Iris: Day of Wrath

- Sansom, C.J.: Matthew Shardlake series
- Dissolution (1537)

- Dark Fire

- Sovereign

- Revelation

(Scroll up/down for other Early Modern periods.)
- Eyre, Elizabeth: Sigismondo series (Venice)
- Death of a Duchess

- Curtains for a Cardinal

- Poison for the Prince

- Bravo for the Bride

- Axe for an Abbot

- Dirge for a Doge

- Jaffe, Michele: Renaissance series
- The Stargazer

- The Water Nymph

Elizabethan Age
(Scroll up/down for other Early Modern periods.)
- Buckley, Fiona: Ursula Blanchard series
- To Shield the Queen

- The Doublet Affair

- Queen's Ransom

- To Ruin a Queen

- Queen of Ambition

- A Pawn for a Queen

- The Fugitive Queen

- The Siren Queen

- Chisholm, P.F.: Sir Robert Carey series (England, c. 1590)
- A Famine of Horses

- A Season of Knives

- A Surfeit of Guns

- A Plague of Angels

- A Murder of Crows

- Clements, Rory: Martyr

- Emerson, Kathy Lynn: Susanna, Lady Appleton series
- Face Down in the Marrow-Bone Pie

- Face Down Upon an Herbal

- Face Down Among the Winchester Geese

- Face Down Beneath the Eleanor Cross

- Face Down Under the Wych Elm

- Face Down Before Rebel Hooves

- Face Down Across the Western Sea

- Face Down Below the Banqueting Hall

- Face Down Beside St. Anne's Well

- Face Down O'er the Border

(short stories) Murder and Other Confusions 
- Gooden, Philip: Nick Revell series (aka Shakespearean Mystery series)
- Sleep of Death

- Death of Kings

- The Pale Companion

- Alms for Oblivion

- Mask of Night

- An Honorable Murder

- Harper, Karen: Elizabeth I series
- The Poyson Garden

- The Tidal Poole
- The Twylight Tower

- The Queene's Cure

- The Thorne Maze

- The Queene's Christmas

- The Fyre Mirror

- The Fatal Fashione

- Hawke, Simon: Shakespeare and Smythe series
- A Mystery of Errors

- The Slaying of the Shrew

- Kellerman, Faye: The Quality of Mercy

- Marston, Edward: Nicholas Bracewell series
- The Queen's Head

- The Merry Devils

- The Trip to Jerusalem

- The Nine Giants

- The Mad Courtesan

- The Silent Woman

- The Roaring Boy

- The Laughing Hangman

- The Fair Maid of Bohemia

- The Wanton Angel

- The Devil's Apprentice

- The Bawdy Basket

- The Vagabond Clown

- The Counterfeit Crank

- The Malevolent Comedy

- The Princess of Denmark

- Much Ado About Murder (edited by Anne Perry)

- Pilkington, John: Thomas the Falconer series
- The Ruffler's Child

- A Ruinous Wind

- The Ramage Hawk

- The Mapmaker's Daughter

- The Maiden Bell

- The Jingler's Luck

- The Muscovy Chain

- Tobin, Betsy: Bone House

- Tonkin, Peter: Master of Defence series
- The Point of Death

- One Head Too Many

- The Silent Woman

- Tourney, Leonard: Matthew & Joan Stock series
- The Players' Boy is Dead

- Low Treason

- Familiar Spirits

- The Bartholomew Fair Murders

- Old Saxon Blood

- Knaves Templar

- Witness of Bones

- Frobisher's Savage

- Tourney, Leonard: Time's Fool

17th Century
(Scroll up/down for other Early Modern periods.)
- Alfieri, Annamaria: City of Silver

- Furutani, Dale: Samurai series (Japan, 17th century)
- Death at the Crossroads

- Jade Palace Vendetta

- Kill the Shogun

- Gregory, Susanna: Thomas Chaloner series

- Conspiracy of Violence

- Blood on the Strand

- The Butcher of Smithfield

- The Westminster Poisoner

- A Murder on London Bridge

- The Body in the Thames

- Kerr, Philip: Dark Matter

- Lawrence, Paul: Harry Lytle series

- The Sweet Smell of Decay

- A Plague of Sinners

- Lewis, Stephen: Mystery of Colonial Times series
- The Dumb Shall Sing

- The Blind in Darkness

- The Sea Hath Spoken

- Miles, Margaret: Braceridge series
- A Wicked Way to Burn

- Too Soon For Flowers

- No Rest for the Dove

- Pears, Iain: An Instance of the Fingerpost

- Riley, Judith Merkle: The Oracle Glass

- Rowland, Laura Joh: Samurai Detective series (aka Sano Ichiro series)
- Shinju

- Bundori

- The Way of the Traitor

- The Concubine's Tattoo

- The Samurai's Wife

- Black Lotus

- The Pillow Book of Lady Wisteria

- The Dragon King's Palace

- The Perfumed Sleeve

- The Assassin's Touch

- Red Chysanthemum

- The Snow Empress

- The Fire Kimono

- The Cloud Pavilion

- Wishnia, Kenneth: The Fifth Servant

18th Century
(Scroll up/down for other Early Modern periods.)
- Morgan, Fidelis: Countess Ashby de la Zouche series
- Unnatural Fire

- The Rival Queens

- The Ambitious Stepmother

- Fortune's Slave

- Myers, Beverle Graves: Tito Amato series (aka Baroque Mystery series)
- Interrupted Aria

- Painted Veil

- Cruel Music

- The Iron Tongue of Midnight

- Her Deadly Mischief

- Laurence, Janet: Canaletto and the Case of the Westminster Bridge (London, 1746)

- Liss, David: Benjamin Weaver series
- A Conspiracy of Paper

- A Spectacle of Corruption

- The Devil's Company

- Southey, Roz: Charles Patterson series
- Broken Harmony

- Chords and Discords

- Secret Lament

- Sword and Song

- The Ladder Dancer

- Pattison, Eliot: Duncan McCallum series
- Bone Rattler

- Eye of the Raven

- Gabaldon, Diana: Lord John Grey series
- Lord John and the Private Matter

- Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade

- Lord John and the Hand of Devils

- The Scottish Prisoner

A Lord John Grey short story titled "Hellfire" is available in book-on-tape format by Recorded Books, Inc. 
- Alexander, Bruce: Sir John Fielding series (London, c. 1770)
- Blind Justice

- Murder in Grub Street

- Watery Grave

- Person or Persons Unknown

- Jack, Knave, and Fool

- Death of a Colonial

- The Color of Death

- Smuggler's Moon

- An Experiment in Treason

- The Price of Murder

- Swee, Karen: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Murder

- Lawrence, Margaret: Hannah Trevor series (United States, 1780s)
- Hearts and Bones

- Blood Red Roses

- The Burning Bride

- Wright, Nancy Means: Midnight Fires: A Mystery with Mary Wollstonecraft (1786)

- Clarke, Mary Andrea: Georgiana Grey series

- The Crimson Cavalier

- O'Brien, Charles: Anna Cartier series
- Mute Witness

- Black Gold

- Noble Blood

- Lethal Beauty

- Fatal Carnival

- Cruel Choices

- Assassins' Rage

- Deadly Quarrel

- False Patriots

- Perry, Anne: A Dish Taken Cold (1792)

- Alleyn, Susanne: Aristide Ravel series
(prequel) The Cavalier of the Apocalypse

- Game of Patience

- A Treasury of Regrets

- Redfern, Elizabeth: The Music of the Spheres

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