(Within the 19th Century period, listings are roughly chronological.
Use your browser's FIND function to locate a specific author or series on this page.)
Historical Mysteries: Victorian & 1800s
Mysteries set in the Victorian period and/or the 1800s.
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Notable Historical Mysteries
Authors & Titles
Victorian Era
- Barron, Stephanie: A Flaw in the Blood

- Bayard, Louis: Mr. Timothy

- Black, Michelle: Victorian West series
- Never Come Down

- Lightning in a Drought Year

- An Uncommon Enemy

- Solomon Spring

- The Second Glass of Absinthe

- Bornais, Gilles: The Devil Lives in Glasgow

- Brightwell, Emily: Mrs. Jeffries series

- The Inspector and Mrs. Jeffries

- Mrs. Jeffries Dusts for Clues

- The Ghost and Mrs. Jeffries

- Mrs. Jeffries Takes Stock

- Mrs. Jeffries on the Ball

- Mrs. Jeffries on the Trail

- Mrs. Jeffries Plays the Cook

- Mrs. Jeffries Stands Corrected

- Mrs. Jeffries and the Missing Alibi

- Mrs. Jeffries Takes the Stage

- Mrs. Jeffries Questions the Answer

- Mrs. Jeffries Reveals Her Art

- Mrs. Jeffries Takes the Cake

- Mrs. Jeffries Rocks the Boat

- Mrs. Jeffries Weeds the Plot

- Mrs. Jeffries Pinches the Post

- Mrs. Jeffries Pleads Her Case

- Mrs. Jeffries Sweeps the Chimney

- Mrs. Jeffries Stalks the Hunter

- Mrs. Jeffries Appeals the Verdict

- Mrs. Jeffries and the Silent Knight

- Mrs. Jeffries Appeals the Verdict

- Mrs. Jeffries and the Best Laid Plans

- Mrs. Jeffries and the Feast of St. Stephen

- Mrs. Jeffries in the Nick of Time

- Mrs. Jeffries and the Yuletide Weddings

- Dickinson, David: Lord Francis Powerscourt series
- Goodnight Sweet Prince

- Death and the Jubilee

- Death of an Old Master

- Death of a Chancellor

- Death Called to the Bar

- Death on the Nevskii Prospekt

- Death on the Holy Mountain

- Death of a Pilgrim

- Death of a Wine Merchant

- Gray, John MacLachlan: Edmund Whitty series
- The Fiend in Human

- White Stone Day

- King, Peter: Ned Parker series

- Hangman's Corner

- Myers, Amy: Auguste Didier series (Victorian England)
- Murder in Pug's Parlour

- Murder in the Limelight

Murder at Plums 
Murder at the Masque 
Murder Makes an Entree 
Murder Under the Kissing Bough
Murder in the Smokehouse 
Murder at the Music Hall 
Murder in the Motor Stable 
Murder With Majesty 
Paige, Robin: Victorian Mystery series aka Kathryn Ardleigh series
- Death at Bishop's Keep

- Death at Gallows Green

- Death at Daisy's Folly

- Death at Devil's Bridge

- Death at Rottingdean

- Death at Whitechapel

- Death at Epsom Downs

- Death at Dartmoor

- Death at Glamis Castle

- Death in Hyde Park

- Death at Blenheim Palace

- Death on the Lizard

Palmer, William J.: Charles Dickens & Wilkie Collins series (aka Secret Victorian Journal series)
- The Detective and Mr. Dickens

- The Highwayman and Mr. Dickens

- The Hoydens and Mr. Dickens

- The Dons and Mr. Dickens

The Penguin Book of Gaslight Crime: Con Artists, Burglars, Rogues and Scoundrels from the Time of Sherlock Holmes (edited by Michael Sims)

Perry, Anne: William Monk series (Victorian England)
- The Face of a Stranger

- A Dangerous Mourning

- Defend and Betray

- A Sudden, Fearful Death

- Sins of the Wolf

- Cain His Brother

- Weighed in the Balance

- The Silent Cry

- A Breach of Promise

- The Twisted Root

- Slaves of Obsession

- A Funeral in Blue

- Death of a Stranger

- The Shifting Tide

- Dark Assassin

(related title) A Christmas Visitor

(related title) A Christmas Promise

Perry, Anne: William Monk series (Victorian England)
- The Face of a Stranger

- A Dangerous Mourning

- Defend and Betray

- A Sudden, Fearful Death

- Sins of the Wolf

- Cain His Brother

- Weighed in the Balance

- The Silent Cry

- A Breach of Promise

- The Twisted Root

- Slaves of Obsession

- A Funeral in Blue

- Death of a Stranger

- The Shifting Tide

- Dark Assassin

- Execution Dock

(related title) A Christmas Visitor

Peters, Elizabeth: Amelia Peabody series
- Crocodile on the Sandbank

- The Curse of the Pharaohs

- The Mummy Case

- Lion in the Valley

- The Deeds of the Disturber

- The Last Camel Died at Noon

- The Snake, the Crocodile, and the Dog

- The Hippopotamus Pool

- Seeing a Large Cat

- The Ape Who Guards the Balance

- The Falcon at the Portal

- He Shall Thunder in the Sky

- Lord of the Silent

- The Golden One

- Children of the Storm

- Guardian of the Horizon

- Tomb of the Golden Bird

- The Serpent on the Crown

- A River in the Sky

(related nonfiction) Amelia Peabody's Egypt: A Compendium (edited by Elizabeth peters & Kristen Whitbread) 
Raybourn, Deanna: Lady Julia Grey series 
- Silent in the Grave

- Silent in the Sanctuary

Rowland, Laura Joh: Charlotte Brontë series
- The Secret Adventures of Charlotte Brontë

- Bedlam: The Further Secret Adventures of Charlotte Brontë

Spencer, Sally: Inspector Sam Blackstone series
- Rendezvous with Death

- Blackstone and the Tiger

- Blackstone and the Golden Egg

- Blackstone and the Firebug

Thomas, Will: Llewelyn and Barker series 
- Some Danger Involved

- To Kingdom Come

- The Limehouse Text

- The Hellfire Conspiracy

- The Black Hand

Williams, Gerard: Dr. Mortimer series
- Dr. Mortimer and the Aldgate Mystery

- Dr. Mortimer and the Barking Man Mystery

19th Century
(Within this period, listings are roughly chronological.
Use your browser's FIND function to locate a specific author or series.)
- Banks, T.F.: Memoirs of a Bank Street Runner series
- The Thief Taker

- Barron, Stephanie: Jane Austen series (England, c. 1800)
- Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor

- Jane and the Man of the Cloth

- Jane and the Wandering Eye

- Jane and the Genius of the Place

- Jane and the Stillroom Maid

- Jane and the Prisoner of Wool House

- Jane and the Ghosts of Netley

- Jane and His Lordship's Legacy

- Bebris, Carrie: Mr. & Mrs. Darcy series
- Pride and Prescience (Or, A Truth Universally Acknowledged)

- Suspense and Sensibility (Or, First Impressions Revisited)

- North by Northanger (Or, The Shades of Pemberley)

- The Matters at Mansfield (Or, The Crawford Affair)

- The Intrigue at Highbury (Or, Emma's Match)

- Gregorio, Michael: Hanno Stiffeniis series

- Critique of Criminal Reason

- Days of Atonement

- A Visible Darkness

- Smith, Shirley: A Particular Circumstance

- Gardner, Ashley (aka Gold, Alan): Gabriel Lacey series

- The Hanover Square Affair

- A Regimental Murder

- The Glass House

- The Sudbury School Murders

- A Body in Berkeley Square

- Harris, C.S.: Sebastian St. Cyr series

- What Angels Fear

- When Gods Die

- Why Mermaids Sing

- Where Serpents Sleep

- What Remains of Heaven

- Bayard, Louis: The Black Tower

- Bayard, Louis: The Pale Blue Eye

- Burns, Ron: The Mysterious Death of Meriwether Lewis

- Rizzolo, S.K.: John Chase series
- The Rose in the Wheel

- Blood for Blood

- Cornwell, Bernard: Gallows Thief

- Robins, Madeleine E.: Sarah Tolerance series
- Point of Honour

- Petty Treason

- Grant, Tracy: Charles and Melanie Fraser series
- Daughter of the Game

- Beneath a Silent Moon

- Jakeman, Jane: Lord Ambrose series (1830s)

- Let There Be Blood

- The Egyptian Coffin

- Fool's Gold

- Linsley, Clyde: Josiah Beede series (1830s)

- Death of a Mill Girl

- Saving Louisa

- Die Like a Hero

- Goodwin, Jason: Yashim Togalu series

- The Janissary Tree

- The Snake Stone

- The Bellini Card

- Pepper, Andrew: Pyke series

- The Last Days of Newgate

- The Revenge of Captain Paine

- Kill-Devil and Water

- Druett, Joan: Wiki Coffin series
- A Watery Grave

- Shark Island

- Run Afoul

- Deadly Shoals

- Hambly, Barbara: Benjamin January series
- A Free Man of Color

- Fever Season

- Graveyard Dust

- Sold Down the River

- Die Upon a Kiss

- Wet Grave

- Days of the Dead

- Dead Water

- Dead and Buried

- Holland, David: Dean Tuckworth series (aka Unlikely Mystery series)
- The Devil in Bellminster

- The Devil's Acre

- The Devil's Game

- MacLean, Anna: Louisa May Alcott series

- Louisa and the Missing Heiress

- Louisa and the Country Bachelor

- Gray, John MacLachlan: Not Quite Dead (1849)

- Schechter, Harold: Edgar Allen Poe series
- Nevermore

- The Hum Bug

- The Mask of Red Death

- Stevens, Rosemary: Beau Brummell series
- Death on a Silver Tray

- The Tainted Snuff Box

- The Bloodied Cravat

- Murder in the Pleasure Gardens

- Biddle, Cordelia Francis: Martha Beale series

- The Conjurer

- Deception's Daughter

- Perkins, Wilder: Bartholomew Hoare series
- Hoare and the Portsmouth Atrocities

- Hoare and the Headless Captains

- Silvis, Randall: Edgar Allen Poe series
- On Night's Shore

- Disquiet Heart

- Stang, Virginia: Mark Bennett series

- Murder in the Red Brick City

- The Baroness and Her Wandering Pearls

- Monfredo, Miriam Grace: Seneca Falls series (aka Glynis Tryon series) (USA, c. 1859)
- Seneca Falls Inheritance

- North Star Conspiracy

- Blackwater Spirits

- Through a Gold Eagle

- The Stalking-Horse

- Must the Maiden Die

- Sisters of Cain (Cain Trilogy #1)

- Brothers of Cain (Cain Trilogy #2)

- Children of Cain (Cain Trilogy #3)

- Horwitz, David R.: Murder Bay

(NOTE: This title is part of the Ben Carey series, listed under Paranormal Mysteries)
- Kilian, Michael: Harrison Raines series
- Murder at Manassas

- A Killing at Ball's Bluff

- The Ironclad Alibi

- A Grave at Glorieta

- The Shiloh Sisters

- Antietam Assassins

- McMillan, Ann: Civil War Mysteries series
- Dead March

- Angel Trumpet

- Civil Blood

- Chickahominy Fever

- Parry, Owen: Abel Jones series (Civil War)
- Faded Coat of Blue

- Shadows of Glory

- Call Each River Jordan

- Honor's Kingdom

- Bold Sons of Erin

- Rebels of Babylon

- Pearl, Matthew: The Dante Club (1865)

- Perry, Anne: Slaves of Obsession (Civil War)

- Newman, Sharan: The Shanghai Tunnel

- Temple, Lou Jane: Spice Box series

- The Spice Box

- Death du Jour

- Rogow, Roberts: The Guilty Client (1870)

- Ryan, P.B.: Gilded Age series

- Still Life With Murder

- Murder in a Mill Town

- Death on Beacon Hill

- Murder on Black Friday

- Moquist, Richard: Eye of the Agency (USA, 1873)

- Akunin, Boris: Erast Fandorin series
- The Winter Queen

- Murder on the Leviathan

- The Turkish Gambit

- The Death of Achilles

- Special Assignments

- Akunin, Boris: Sister Pelagia series
- Sister Pelagia and the White Bulldog

- Sister Pelagia and the Black Monk

- Sister Pelagia and the Red Cockerel

- Champlin, Tim: Lincoln's Ransom (USA, 1876)

- Graham, Mark: The Black Maria (Philadelphia, 1876)

- Engel, Howard: Mr. Doyle & Mr. Bell (1876)

- Parker, Ann: Silver Rush series
- Silver Lies

- Iron Ties

- Ackroyd, Peter: The Trial of Elizabeth Cree (London, 1880)

- Pronzini, Bill: Quincannon series

- Quincannon

- Beyond the Grave

(short stories) Carpenter and Quincannon 
(short stories) Quincannon's Game 
- Rogow, Roberta: Charles Dodgson & Arthur Conan Doyle series (1880s)
- The Problem of the Missing Miss

- The Problem of the Spiteful Spiritualist

- The Problem of the Evil Editor

- The Problem of the Surly Servant

- Pirie, David: Arthur Conan Doyle & Joseph Bell series
- The Patient's Eyes

- The Night Calls

- Eidson, Thomas: Souls of Angels

- Tallman, Shirley: Sarah Woolson series (San Francisco, 1880s)
- Murder on Nob Hill

- The Russian Hill Murders

- The Cliff House Strangler

- Scandal on Rincon Hill

- Clarke, Ann: The Lady in Black (London, 1882)

- Charles, Kate: Cruel Habitations

- Pope, Barbara Corrado: Cézanne's Quarry (1885)

- Shaw, Catherine: Vanessa Duncan series

- The Three Body Problem

- White, Jenny: Kamil Pasha series
- The Sultan's Seal

- The Abyssinian Proof

- The Winter Thief

- Brandreth, Gyles: Oscar Wilde series
- Oscar Wilde and a Death of No Importance

- Oscar Wilde and a Game Called Murder

- Oscar Wilde and the Dead Man's Smile

- Crabbe, Richard E.: The Empire of Shadows (1889)

- Hall, Oakley: Ambrose Bierce series
- Ambrose Bierce and the Queen of Spades

- Ambrose Bierce and the Death of Kings

- Ambrose Bierce and the One-Eyed Jacks

- Ambrose Bierce and the Trey of Pearls

- Emerson, Kathy Lynn: Diana Spaulding series

- Deadlier Than the Pen

- Fatal as a Fallen Woman

- No Mortal Reason

- Lethal Legend

- Heck, Peter J.: Mark Twain series (USA, c. 1890)
- Death on the Mississippi

- A Connecticut Yankee in Criminal Court

- The Prince and the Prosecutor

- The Guilty Abroad

- The Mysterious Strangler

- Manguel, Alberto: Stevenson Under the Palm Trees

- O'Neill, Anthony: The Lamplighter

- Peale, Cynthia: Beacon Hill series (Boston, 1892)
- The Death of Colonel Mann

- Murder at Bertram's Bower

- The White Crow

- Perry, Anne: A Christmas Secret

- Blaine, Michael: The Midnight Band of Mercy (1893)

- Walker, Robert W.: City for Ransom (1893)

- Zellnik, M.J.: Libby Seale series (1894)

- Murder at the Portland Variety

- Jennings, Maureen: William Murdoch series (1890s)
- Except the Dying

- Under the Dragon's Tail

- Poor Tom is Cold

- Let Loose the Dogs

- Bowen, Rhys: Molly Murphy series (1899)
- Murphy's Law

- Death of Riley

- For the Love of Mike

- In Like Flynn

- Oh Danny Boy

- In Dublin's Fair City

- Tell Me, Pretty Maiden

- In a Gilded Cage

- The Last Illusion

- Carr, Caleb: Alienist series
- The Alienist

- The Angel of Darkness

- Havill, Steven F.: Race for the Dying

- Michod, Alec: The White City

- Soos, Troy: Marshall Webb & Rebecca Davies series
- Island of Tears

- The Gilded Cage

- Stashower, Daniel: Harry Houdini series
- The Dime Museum Murders

- The Floating Lady Murder

- Rowse, Sharon: The Silk Train Murder (1899)

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