Animal Companions
Fantasy (and occasional SF) involving humans with animal companions, often with some kind of empathic or telepathic communication between the two.
Related Genres
Animal Whisperers
Authors & Titles
- Bear, Elizabeth & Monette, Sarah: A Companion to Wolves

- Bradley, Marion Zimmer: Hawkmistress!

(NOTE: This title is part of the Darkover series, listed under Beloved Worlds)
- Cherryh, C.J.: Riders series (aka Finisterre series)
- Rider at the Gate

- Cloud's Rider

- Foster, Alan Dean: Pip & Flinx series
(NOTE: This series is part of the Humanx Commonwealth series, listed under Galactic Empires)
- The Tar-Aiym Krang

- Mission to Moulokin

- Orphan Star

- The Deluge Drivers

- The End of the Matter

- Flinx in Flux

- Mid-Flinx

- Reunion

- Flinx's Folly

- Sliding Scales

- Running From the Deity

- Bloodhype

- Trouble Magnet

- Patrimony

- Flinx Transcendent

(A Pip & Flinx short story appears in the collection Impossible Places
- Gotlieb, Phyllis: Starcats series

- A Judgment of Dragons

- Emperor, Sword, Pentacles

- The Kingdom of the Cats

- Harper, Tara K.: Wolfwalker series (aka Tales of the Wolves series)
- Wolfwalker

- Shadow Leader

- Storm Runner

- Grayheart

- Wolf's Bane

- Silver Moons, Black Steel

- Wolf in Night

(related title) Grayheart 
- Lindskold, Jane: Firekeeper series
- Through Wolf's Eyes

- Wolf's Head, Wolf's Heart

- The Dragon of Despair

- Wolf Captured

- Wolf Hunting

- Wolf's Blood

- McCaffrey, Anne: Dragonriders of Pern series (in order of publication, as recommended by the author)
- Dragonflight

- Dragonquest

- The White Dragon

- Dragonsong (Harper Hall Trilogy #1)

- Dragonsinger (Harper Hall Trilogy #2)

- Dragondrums (Harper Hall Trilogy #3)

- Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern

- Nerilka's Story

- Dragonsdawn

- The Renegades of Pern

- All the Weyrs of Pern

- The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall

- The Dolphins of Pern

- Dragonseye

- The Masterharper of Pern

- The Skies of Pern

- A Gift of Dragons

- Dragon's Kin (with Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragonsblood (by Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragon's Fire (with Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragon Harper (with Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragonheart (by Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragongirl (by Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragon's Time (with Todd McCaffrey)

A short story titled "The Girl Who Heard Dragons" appears in The Girl Who Heard Dragons by Anne McCaffrey
and A Gift of Dragons 
A novelette titled "Runner of Pern" appears in Legends: Short Novels by the Masters of Modern Fantasy (edited by Robert Silverberg)
and A Gift of Dragons 
A story titled "Beyond Between" appears in Legends II (edited by Robert Silverberg) 
- Monette, Sarah & Bear, Elizabeth: A Companion to Wolves

- Norton, Andre: Beast Master series
- The Beast Master

- Lord of Thunder

- Beast Master's Ark (with Lyn McConchie)

- Beast Master's Circus (with Lyn McConchie)

- Novik, Naomi: Temeraire series

- His Majesty's Dragon

- Throne of Jade

- Black Powder War

- Empire of Ivory

- Reichert, Mickey Zucker: Spirit Fox

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updated: Tuesday, July 19, 2011