Beloved Worlds
Fantasy and Science-Fantasy series set in worlds so well-depicted that readers love to visit them again and again.
Related Genres
Otherworld Historical Fantasy
SF: Other Worlds
Authors & Titles
- Bradley, Marion Zimmer: Darkover series
In order of publication (as preferred by the author):
- The Planet Savers

- Star of Danger

- Winds of Darkover

- The World Wreckers

- Darkover Landfall

- The Spell Sword (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #1)

- The Heritage of Hastur (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #1)

- The Shattered Chain (Renunciates Trilogy #1)

- The Forbidden Tower (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #2)

- Stormqueen!

- The Bloody Sun (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #3)

- Two to Conquer

- Sharra's Exile (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #2)

- Hawkmistress!

- Thendara House (Renunciates Trilogy #2)

- City of Sorcery (Renunciates Trilogy #3)

- The Heirs of Hammerfell

- Rediscovery (with Mercedes Lackey)

- Exile's Song (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #1) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

- The Shadow Matrix (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #2) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

- Traitor's Sun (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #3) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

- The Fall of Neskaya (with Deborah J. Ross)(Clingfire Trilogy #1)

- Zandru's Forge (with Deborah J. Ross)(Clingfire Trilogy #2)

- Flame in Hali (Clingfire Trilogy #3)

- The Reluctant King (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #3) (not yet published)
- Thunderlord (not yet published)
In chronological order:
- Darkover Landfall

- Stormqueen!

- Thunderlord (not yet published)
- The Fall of Neskaya (with Deborah J. Ross) (Clingfire Trilogy #1)

- Zandru's Forge (with Deborah J. Ross)(Clingfire Trilogy #2)

- Flame in Hali (Clingfire Trilogy #3)

- Hawkmistress!

- Two to Conquer

- The Heirs of Hammerfell

- Rediscovery (with Mercedes Lackey)

- The Spell Sword (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #1)

- The Forbidden Tower (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #2)

- The Shattered Chain (Renunciates Trilogy #1)

- Thendara House (Renunciates Trilogy #2)

- City of Sorcery (Renunciates Trilogy #3)

- Star of Danger

- Winds of Darkover

- The Bloody Sun (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #3)

- The Heritage of Hastur (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #1)

- The Planet Savers

- Sharra's Exile (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #2)

- The Reluctant King (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #3) (not yet published)
- The World Wreckers

- Exile's Song (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #1) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

- Shadow Matrix (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #2) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

- Traitor's Sun (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #3) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

Omnibus Editions: 
- The Ages of Chaos (contains Stormqueen! and Hawkmistress!)

- Darkover: First Contact (contains Darkover Landfall and Two to Conquer)

- The Forbidden Circle (contains The Spell Sword and The Forbidden Tower)

- Heritage and Exile (contains The Heritage of Hastur and Sharra's Exile)

- The Saga of the Renunciates (contains The Shattered Chain, Thendara House, and City of Sorcery)

- To Save a World (contains The World Wreckers and The Planetsavers)

- A World Divided (contains Star of Danger, The Bloody Sun, and The Winds of Darkover)

Darkover anthologies:
- The Keeper's Price

- Sword of Chaos

- Free Amazons of Darkover

- The Other Side of the Mirror

- Red Sun of Darkover

- Four Moons of Darkover

- Domains of Darkover

- Renunciates of Darkover

- Leroni of Darkover

- Towers of Darkover

- Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover

- Snows of Darkover

- Burroughs, Edgar Rice: Barsoom (Mars) series
- A Princess of Mars

- The Gods of Mars

- Warlord of Mars

- Thuvia, Maid of Mars

- The Chessmen of Mars

- The Master Mind of Mars

- A Fighting Man of Mars

- Synthetic Men of Mars

- Swords of Mars

- Llana of Gathol

- John Carter of Mars

- McCaffrey, Anne: Dragonriders of Pern series (in order of publication, as recommended by the author)
- Dragonflight

- Dragonquest

- The White Dragon

- Dragonsong (Harper Hall Trilogy #1)

- Dragonsinger (Harper Hall Trilogy #2)

- Dragondrums (Harper Hall Trilogy #3)

- Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern

- Nerilka's Story

- Dragonsdawn

- The Renegades of Pern

- All the Weyrs of Pern

- The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall

- The Dolphins of Pern

- Dragonseye

- The Masterharper of Pern

- The Skies of Pern

- A Gift of Dragons

- Dragon's Kin (with Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragonsblood (by Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragon's Fire (with Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragon Harper (with Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragonheart (by Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragongirl (by Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragon's Time (with Todd McCaffrey)

A short story titled "The Girl Who Heard Dragons" appears in The Girl Who Heard Dragons by Anne McCaffrey
and A Gift of Dragons 
A novelette titled "Runner of Pern" appears in Legends: Short Novels by the Masters of Modern Fantasy (edited by Robert Silverberg)
and A Gift of Dragons 
A story titled "Beyond Between" appears in Legends II (edited by Robert Silverberg) 
- Norton, ANdre: Witch World series

Estcarp Cycle:
- Witch World

- Web of the Witch World

- Three Against the Witch World

- Warlock of the Witch World

- Sorceress of the Witch World

- Trey of Swords

- 'Ware Hawk

- Gate of the Cat

High Halleck Cycle:
- Horn Crown

- Year of the Unicorn

- Spell of the Witch World

- Jargoon Pard

- Zarsthor's Bane

- The Crystal Gryphon (Gryphon Saga #1)

- Gryphon in Glory (Gryphon Saga #2)

- Gryphon's Eyrie (Gryphon Saga #3) (with A.C. Crispin)

- Songsmith (with A.C. Crispin)

The Turning:
- The Turning I: Storms of Victory

- The Turning II: Flight of Vengeance

- The Turning III: On Wings of Magic

- The Key of the Keplian (with Lyn McConchie)

- Ciara's Song (with Lyn McConchie)

- The Magestone (with Mary Schaub)

- The Warding of Witch World

Short Stories:
- Lore of the Witch World

- Four From the Witch World

- Tales of the Witch World 1

- Tales of the Witch World 2

- Tales of the Witch World 3

Omnibus Volumes:
- The Gates to Witch World (contains The Witch World, Web of the Witch World, and Year of the Unicorn)
- Lost Lands of Witch World (contains Three Against the Witch World, Warlock of the Witch World, & Soreceress of the Witch World)

- Pratchett, Terry: Discworld series
- The Colour of Magic

- The Light Fantastic

- Equal Rites

- Mort

- Sourcery

- Wyrd Sisters

- Pyramids

- Guards! Guards!

- Eric

- Moving Pictures

- Reaper Man

- Witches Abroad

- Small Gods

- Lords & Ladies

- Men at Arms

- Soul Music

- Interesting Times

- Maskerade

- Feet of Clay

- Hogfather

- Jingo

- The Last Continent

- Carpe Jugulum

- The Fifth Elephant

- The Truth

- Thief of Time

- The Last Hero

- The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents

- Night Watch

- The Wee Free Men (Wee Free Men #1)

- Monstrous Regiment

- A Hat Full of Sky (Wee Free Men #2)

- Going Postal

- Thud!

- Wintersmith

- Making Money

- Unseen Academicals

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updated: Tuesday, July 19, 2011