Underground Worlds
Fantasy and/or SF stories of adventures under the surface of the Earth (or other worlds), including journeys to the center of the Earth.
Related Genres
Adventure Fantasy
Adventure SF
Authors & Titles
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice: Pellucidar series
- At the Earth's Core

- Pellucidar

- Tanar of Pellucidar

- Tarzan at the Earth's Core

- Back to the Stone Age

- Land of Terror

- Savage Pellucidar

- Mahars of Pellucidar (by John Eric Holmes)

- Carter, Lin: Zanthodon series
- Journey to the Underground World

- Zanthodon

- Hurok of the Stone Age

- Darya of the Bronze Age

- Eric of Zanthodon

- Rucker, Rudy: The Hollow Earth

- Smith, Dean Wesley: The Core

- Verne, Jules: Journey to the Center of the Earth

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updated: Wednesday, February 13, 2008