The Dying Earth
The Dying Earth subgenre is a sub-category of science fantasy which takes place at the end of Time, when the Sun slowly fades and the laws of the universe themselves fail, with science becoming indistinguishable from magic. More generally, the Dying Earth sub-genre encompasses science fiction works set in the far distant future in a milieu of stasis or decline. Themes of world-weariness, innocence (wounded or otherwise), idealism, entropy, (permanent) exhaustion/depletion of many or all resources (such as soil nutrients), and the hope of renewal tend to pre-dominate.
Related Genres
Dystopian Futures |
End of the World |
Far Future/Clarke's Law |
Post-Apocalyptic |
Science Fantasy
Authors & Titles
- Aldiss, Brian: The Long Afternoon of Earth

- Bear, Elizabeth: All the Windwracked Stars

- Bear, Elizabeth: By the Mountain Bound

(NOTE: This title is a prequel to All the Windwracked Stars)
- Bear, Greg: City at the End of Time

- Brunner, John: Catch a Falling Star

- Clarke, Arthur C.: The City and the Stars

- Earth is But a Star (edited by Damien Broderick)

- Farmer, Philip José: Dark is the Sun

- Hamilton, Edmond: The City at World's End

- Harrison, M. John: Viriconium series

- The Pastel City

- A Storm of Wings

- The Floating Gods

- Viriconium Nights

(omnibus volume) Viriconium (contains all four titles) 
- Hodgson, William Hope: The House on the Borderland

- Hodgson, William Hope: The Night Land

- Moorcock, Michael: Dancers at the End of Time series (aka Jherek Carnelian series)
- An Alien Heat

- The Hollow Lands

- The End of All Songs

- A Messiah at the End of Time (aka The Tranformations of Miss Mavis Ming)

(omnibus) The Dancers at the End of Time (contains An Alien Heat, The Hollow Lands, and The End of All Songs) 
- Morgan, Richard K.: Yhelteth Empire series

- The Steel Remains

- Newton, Mark Charan: Legends of the Red Sun series

- Nights of Villjamur

- Vance, Jack: Dying Earth series

- The Dying Earth

- The Eyes of the Overworld

- Rhialto the Marvelous

- Cugel's Saga

- Morreion: A Tale of the Dying Earth

- A Quest for Simbilis (by Michael Shea)

(omnibus volume) Tales of the Dying Earth (contains The Dying Earth, The Eyes of the Overworld, Rhialto the Marvelous, and Cugel's Saga) 
(short stories) Songs of the Dying Earth (edited by George R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois)

- Wells, H.G.: The Time Machine

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updated: Wednesday, November 03, 2010