Stories set in a world changed by a widespread disaster in the (sometimes distant) past.
Related Genres
2012 Apocalypse |
After the Fall |
Apocalyptic/Millennial Fiction |
Disaster Epics |
The Dying Earth |
Dystopian Futures |
Eco-Thrillers |
End of the World |
The New Plague
Authors & Titles
- Aldiss, Brian: Greybeard

- Ballard, J.G.: The Drowned World

- Brackett, Leigh: The Long Tomorrow

- Braziel, James: Birmingham, 35 Miles

- Brin, David: The Postman

- Collins, Max Allan: Waterworld

- Crace, Jim: The Pesthouse

- Crowley, John: Engine Summer

- Delany, Samuel R.: Dhalgren

- Delany, Samuel R.: The Einstein Intersection

- Dick, Philip K.: Dr. Bloodmoney

- Farmer, Philip José: Riverworld series

- To Your Scattered Bodies Go

- The Fabulous Riverboat

- The Dark Design

- The Magic Labyrinth

- The Gods of Riverworld

- Galouye, Daniel F.: Dark Universe

- Glavinic, Thomas: Night Work

- Harkaway: Nick: The Gone-Away World

- Heinlein, Robert A.: Farnham's Freehold

- Hoban, Russell: Riddley Walker

- Huston, Charlie: Sleepless

- Ingrid, Charles: Marked Man series
- The Marked Man

- The Last Recall

(published in one volume as The Marked Man Omnibus
- Lebbon, Tim: Bar None

- McCarthy, Cormac: The Road

- McIntyre, Vonda: Dreamsnake

- Miles, Lawrence: Dead Romance

- Miller, Walter M.: A Canticle for Leibowitz

- Norton, Andre: Daybreak, 2250 A.D.

- Oppegaard, David: The Suicide Collectors

- Pangborn, Edgar: Davy

- Sagan, Nick: Edenborn

- Shan, Darren: City series

- Procession fo the Dead

- Smith, Mitchell: Snowfall series
- Snowfall

- Kingdom River

- Moonrise

- Stirling, S.M.: The Change series
- Dies the Fire

- A Meeting at Corvallis

- The Sunrise Lands

- The Scourge of God

- Tepper, Sheri S.: The Visitor

- Theroux, Marcel: Far North

- Theroux, Paul: O-Zone

- Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse (edited by John Joseph Adams)

- Whitehead, Colson: Zone One

- Whitmore, Charles: Winter's Daughter: The Saying of Signe Ragnhilds-datter

- Williams, Liz: Banner of Souls

- Williams, Paul O.: Pelbar Cycle

- The Breaking of Northwall

- The Ends of the Circle

- The Dome in the Forest

- The Fall of the Shell

- An Ambush of Shadows

- The Song of the Axe

- The Sword of Forbearance

- Wilson, Robert Charles: Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd-Century America

- Wyndham, John: Triffids series
Day of the Triffids

- Night of the Triffids (by Simon Clark)

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updated: Monday, July 25, 2011
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