C. Humorous or Parody Variations
C.1. Appearing in DC Comics
C.1.00. Wild World Legion
Universe: Wild World (Earth-Nurd)
Base: 30th century
Characteristics: A version of the Legion from the 30th
century of a world in which the continents were different colors,
Lois Lane was engaged to Sergeant Rock, and Superman's three weaknesses
were choclate. brussels sprouts, and five-day-old garbage.
Confirmed Members:

Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl
Issues Featured:
- ACTION 388, 1970/05, The Puzzle of the Wild World
- The Wild World was accidentally created by Professor Farlow
Nurd's defective World Duplicator. It vanished into another dimension
when Superman reversed the Duplicator's effects.
C.1.10. L.E.G.I.O.N. Archives
Universe: Elseworlds
Base: Cairn City
Characteristics: An ELSEWORLDS version of L.E.G.I.O.N.
in an LSH mold.
Departure Point: Uncertain.
Confirmed Members:

Brianiac 2, Comet Boy, Crystal Queen, Ghost Girl, Lar Gand, Lass Quark, Lobo Lad, Silent/Silence Girl, Telepathy Lad
Issues Featured:
- L.E.G.I.O.N. Annual 5 1994
- (Oviously) not a part of DC continuity.
C.1.20. Legion of Galactic Guardians
2099 II
Universe: Amalgam; an analog of A.2.70.
Base: 2104 Earth
Characteristics: A fusion of Marvel and DC heroes.
Departure Point: Uncertain.
Confirmed Members:

Salu Van Dyne, Unknown #1, Unknown #2, Unknown #3
Issues Featured:
- Spider-Boy Team-Up 1 1997/06
- A dreary, dark universe trapped in a nine-panel grid, in
which "no one knows who they are anymore -- why we're here."
- A fusion of DC and Marvel heroes.
C.1.30. Logjam of Super-Heroes
Universe: Fifth Dimension
Base: Unknown
Characteristics: A large super-group in comics owned
by Mr. Mxyzptlk
Departure Point: Uncertain.
Confirmed Members:
[Apparition], Batter-Eater Lad, Beachball Boy, Butler-Eater Lad, Butter-Eater Lad, Button-Eater Lad, [Cosmic Boy], [Gates], Kid Kid, Kid Lass, Lightning Lice, Loud Kid, Mutton-Eater Lad (out sick), Negative Lass, No-Brainiac 5, [Spark], [Star Boy], [Ultra Boy], Unknown (10), [Wildfire]
No names given for Unknowns or characters in [square brackets]
Issues Featured:
- Most memorable lines of dialog: "I'll eat her buttons!"
"I'll eat her batter!" "Where's her butler?"
- The major weakness of the Logjam of Super-Heroes is that
they vanish for 90 days whenever they all say "Seoreh-repus
Fo Majgol"