The Legion entered a fifteen-month run as a backup feature in Action Comics. Life as a backup feature was hard...stories were short, involved small teams rather than the entire Legion, and (with one exception) did not continue from one issue to the next. Rather than going for space-spanning stories of swashbuckling derring-do against larger-than-life super-villains, the creative team opted for more personal, intense, character-driven tales, often concentrating on the "weakest" or "silliest" Legionnaires: Due Damsel, Matter-Eater Lad, Bouncing Boy, Chemical King. The approach worked -- just about every one of these stories is a winner.
The most exceptional include "The Forbidden Fruit" in #378, "Half a Legionnaire" in #380, "The Hapless Hero" (#381), and "Lament for a Legionnaire" (#384).
Stories that are reprinted in graphic novels are indicated by appropriate cover images.
Who's Listed? I try to list all appearances of Legionnaires and major characters. This includes images, visions, flashbacks, statues and statuettes, disembodied heads, and any other visual represenations of the characters.
Who's a Major Character? Ultimately, it's a judgement call. I try to include all continuing characters: Legionnaires, friends, family members, professional associates, villains, and assorted others. For one-shot characters, I try to include those whose names are given, or who otherwise play a major role in a story.
What About Non-Legion Stories? When Legionnaires make appearances in other comics, I only list the characters with a direct Legion connection. For example, if the Legion guest-stars with the Justice League, I don't list all the Justice Leaguers.
In What Order Do You List Characters? First, Legionnaires in alphabetical order. (This includes Subs, Honorary Legionnaires, Legion Reserve, and some special cases like Duplicate Boy). Seconds, friendly (or neutral) characters in alphabetical order. Third, bad guys in alphabetical order. Finally, statuettes go on their own line to preserve the aesthetics. Occasionally I will list all the members of a groups together, like the Fatal Five or the Heroes of Lallor.
In What Order Do You List Comics? Yeah, I know it doesn't always seem right. Chronological by month, then alphabetical by title -- but mainstream Legion titles always get listed first in the month. Aren't you glad you asked?