Dawn People

Native inhabitants of Sebya; candidates for successor race to the Hlutr.

The life cycle of the Dawn People included sessile and mobile stages.

The Dawn People inhabit the Forest of the Dawn on Sebya.


Life Cycle

(In Sebya Years) (1 Sebya Year = 1.714 Terran years)
Stage One:

Birth to 3 years: Individual begins life as a sapling, in SPring. Grows to height of 3-4 m,eters and trunk diameter of 10 cm by Winter. By year 3 (height 6-8 meters, diameter up to 60 cm), flowering may begin.

3 to 12 years: Sexual maturity pase one: Individual begins producing female gametes. These remain inactive until Autumn of Year 13.

Year 13: Breeding. In Autumn, mature Dawn People unite with individual and pass male gametes to flowers. Seeds develop and are dropped at end of Autumn.

Stage Two:

Birthing (Year 14): In Spring of Year 14, as saplings begin to grow, individual enters motile phase. Trunk splits and roots begin to dissolve; at Birthing time the individual pulls up from the ground and takes first steps.

14 to 25 years: Individual begins production of male gametes. As Dawn People grow older they shed their bark and limbs...by year 20 most individuals are under 3 meters high and only about 50-100 cm in diameter. Carnivorous behavior becomes more well-established. Until end of life, crown supports leaves, both for photosynthesis and as sensory apparatus.

Stage Three:

Death (approximately 25 years): Cell division stops at about 25 years; individual begins a rapid disintegration and usually takes root once again. Process of disintegration is accompanied by enzymes which produce happiness, as well as a heightened sensitivity to the Hlutr Inner Voice. Natural death is regarded as a happy and gentle experience.


When Dawn People culture is stabilized, the Hlutr plan to remove the limit to cell division; at age 25 individual will enter a third stage in which he/she is in full command of Hlutr gene-altering power, as well as the ability to control rate of metabolism. In this stage the Dawn People will resemble short Hlutr with limited mobility.

By age 100, movility will have decreased to zero; Dawn People will seek a final standing place and start another growth spurt that will leave them nearly identical in behavior and life-cycle to present-day Hlutr.


copyright © 2003, Don Sakers
All rights reserved