Star Trek: The Next Generation

These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise . . . and all its various spinoffs.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation

Numbered Books:

  1. Ghost Ship by Diane L. Carey more
  2. The Peacekeepers by Gene DeWeesemore
  3. The Children of Hamlin by Carmen Cartermore
  4. Survivors by Jean Lorrahmore
  5. Strike Zone by Peter Davidmore
  6. Power Hungry by Howard Weinsteinmore
  7. Masks by John Vornholtmore
  8. The Captain's Honor by David and Daniel Dvorkinmore
  9. A Call to Darkness by Michael Jan Friedmanmore
  10. A Rock and a Hard Place by Peter Davidmore
  11. Gulliver's Fugitives by Keith Shareemore
  12. Doomsday World by Carmen Carter more
  13. The Eyes of the Beholders by A. C. Crispinmore
  14. Exiles by Howard Weinstein more
  15. Fortune's Light by Michael Jan Friedman more
  16. Contamination by John Vornholtmore
  17. Boogeymen by Mel Gildenmore
  18. Q-In-Law by Peter Davidmore
  19. Perchance to Dream by Howard Weinsteinmore
  20. Spartacus by T. L. Mancourmore
  21. Chains of Command by W. A. McCay & E. L. Floodmore
  22. Imbalance by V. E. Mitchellmore
  23. War Drums by John Vornholtmore
  24. Nightshade by Laurell K. Hamiltonmore
  25. Grounded by David Bischoffmore
  26. The Romulan Prize by Simon Hawkemore
  27. Guises of the Mind by Rebecca Neasonmore
  28. Here There Be Dragons by John Peelmore
  29. Sins of Commission by Susan Wrightmore
  30. Debtors' Planet by W. R. Thompsonmore
  31. Foreign Foes by David Galanter & Greg Brodeurmore
  32. Requiem by Michael Jan Friedman, Kevin Ryan more
  33. Balance of Power by Dafydd ab Hughmore
  34. Blaze of Glory by Simon Hawke more
  35. The Romulan Strategem by Robert Greenbergermore
  36. Into the Nebula by Gene Deweese more
  37. The Last Stand by Brad Fergusonmore
  38. Dragon's Honor by Kij Johnson & Greg Coxmore
  39. Rogue Saucer by John Vornholtmore
  40. Possession by J. M. Dillard & Kathleen O'Malleymore
  41. Invasion #2: The Soldiers of Fear by Dean W. Smith & Kristine K. Ruschmore
  42. Infiltrator by W. R. Thompson more
  43. A Fury Scorned by Pam Sargent & George Zebrowskimore
  44. The Death of Princes by John Peel more
  45. Intellivore by Diane Duanemore
  46. To Storm Heaven by Esther Friesnermore
  47. The Q Continuum, Q-Space by Greg Cox more
  48. The Q Continuum, Q-Zone by Greg Coxmore
  49. The Q Continuum : Q-Strike by Greg Coxmore
  50. Dyson Sphere by Charles Pellegrino, George Zebrowski more
  51. Double Helix No 1 : Infection by John Betancourt more
  52. Double Helix No 2 : Vectors by Dean Wesley Smith, Kristine Kathryn Ruschmore
  53. Double Helix No 3 : Red Sector by Diane Carey more
  54. Double Helix No 4 : Quarantine by John Vornholtmore
  55. Double Helix No 5: Double or Nothing by Peter David more
  56. Double Helix No 6: The First Virtue by Michael Jan Friedman, Christie Goldenmore
  57. The Forgotten War by William R. Forstchenmore
  58. Gemworld Book 1 by John Vornholt more
  59. Gemworld Book 2 by John Vornholtmore
  60. Tooth and Claw by Doranna Durgin more
  61. Diplomatic Implausibility by Keith R. A. DeCandido more
  62. Dead Zone (Maximum Warp #1) by Dave Galanter & Greg Brodeur more
  63. Forever Dark (Maximum Warp #2) by Dave Galanter & Greg Brodeur more
  64. Immortal Coil by Jeffrey Lang more
  65. A Hard Rain by Dean Wesley Smith more

Un-numbered Books:

updated: Saturday, July 16, 2005