Author Index
Genre(s) in which an author writes appear in parentheses after the author's name. If the author is most known for one or two "main" genres, those appear in boldface.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Ma Jian (Multicultural: Tibetan)
- Ma, Wing Shing (Graphic Novels)
- Maalouf, Amin (Apocalyptic Fiction) (Historical Fiction: 1660s) (Long-Lost Manuscripts)
- Maas, Peter (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Irish) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Maazel, Fiona (Addictions) (Comic/Absurd)
- Maberry, Jonathan (Back From the Dead) (Occult/Supernatural Horror)
- MacAlister, V.A. (Medical Thrillers) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Macaulay, David (Graphic Novels)
- Macaulay, Tony (Espionage Thrillers)
- MacAvoy, R.A. (There and Back Again)
- MacBride, Stuart (Children in Jeopardy) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- MacDonald, Ann-Marie (Coming of Age) (Gothic Romances) (Ties That Bind)
- MacDonald, G.R. (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Candaian) (Novels of Character)
- MacDonald, George (Christian: Gentle Reads) (Christian Historical)
- MacDonald, Hector (Psychological Suspense) (Science Thrillers)
- MacDonald, James D. (Paranormal Thrillers) (Space Opera)
- MacDonald, John D. (Clerical/Church Thrillers) (Corporate Thrillers) (Eco-Thrillers) (Hardboiled Detectives) (Mystery Short Stories) (Psychological Suspense) (Regional Mysteries: Florida)
- MacDonald, Laura (Epistolary Fiction) (Gay Male Interest) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- MacDonald, Malcolm (Family Sagas) (Historical Fiction: 1700s, 1900-1919)
- MacDonald, Marianne (Books & Publishing Industry Mysteries)
- MacDonald, Patricia (Children in Jeopardy) (Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense) (Psychological Suspense)
- MacDonald, Ross (Hardboiled Detectives)
- MacDonald, Shari (Christian Romances)
- MacDougal, Bonnie (Children in Jeopardy) (Psychological Suspense)
- MacDougall, Ruth Doan (Women's Stories)
- MacDowell, Heather (Food Fiction) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Workplace Humor)
- MacDowell, Rose (Food Fiction) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Workplace Humor)
- MacEnulty, Pat (Alter Egos/New Identities)
- MacFarquhar, Neil (Historical Fiction: 1990s) (War/Military)
- MacGregor, Gregory Michael (Legal Thrillers)
- MacGregor, Kinley (Historical Romances)
- MacGregor, Rob (Alternate History)
- MacGregor, T.J. (Paranormal Thrillers)
- MacHale, D.J. (Children's Fantasy)
- MacInerney, Karen (Cozy Mysteries) (Culinary Mysteries)
- MacInnes, Helen (Romantic Suspense)
- Mack, Karen (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Mack, William P. (Military & Naval Adventure) (Sailing/Boating Mysteries) (World War II)
- MacKay, Scott (Biological SF) (Hard SF) (Police Procedurals) (Psychological/Sociological SF) (SF: Religious/Philosophical) (Undersea/On the Sea SF)
- Mackel, Kathryn (Christian Suspense/Thrillers)
- MacKenna, Wolf (Outlaws & Lawmen)
- Mackey, Mary (Celtic/Gaelic/Welsh Tales) (Prehistoric Fiction) (Women's Stories)
- Mackie, John (Police Procedurals)
- Mackin, Jeanne (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy)
- Mackin, Joseph (September 11, 2001)
- MacKinnon, Colin (Espionage) (September 11, 2001) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- MacKinnon, Douglas (Political Thrillers)
- MacLaverty, Bernard (Coming of Age) (Euro & Euro-American: Irish) (Historical Fiction: 1960s)
- Mackle, Elliott (Gay Male Mysteries) (Historical Mysteries: 1940s)
- MacLarty, Jay (Science Thrillers)
- MacLean, Anna (Author as Sleuth) (Historical Mysteries: 19th Century)
- MacLean, Alistair (Espionage) (like Cussler) (Military/Naval Adventure) (Sports Thrillers) (Technothrillers) (Westerns: The Iron Horse) (World War II)
- MacLean, Julia (Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense)
- MacLean, Julianne (Historical Romances)
- MacLeod, Alistair (Coming of Age) (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Canadian, Scottish) (Ties That Bind)
- MacLeod, Ian R. (Dystopian Futures) (Fantasy Short Stories) (Historical Fantasy) (Horror Short Stories) (The New Weird) (SF/Fantasy Small Press) (SF Short Stories) (Steampunk)
- MacLeod, Ken (Alien Beings) (Future Worlds) (High Frontier) (Religious/Philosophical SF) (Space Opera) (Trips in Space)
- MacNeil, Robert (Affairs of the Heart) (Corporate Thrillers) (World War I)
- Macomber, Debbie (Angels) (Christmas Fiction) (Contemporary Melodrama) (Contemporary Romances) (Contemporary Women's Friendships) (Epistolary Fiction) (Sewing Circles) (Pastoral Fiction) (Romantic Comedy) (Women's Stories)
- Macomber, Robert N. (Civil War) (Military & Naval Adventure)
- MacPherson, Malcolm (Political Humor)
- MacPherson, Rett (Humorous Mysteries)
- MacPherson, Suzanne (Romantic Comedy) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Twins, Triplets, etc.)
- Macy, Caitlin (Urban Professionals)
- Maddox, Bruno (Comic/Absurd) (Epistolary Fiction)
- Madigan, Dan (Slasher Stories)
- Madlock, Felicia (Urban Lit)
- Madsen, Ross Martin (like Harry Potter)
- Maeder, Tom (Christmas Fiction) (Satire)
- Magary, Drew (Dystopian Futures)
- Magee, Bill (Religious/Spiritual SF) (Specific Denominations: Buddhist)
- Magona, Sindiwe (Multicultural: South Africa)
- Magruder, James (Coming of Age) (Gay Male Interest)
- Magson, Adrian (British Mysteries)
- Maguire, Gregory (Folk & Fairy Tales Retold) (Ghost Stories)
- Maguire, Margo (Historical Romances)
- Mah, Adeline Yen (East-Asian Interest)
- Maher, Bill (Satire)
- Mahfouz, Naguib (like Toni Morrison) (Family Sagas) (Historical Fiction: Ancient Egypt) (Islamic Interest) (Multicultural: Arabic) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Mahon, Annette (Contemporary Romances) (Quilting Mysteries)
- Mahoney, Dan (Asian Menace) (Mafia Thrillers) (Mean Streets) (Missions of Vengeance) (Police Fiction) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Mailer, Norman (Historical Fiction: Ancient Egypt, Biographical) (Novels of Character) (War/Military) (World War II)
- Maillard, Keith (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Polish) (Music Fiction)
- Mailman, Erika (Historical Fiction: 1500s)
- Main, Elizabeth C. (Cozy Mysteries)
- Maine, David (Christian Historical) (Christian Inspirational)
- Maitland, Barry (British Mysteries)
- Maitland, Karen (Historical Fiction: Middle Ages)
- Major, Ann (Romantic Suspense)
- Major, Devorah (African-American Interest) (Ties That Bind)
- Major, Felicia (African-American Interest)
- Major, Marcus (African-American Interest) (African-American Romances) (Hispanic Interest) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Majors, Inman (Satire)
- Maki, Alan (Christian Romances) (Christmas Fiction)
- Makine, Andrei (Coming of Age) (Historical Fiction: 20th century, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s)
(Russian & Russian-American Interest) (World War II)
Makiya, Kanan (Historical Fiction: Middle Ages) (Islamic Interest) (Jewish Interest)
Malae, Peter Nathaniel (Notable Short Stories)
Malamud, Bernard (Jewish Interest) (Notable Short Stories) (Russian & Russian-American Interest) (Sports Fiction)
Malan, Violette (Epic Fantasy) (Sword & Sorcery) (There and Back Again)
Malanowski, Jamie (Satire)
Malarkey, Tucker (Long-Lost Manuscripts)
Malcolm, John (British Mysteries)
Malfi, Ronald Damien (Annapolis/AACo) (Skull Beneath the Skin)
Malin, Libby (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
Malkani, Gautam (Indian & Indian-American Interest)
Malladi, Amulya (The Immigrant Experience) (Indian & Indian-American Interest)
Mallery, Susan (Contemporary Romances)
Mallette, Gloria (African-American Mysteries) (African-American Interest) (Stalkers) (Ties That Bind: Father/Daughter)
Malliet, G.M. (Books & Publishing Industry Mysteries)
Mallinson, Allan (Military & Naval Adventure)
Mallon, Thomas (Gay Male Interest) (Historical Fiction: 1800s, 1920s, 1950s, 1970s, Biographical)
Mallory, Anne (Regency Romances)
Mallory, James (Epic Fantasy) (King Arthur & Friends)
Malloy, Brian (Coming of Age) (Gay Male Interest) (Ties That Bind)
Malmont, Paul (Swashbuckling Adventure)
Malmont, Valerie S. (Culinary Mysteries) (Humorous Mysteries)
Malone, Michael (Christmas Fiction) (Classics Revisited) (Comic/Absurd) (Journey of Discovery/Quest for Home) (Notable Short Stories) (Psycho-Killer Thrilers) (Regional Mysteries: North Carolina) (Serious Southern Fiction)
Maloney, Mack (Adventure SF) (Fighting Forces & Special Ops) (Space Opera)
Maloney, Shane (Regional Mysteries: Australia)
Malouf, David (Classics Revisited) (Historical Fiction: Ancient Greece)
Maloy, Kate (Aftermath of Tragedy/Surviving Loss) (Religious: Quakers)
Maltman, Thomas (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
Malvey, Victoria (Historical Romance)
Malzberg, Barry N. (Psychological/Sociological SF)
Mamatas, Nick (Cthulhu Mythos) (Satire)
Mamdouh, Alia (Multicultural: Arabic)
Mamet, David (Community)
Manby, Chris (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
Manchee, William (Military/War SF)
Mandel, Sally (Contemporary Romance) (Follow the Dream) (Music Fiction)
Mandelbaum, Paul (Odd Families, Quirky Characters)
Maney, Mabel (Bond. James Bond) (Lesbian Interest)
Manfredi, Renee (AIDS/HIV) (Gay Male Interest) (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home)
Manfredi, Valerio Massimo (Historical Fiction: Ancient Rome)
Manguel, Alberto (Historical Mysteries: 19th Century)
Manicka, Rani (Family Sagas: Various Locations) (Multicultural: Sri Lanka)
Mankell, Henning (Conspiracy Thrillers) (International Bestsellers) (Multicultural: African) (Nazi Thrillers) (Notable Past & Present) (Novels of Character) (Police Procedurals) (Psychological Fiction) (Regional Mysteries: Sweden)
Manley, Frank (Serious Southern Fiction)
Mann, George (Fantasy Mysteries) (SF Mysteries) (Steampunk) (Superheroes)
Mann, Paul (Asian Menace) (like Cussler) (Terrorism Thrillers)
Mann, Roderick (Conspiracy Thrillers)
Mann, Thomas (Classics Revisited) (Epic Sagas) (Euro & Euro-American Interest: German) (Historical Fiction: 20th century) (Music Fiction) (Notable Short Stories)
Mann, William J. (Gay Male Interest) (Historical Fiction: Biographical) (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
Manners, Alexandra (Regency Romances)
Manning, Jason (Historical Westerns) (Military Westerns) (Native American Westerns)
Manning, Jo (Regency Romances)
Mannock, John (World War II)
Manrique (Ardila), Jaime (Gay Male Interest) (Hispanic Interest) (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
Mansbach, Adam (African-American Interest) (Jewish Interest) (Music Fiction) (Notable Past & Present)
Mansfield, Elizabeth (Holiday Romances) (Regency Romances)
Mantel, Hilary (Coming of Age) (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Irish, South African) (Historical Fiction: 1500s) (Multicultural: South African) (Past and Present) (Psychological Fiction) (Religious: Catholic) (Ties That Bind) (Tragicomedy)
Manuel, David (Clerical Mysteries) (Sailing/Boating Mysteries)
Manus, Willard (Jewish Interest) (Sports Humor)
Manzarek, Ray (Ghost Stories)
Maples, Jack (Civil War)
Mapson, Jo-Ann (Affairs of the Heart) (AIDS/HIV) (Contemporary Women's Friendships) (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy) (Ties That Bind: General, Generations)
- Mar, M. Elaine (East-Asian Interest)
- Mara, Wil (Sports Fiction)
- Marai, Sandor (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Hungarian) (Historical Fiction: 1700s) (Psychological Fiction)
- Maraire, J. Nozipo (Epistolary Fiction) (Multicultural: African) (Ties That Bind)
- Marcellas, Diana (Celtic/Gaelic/Welsh Tales) (Mostly Magical)
- Marchant, Catherine [pseudonym of Catherine Cookson] (Historical Romances)
- Marchetta, Camille (Rags to Riches)
- Marciano, Francesca (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Italian) (Family Sagas)
- Marcinko, Richard (Fighting Forces)
- Marco, John (Epic Fantasy) (YA SF)
- Marcom, Micheline Aharonian (Erotica) (Multicultural: Armenian) (Obsessions) (Refugees) (War/Military)
- Marcus, Ben (Comic/Absurd)
- Marcus, Martin L. (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- Marcuse, Irene (Amateur Sleuths) (Regional Mysteries: New York City)
- Marcy, Jean (Lesbian Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: St. Louis)
- Margolin, Phillip (Conspiracy Thrillers) (Legal Thrillers) (Political Thrillers) (Psychological Suspense) (Twins) (Writers/Publishing Industry)
- Margolis, Seth (J.) (Ties That Bind: General, Parent & Child) (Urban Professionals)
- Margolis, Sue (Fashion Industry) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Margulis, Lynn (Popular Science & Math) (Short & Sweet Romances)
- Marias, Javier (Hispanic Interest) (Magical Realism) (Obsessions) (Psychological Fiction) (Writers & Publishing Industry)
- Marillier, Juliet (Celtic/Gaelic/Welsh Fantasy) (Epic Fantasy)
- Marinick, Richard (Mafia Thrillers) (Mean Streets)
- Marinovich, Matt (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Mariotte, Jeff (Occult/Supernatural Horror)
- Marisol (Epistolary Fiction) (Food Fiction) (Past & Present) (Women's Stories)
- Marius, Richard (Serious Southern Fiction)
- Mark, Andrew (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy)
- Markey, Judy (Contemporary Melodrama) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Twins)
- Markfield, Wallace (International Intrigue)
- Markham, Wendy (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Marlantes, Karl (Vietnam War)
- Marklund, Liza (Regional Mysteries: Sweden) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Markoe, Merrill (Anthropomorphic Fantasy) (Epistolary Fiction) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Markovits, Benjamin (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- Markowitz, Judith A. (Gay Male Mysteries) (Lesbian Mysteries)
- Marks, Laurie J. (Epic Fantasy) (Lesbian Interest) (Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Marks, John (Espionage) (War/Military)
- Marks, Shirley (Gentle Fiction) (Historical Romances)
- Marks, Walter (Belly of the Beast) (Psychological Fiction) (Psychological Suspense)
- Marlette, Doug (Notable Past & Present) (Race Relations) (Ties That Bind)
- Marley, Louise (ESP and Psionics) (Psychological/Sociological SF) (Religious/Philosophical SF)
- Marlow, John Robert (Science Thrillers)
- Marlow, Vanessa (Erotica)
- Marlowe, Katharine (Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense) (Stalkers) (Ties That Bind)
- Marlowe, Sara (Historical Romances)
- Maron, Margaret (Circus Fiction) (Past & Present Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: North Carolina) (Serious Southern Fiction)
- Maroufi, Abbas (Multicultural: Iranian)
- Marr, Maggie (Hollywood)
- Marr, Patt (Christian Romances)
- Marryat, Frederick (Military & Naval Adventure)
- Mars, Julie (Midlife Crisis)
- Marsden, John (Australian & Australian-American Interest) (Fighting Forces) (War/Military) (Young Adult SF)
- Marsh, Jean (Historical Fiction: 1920s, 1950s) (Novels of Character) (PBS Miniseries)
- Marsh, Ngaio (British Mysteries) (Cozy Mysteries) (Holiday Mysteries) (Theater Mysteries)
- Marshall, Alexandra (Midlife Crisis) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Ties That Bind)
- Marshall, Bev (Abused Children) (Race Relations)
- Marshall, Brenda K. (Ties That Bind)
- Marshall, Catherine (Christian Historical Fiction)
- Marshall, Evan (Cat Mysteries)
- Marshall, Michael (Conspiracy Thrillers) (Psychological Suspense) (Skull Beneath the Skin)
- Marshall, Paule (African-American Interest) (Historical Fiction: 1940s) (Struggling Artists)
- Marson, Bonnie (Music Fiction) (Reincarnation)
- Marston, Edward (Historical Mysteries: 11th Century, Elizabethan Age)
- Martel, John (Legal Thrillers)
- Martel, Yann (Book Club Books) (International Bestsellers) (Non-Christian Inspirational)
- Martell, Dominic (Espionage)
- Marten, Eugene (Psychological Fiction)
- Martin, Allana (Regional Mysteries: Texas)
- Martin, Andrew (Historical Mysteries: 1900-1919)
- Martin, Charles (Christian Inspirational)
- Martin, Clancy (Rogues)
- Martin, Dannie (Belly of the Beast) (Mean Streets)
- Martin, David (Animal Whisperers) (Horror: Vampires) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Martin, David Lozell (Dystopian Futures) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Martin, Deirdre (Contemporary Romances)
- Martin, Douglas A. (The Brontës and Friends)
- Martin, Eric B. (Novels of Character)
- Martin, Gail Gaynor (Christian Romances)
- Martin, George R.R. (Epic Fantasy) (Fantasy Short Stories) (Graphic Novels) (Other Worlds) (SF Short Stories) (Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Martin, James Conroyd (Historical Fiction: 1700s)
- Martin, Julia Wallis (Children in Jeopardy) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Martin, Kat (Historical Romances) (Regency Romances) (Romantic Suspense)
- Martin, L.J. (Outlaws & Lawmen)
- Martin, Larry Jay (Corporate Thrillers) (Native American Interest)
- Martin, Lee (Abused Children) (African-American Interest) (Historical Fiction: 1920s) (Past & Present) (Race Relations)
- Martin, Les (Paranormal Thrillers)
- Martin, Malachi (Clerical/Church Thrillers)
- Martin, Nancy (Upper Crust Mysteries)
- Martin, P.D. (Paranormal Thrillers)
- Martin, Rafe (Children's Fantasy)
- Martin, Rosemary (Historical Mysteries: 1960s)
- Martin, Steve (Contemporary Romances) (Psychological Fiction) (Satire) (Theater/Acting World)
- Martin, Valerie (African-American Interest) (Classics Revisited) (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (Notable Short Stories) (Past & Present) (Slavery) (Struggling Artists) (Ties That Bind: General, Mothers/Sons)
- Martin, Victor L. (Street Lit)
- Martin, William (Annapolis/Anne Arundel County) (Epic Sagas) (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Irish) (Historical Fiction: 1900-1919)
- Martinez, A. Lee (Humorous Fantasy) (SF Mysteries) (Unicorns in the Garden)
- Martinez, Al (Historical Fiction: 1960s)
- Martinez, Manuel Luis (Coming of Age) (Hispanic Interest) (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Martinez, Michele (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Martinez, Nina Marie (Hispanic Interest) (Odd Families, Quirky Characters)
- Martinez, Thomas Eloy (Hispanic Interest)
- Martini, Steve (Big Names) (Legal Thrillers)
- Martinusen, Cindy McCormick (Christian Historical) (Christian Romances) (Christian Suspense/Thrillers)
- Martyn, Isolde (Historical Romances)
- Marz, Ron (Graphic Novels)
- Mascle, Deanna (Historical Romance)
- Mashima, Hiro (Anime/Manga)
- Masiel, David (High Seas) (Rescue Workers)
- Maslov, Nikolai (Graphic Novels)
- Mason, Bobbie Ann (Notable Short Stories)
- Mason, Connie (Highland Romances) (Historical Romances)
- Mason, Daniel (Hispanic Interest)
- Mason, David (Espionage Thrillers)
- Mason, Felicia (African-American Romances)
- Mason, J.D. (African-American Romances)
- Mason, Richard (Romantic Suspense)
- Mason, Sarah (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Mason, Zachary (Classics Revisited)
- Massey, Brandon (Horror Short Stories)
- Massey, Misty (Mostly Magical) (Pirate Fantasy)
- Massey, Sujata (Humorous Mysteries) (East-Asian Interest) (Past & Present Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: East Asia)
- Massie, Allan (Historical Fiction: Ancient Rome) (King Arthur & Camelot)
- Massie, Elizabeth (Monsters)
- Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff (Modern Fables & Fairy Tales)
- Massucci, Joseph (Millennial) (New Plague) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Masters, Hilary (Novels of Character)
- Masters, John (Espionage) (Historical Fiction: 1920s) (World War I) (World War II)
- Masters, Priscilla (British Mysteries) (Psychological Suspense)
- Masterton, Graham (Espionage) (Haunted Houses) (Horror: Occult/Supernatural) (Horror Short Stories) (Naughty Little Children) (Science Thrillers) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Masurek, David (Future Worlds)
- Matar, Hisham (Multicultural: Arabic)
- Mate, Ferenc (Cussler-like)
- Matera, Lia (Amateur Sleuths)
- Matetsky, Amanda (Historical Mysteries: 1950s)
- Mathes, Charles (Past & Present Mysteries)
- Matheson, Richard (Horror: Psychic Powers) (Horror Short Stories) (Paranormal Thrillers) (Psychological Suspense) (Survival & Delvierance) (Zombies)
- Mathews, Adrian (SF: Biological) (SF: Streetpunk)
- Mathews, Francine (Espionage) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Mathews, Lou (Coming of Age) (Historical Ficiton: 1960s)
- Matlock, Curtiss Ann (Christmas Tales) (Food Fiction) (Pastoral Fiction) (Second Time Around)
- Matson, Suzanne (Follow the Dream) (Ties That Bind)
- Matsumoto, Tomo (Anime/Manga)
- Matsuoka, Takashi (East Asian Interest) (Historical Fiction: Middle Ages, 1800s) (Long-Lost Manuscripts)
- Matthews, Alex (Amateur Sleuths) (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Matthews, Carole (Contemporary Women's Friendships) (Food Fiction) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Ties That Bind: Extramarital Affairs)
- Matthews, John (King Arthur & Camelot)
- Matthews, Patricia (Sweet & Savage Romances)
- Matthews, Susan R. (Military/War SF) (SF: Religious/Philosophical)
- Matthiessen, Peter (Notable: Novels of Character)
- Mattison, Alice (Psychological Fiction) (Ties That Bind: Spouses)
- Mattotti, Lorenzo (Graphic Novels)
- Matturro, Claire (Humorous Thrillers) (Legal Thrillers)
- Matz, Marc (Adventure SF) (SF: Cyberpunk)
- Maugham, W. Somerset (Christmas Fiction) (East-Asian Interest) (Medical Thrillers) (Notable Short Stories) (Satire)
- Maupin, Armistead (Abused Children) (Comedies of Manners) (Gay Male Interest) (Psychological Fiction) (Tragicomedy)
- Maverick, Liz (Futuristic Romances) (Vampyre Gothic)
- Mawer, Simon (Affairs of the Heart) (Christian Inspirational) (Church/Clerical Thrillers) (Long-Lost Manuscripts) (Notable Past & Present)
- Mawson, Robert (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy) (Ties That Bind)
- Maxim, John R. (Espionage) (Children in Jeopardy) (Terrorism Thrillers) (Time-Travel Romance)
- Maxted, Anna (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Maxwell, Cathy (Highland Romances) (Regency Romances)
- Maxwell, Jessica (Sports Humor)
- Maxwell, Robin (Classics Revisited) (Historical Fiction: Biographical, Middle Ages, 1500s)
- Maxwell, William (Notable Short Stories)
- May, Jane (Anthropomorphic Fantasy) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- May, Jesse (Coming of Age)
- May, John (Historical Fiction: Biographical, 1800s)
- May, Julian (Epic Fantasy) (SF: Galactic Empires) (Space Opera)
- May, Peter (Forensic Detectives) (Past & Present Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: China, France)
- Maybury, Anne (Gothic Romance)
- Mayhar, Ardath (Prehistoric Fiction)
- Mayer, Bob (Fighting Forces) (Romantic Suspense)
- Mayer, Deborah (Urban Lit)
- Mayer, Eric & Reed, Mary (Historical Mysteries)
- Mayerson, Evelyn Wilde (Epic Sagas)
- Mayes, Frances (Serious Southern Fiction) (Ties That Bind)
- Mayhew, Margaret (British Mysteries) (Historical Romances)
- Mayle, Peter (Anthropomorphic Fantasy) (Art Mysteries) (Culinary Mysteries) (Expatriates)
- Maynard, Joyce (Nine-Eleven) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy)
- Mayo, C.M. (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- Mayor, Archer (Mean Streets) (Past & Present Thrillers) (Police Procedurals) (Regional Mysteries: Vermont)
- Mazel, Henry F. (Hardboiled Detectives)
- Mazer, Harry (Young Adult Humor)
- Mazya, Edna Michael (Ties That Bind: Spouses)
- Mazza, Cris (Contemporary Melodrama) (Notable Past & Present)
- McAdam, Colin (Novels of Character)
- McAfee, Carol (Psychological Fiction) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy) (Ties That Bind)
- McAllister, Bruce (Fantasy Short Stories)
- McAllister, M.I. (Anthropomorphic Fantasy) (Children's Fantasy)
- McAllister, P.J. (Academic Satire) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- McAllister, Troon (Humorous Thrillers) (Sports Humor) (Sports Thrillers)
- McAndrew, Megan (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- McArthur, Maxine (SF Mysteries)
- McAuley, Paul (Cyberpunk) (Ecological/Environmental SF) (Eco-Thrillers) (Far Future/Clarke's Law) (Future Worlds) (Man and Machine) (Psychological/Sociological SF) (Science Thrillers)
- McBain, Ed (Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense) (Hardboiled Detectives) (Mystery Short Stories) (Police Fiction) (Police Procedural) (Psychological Suspense)
- McBride, James (African-American Interest) (Slavery) (World War II)
- McBride, Mary (Romantic Suspense)
- McBride, Regina (Affairs of the Heart) (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Irish) (Lyrical Prose) (Women's Stories)
- McBride, Shawn (Coming of Age) (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Irish)
- McBride, Susan (Contemporary Women's Friendships) (Regional Mysteries: Dallas) (Ties That Bind: Mothers/Daughters) (Upper Crust Mysteries)
- McCabe, Eugene (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Irish) (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- McCabe, John (Advertising Industry) (Satire)
- McCabe, Patrick (Comic/Absurd) (Coming of Age) (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Irish) (Novels of Character) (Psychological Fiction) (Southern/Small Town Humor)
- McCafferty, Barbara Taylor (Amateur Sleuths: Couples) (Humorous Mysteries) (Twins)
- McCafferty, Jane (Notable Short Stories)
- McCafferty, Megan (Coming of Age) (Young Adult Humor)
- McCafferty, Taylor (Humorous Mysteries)
- McCaffrey, Anne (Adventure SF) (Alien Beings) (Animal Companions) (Beloved Worlds) (Dragons) (ESP/Psionics) (Future Worlds) (Gothic Romances) (Impact Events) (Man & Machine) (Modern Fables & Fairy Tales) (Mostly Magical) (Other Worlds) (SF For Those Who Hate SF) (Space Opera) (Twins, Triplets, etc.)
- McCaffrey, Laura Williams (Children's Fantasy)
- McCaffrey, Vincent (Books & Publishing Industry Mysteries)
- McCaig, Donald (Animal Whisperers) (Civil War) (Classics Revisited) (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- McCain, Charles (World War II)
- McCall, Dinah (Contemporary Romance) (Romantic Suspense)
- McCall, Mary Reed (Historical Romances)
- McCall, Nathan (Race Relations)
- McCall-Smith, Alexander (British Mysteries) (Celtic/Gaelic/Welsh Tales) (Comic/Absurd) (Odd Families, Quirky Characters) (Regional Mysteries: Africa) (Romantic Comedy) (Short & Sweet Romances)
- McCallum, Jack (Sports Humor)
- McCammon, Robert (Children in Jeopardy) (Classics Revisited) (Fugitives/On the Road) (Haunted Houses) (Historical Fiction: 1600s) (Monsters) (Notable Historical Mysteries) (Paranormal Thrillers) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Psychological Suspense) (Shapechangers/Shapeshifters) (Vampire Horror)
- McCandless, Sarah Grace (Coming of Age) (Suburban Humor)
- McCann, Colum (Historical Fiction: Biographical) (Irish & Irish-American Interest)
- McCann, Maria (Historical Fiction: 1600s) (International Bestsellers)
- McCann, Timmothy B. (African-American Romances)
- McCarry, Charles (Espionage) (JFK Thrillers) (Political Thrillers)
- McCarthy, Cormac (Drug Lords & the Drug Trade) (Lyrical Prose) (Post-Apocalyptic) (Serious Southern Fiction)
- McCarthy, Erin (Vampyre Gothic)
- McCarthy, Keith (Forensic Detectives)
- McCarthy, Kevin (Paranormal Thrillers) (SF: ESP/Psionics)
- McCarthy, Mary (Contemporary Women's Friendships) (Women's Stories)
- McCarthy, Susan Carol (African-American Interest) (Historical Fiction: 1950s) (Race Relations) (Serious Southern Fiction)
- McCarthy, Tara (Reader Participation)
- McCarthy, Terry (Historical Fiction: Ancient Rome)
- McCarthy, Tom (Allegory) (Meaning of Life/Nature of Existence) (Psychological Fiction)
- McCarthy, Wil (Hard SF) (Trips in Space)
- McCartney, Alistair (Faux Nonfiction)
- McCarver, Aaron (Christian Historical)
- McCarver, Sam (Historical Mysteries: 1900-1919) (Paranormal Mysteries)
- McCauley, Scot (Fighting Forces/Special Ops)
- McCauley, Stephen (Addictions) (Gay Male Interest) (September 11, 2001) (Ties That Bind)
- McCauley, William (Multicultural: African) (Notable Short Stories)
- McCaulsky, Marlon (Urban Lit)
- McCay, Bill (Dungeons & Dragons & Dice) (Media SF)
- McClain-Watson, Teresa (African-American Romances) (Romantic Comedy)
- McClelland, Michael (Humorous Mysteries) (Humorous Thrillers) (Regional Mysteries: Florida)
- McClendon, Lise (Hardboiled Detectives) (Historical Mysteries: 1930s) (Regional Mysteries: Norway) (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- McClister, Michael (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- McCloskey, William (Boating/Sailing) (Maryland)
- McClure, Ken (Medical Thrillers) (New Plague) (Terrorism Thrillers) (Community) (Past & Present)
- McColley, Kevin (Civil War)
- McComas, Paul (Coming of Age)
- McConnochie, Mardi (The Brontës and Friends)
- McCorkle, Jill (Coming of Age) (Notable Short Stories) (Southern/Small Town Humor)
- McCormick, Ann duMais (Women's Stories)
- McCormick, John (World War II)
- McCourt, James (Gay Male Interest) (Historical Ficiton: 1950s) (Music Fiction) (Satire)
- McCourtney, Lorena (Christian Suspense/Thrillers)
- McCown, Clint (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home) (Notable Past & Present) (Odd Families, Quirky Characters) (Southern/Small Town Humor) (Sports Fiction: Golf) (Suburban Humor)
- McCown, Marjorie (Regional Mysteries: California)
- McCoy, Judi (Romantic Fantasy)
- McCoy, Max (Alternate History) (Cussler-like) (Historical Westerns) (Native American Westerns) (Nazi Thrillers) (Psycho-Kilelr Thrillers) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- McCoy, Robert Wayne (Occult/Supernatural Horror)
- McCracken, Elizabeth (Jewish Interest) (Starcrossed Lovers) (Ties That Bind)
- McCrea, Barry (Cults) (Gay Male Interest) (Psychological Fiction)
- McCrumb, Sharyn (Civil War) (Forensic Detectives) (Humorous Mysteries) (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home) (Music Fiction) (Past & Present) (Past & Present Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: Appalachia) (Sports Fiction)
- McCullers, Carson (Notable Short Stories) (Serious Southern Fiction)
- McCulley, Johnston (Swashbuckling Adventure)
- McCulloch, Derek (Graphic Novels)
- McCullough, Colleen (Big Names) (Epic Sagas) (Family Sagas) (Historical Fiction: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, 1700s) (Jane Austen & Friends) (Obsessions) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Psychological Fiction) (Romantic Comedy)
- McCullough, Kelly (Cyberpunk) (Science Fantasy)
- McCunn, Ruthanne Lum (African-American Interest) (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (East-Asian Interest) (Slavery)
- McCutchan, Philip (Military & Naval Adventure)
- McDaniel, Lurlene (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy)
- McDaniel, Sylvia (Historical Romances)
- McDermid, Val (Books & Publishing Industry Mysteries) (British Mysteries) (Lesbian Mysteries) (Past & Present Mysteries) (Past & Present Thrillers) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Psychological Suspense)
- McDermott, Alice (Coming of Age) (Historical Fiction: 1960s, 1970s) (like Toni Morrison) (Ties That Bind: General)
- McDevitt, Jack (Alien Beings) (End of the World) (Far Future SF) (Hard SF) (Impact Events) (SF Mysteries) (SF Short Stories) (Space Opera) (Trips in Time)
- McDonald, Cherokee Paul (Police Fiction)
- McDonald, Craig (Historical Mysteries: 1950s)
- McDonald, Gregory (Humorous Mysteries)
- McDonald, Ian (Mars: The Red Planet) (SF: Future Worlds) (Steampunk)
- McDonald, Roger (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- McDonald, Sandra (Military/War SF)
- McDonell, Nick (Coming of Age) (Espionage) (Mean Streets) (Nine-Eleven)
- McDonnell, Carole (Romantic Fantasy)
- McDonough, Yona Zeldis (Music Fiction) (Ties That Bind)
- McDowell, Colin (Fashion Industry) (Rags to Riches)
- McDowall, Iain (British Mysteries)
- McDowell, Ian (King Arthur & Friends)
- McDowell, Michael (Magical Realism) (Neo-Gothic)
- McEachin, James (Espionage) (Psychological Suspense)
- McElhatton, Heather (Reader Participation) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- McElmurray, Karen Salyer (New Age)
- McElroy, Joseph (Affairs of the Heart) (Theater/Acting World)
- McElroy, Paul (Aviation Thrillers)
- McEvoy, Dermot (Angels) (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Irish)
- McEvoy, John (Horses & Horseracing Mysteries)
- McEwan, Ian (Comedies of Manners) (Espionage) (Popular Science/Math) (Psychological Fiction) (Satire) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy) (Ties That Bind: Spouses)
- McFadden, Bernice (Affairs of the Heart) (African-American Interest) (African-American Romances) (Family Sagas: Various Locations) (Journey of Discovery/Quest for Home) (like Toni Morrison) (Women's Stories)
- McFadden, T.J. (Fighting Forces & Special Ops)
- McFadyen, Cody (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- McFall, Kathleen (Vampyre Gothic)
- McFann, Jennifer (Children's Fantasy)
- McFarland, Dennis (African-American Interest) (Coming of Age) (Race Relations) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy)
- McFather, Nell (Serious Southern Fiction)
- McFedries, A.A. (Paranormal Mysteries)
- McGahern, John (Euro & Euro-American Interst: Irish)
- McGarrity, Michael (Regional Mysteries: New Mexico)
- McGarry, Terry (Epic Fantasy)
- McGehee, Nicole (Rags to Riches) (Women's Stories)
- McGehee, Peter (Gay Male Interest)
- McGhee, Alison (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy) (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- McGiffen, Steve (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (Women's Stories)
- McGilloway, Brian (Regional Mysteries: Ireland)
- McGinniss, Joe Jr. (Contemporary Melodrama)
- McGlothin, Victor (African-American Romances) (African-American Interest) (Historical Fiction: 1940s)
- McGovern, Cammie (Psychological Fiction) (Psychological Suspense) (Ties That Bind)
- McGowan, Heather (Novels of Character)
- McGowan, Kathleen (Clerical/Church Thrillers) (Conspiracy Thrillers) (Long-Lost Manuscripts)
- McGown, Jill (British Mysteries)
- McGrath, Patrick (Addictions) (Notable Short Stories) (Psychological Fiction) (Revolutionary War) (September 11, 2001) (Struggling Artists)
- McGraw, Charles G. (Sword & Sorcery)
- McGraw, Marja (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- McGraw, Milena (World War II)
- McGregor, Elizabeth (Obsessions) (Past & Present)
- McGregor, Jon (Community) (Lyrical Prose)
- McGrew, Chandler (Apocalyptic/Millennial) (Dark Fantasy) (Evil Incarnate) (Psychic Powers) (SF/Horror) (Skull Beneath the Skin)
- McGrory, Brian (Political Thrillers)
- McGruder, Aaron (African-American Interest) (Graphic Novels) (Satire)
- McGruder, Krista (Notable Short Stories)
- McGuane, Thomas (Family Sagas) (Modern West) (Notable Short Stories)
- McGuire, Christine (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- McGuire, Tim (Outlaws & Lawmen)
- McInerney, Jay (Second Person) (September 11, 2001) (Urban Professionals)
- McInerney, Monica (Ties That Bind: Sisters, Unhappy Families)
- McInerny, Ralph (Academic Mysteries) (Clerical Mysteries) (Humorous Mysteries) (Police Procedurals) (Regional Mysteries: Indiana) (Rogues) (Sports Mysteries)
- McInnis, Sheri (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- McIntee, David (Slasher Stories)
- McIntosh, Fiona (Otherworld Historical Fantasy) (Uneasy Lies the Head)
- McIntosh, Matthew (Community)
- McIntosh, Pat (Historical Mysteries: 15th Century)
- McIntyre, Hope (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- McIntyre, Vonda (End of the World) (Psychological/Sociological SF)
- McKade, Maureen (Historical Romances)
- McKay, Ami (Women's Stories)
- McKay, Lisa (Christian Inspirational)
- McKean, James (Paintings & Artists)
- McKee, Lynn Armistead (Prehistoric Fiction)
- McKenna, Christina (Starcrossed Lovers)
- McKenna, Juliet E. (Epic Fantasy) (Sword & Sorcery)
- McKenna, Lindsay (Romantic Suspense)
- McKenna, Richard (Historical Fiction: 1920s) (East-Asian Interest)
- McKenna, Shannon (Erotica) (Romantic Suspense)
- McKenzie, Nancy (King Arthur & Camelot)
- McKerrigan, Sarah (Historical Romances)
- McKevett, G.A. (Culinary Mysteries)
- McKiernan, Dennis L. (Epic Fantasy) (Folk & Fairy Tales Retold) (Realm of Faerie)
- McKillip, Patricia A. (Modern Fairy Tales) (Otherworld Historical Fantasy) (Uneasy Lies the Head) (Unicorns in the Garden)
- McKinley, Robin (Children's Fantasy) (Vampyre Gothic)
- McKinley, Tamara (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Australian) (Family Sagas) (Ties That Bind)
- McKinna, John (Claws & Jaws) (like Cussler)
- McKinney, Blánaid (Humorous Thrillers) (Rogues)
- McKinney, Chris (Family Sagas: Various Locations)
- McKinney, Meagan (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (Historical Romances) (Romantic Suspense)
- McKinney-Whetstone, Diane (Addictions) (African-American Interest) (Community)
- McKinnon, K.C. (Pastoral Fiction) (Second Time Around)
- McKinnon, Karen (Struggling Artists) (Urban Professionals)
- McKinty, Adrian (Addictions) (Conspiracy Thrillers) (Mean Streets)
- McKinzie, Clinton (Legal Thrillers) (Sports Thrillers)
- McKnight, Annie (Historical Romances)
- McKnight, Reginald (African-American Interest) (Multicultural: African)
- McLain, Paula (Coming of Age)
- McLaren, Brian D. (Christian Inspirational)
- McLarin, Kim (Affairs of the Heart) (African-American Interest) (Race Relations) (Ties That Bind: Generations) (Women's Stories)
- McLaughlin, Ann L. (High Seas) (Historical Fiction: 1920s) (Maryland authors)
- McLaughlin, Emma (Nanny Diaries & Mommy Tracks) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Urban Professionals)
- McLean, Duncan (Psychological Suspense)
- McLeay, Alison (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (Historical Romances)
- McMahon, Jennifer (Children in Jeopardy) (Past & Present Thrillers)
- McMahon, Katharine (Historical Fiction: 1700s)
- McMahon, Neil (Conspiracy Thrillers) (Medical Thrillers) (Modern West) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Psychological Suspense) (Science Thrillers)
- McMahon, Thomas (Magical Realism)
- McManus, Patrick (Regional Mysteries: Idaho)
- McMaster, Michelle (Historical Romances)
- McMath, Meredith Bean (Christian Historical Fiction)
- McMillan, Ann (Historical Mysteries: 19th Century)
- McMillan, Edward J. (Corporate Thrillers)
- McMillan, Rosalyn (African-American Interest)
- McMillan, Terry (African-American Interest) (Family Sagas) (Midlife Crisis) (like Toni Morrison)
- McMullen, Sean (Epic Fantasy) (SF: Far Future/Clarke's Law) (SF: Trips in Time)
- McMurtry, Larry (Big Names) (Historical Fiction: 1800s, 1920s, Biographical) (Contemporary Women's Friendships) (Historical Westerns) (Humorous Westerns) (Modern Westerns) (Native American Westerns) (Southern/Small Town Humor) (Ties That Bind) (Wagons West) (Westerns: Cattle Ranching)
- McNab, Andy (Espionage) (International Intrigue)
- McNab, Claire (Lesbian Mysteries)
- McNair, Ed (Urban Lit)
- McNally, Clare (Children in Jeopardy)
- McNally, John (Academic Satire) (Coming of Age) (Satire) (Writers/Publishing Industry)
- McNamara, Joseph D. (Police Fiction)
- McNamee, Eoin (Notable Short Stories)
- McNamara, Evan (Regional Mysteries: Colorado)
- McNamara, Mary (Hollywood)
- McNaught, Judith (Contemporary Romances) (Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense) (Contemporary Melodrama) (Romantic Suspense)
- McNeal, Mallori (Urban Lit)
- McNees, Kelly O'Connor (Biographical Fiction)
- McNeil, Jean (Coming of Age)
- McNeill, Elisabeth (British Mysteries) (Contemporary Romances) (Romantic Suspense)
- McNicholl, Damian (Coming of Age) (Gay Male Interest)
- McNish, Cliff (Children's Fantasy)
- McNulty, Bridget (Magical Realism)
- McPartlin, Anna (Aftermath of Tragedy/Surviving Loss)
- McPhee, Carol Alma (Past & Present)
- McPhee, Jenny (Affairs of the Heart) (Historical Fiction: 1940s) (Ties That Bind: Sisters)
- McPhee, Martha (Starcrossed Lovers) (Ties That Bind)
- McPherson, Catriona (Historical Mysteries: 1920s)
- McPherson, F.M. (Young Adult SF)
- McQueen, Holly (Fashion Industry)
- McRae, Cricket (Culinary Mysteries) (Sewing/Needlework Mysteries)
- McReynolds, Mary (Christian Westerns)
- McSweeney, Joyelle (Dystopian Futures) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- McTeer, Alan (Psychological Suspense) (Survival & Deliverance)
- McWilliams, A.L. (Historical Romances: American West) (Westerns: Outlaws & Lawmen)
- Mda, Zakes (Race Relations) (South African Interest)
- Meacham, Leila (Family Sagas: The South)
- Mead, Richelle (Erotic Fantasy) (Paranormal Romances)
- Mead, Robert Douglas (Westerns) (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- Meade, Glenn (Nazi Thrillers)
- Meade, Amy Patricia (Historical Mysteries: 1930s) (Upper Crust Mysteries)
- Meade, Phil (Adventure SF) (Comics/Graphic Novels) (ESP/Psionics) (SF/Fantasy Small Press) (Young Adult SF)
- Meadows, David E. (Fighting Forces & Special Ops)
- Meadows, Lee E. (Hardboiled Detectives)
- Meadows, Rae (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home) (Religious: Specific Denominations)
- Meallet, Sandro (Coming of Age) (Community)
- Meaney, John (Dark Fantasy) (Fantasy Mysteries) (Space Opera) (Unreal Cities)
- Means, David (Notable Short Stories)
- Means, Harold (Dixie Triumphant)
- Mebus, Scott (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Medawar, Mardi Oakley (Native American Mysteries)
- Medeiros, Teresa (Folk & Fairy Tales Retold) (Regency Romances) (Romantic Fantasy)
- Medieval Murderers, The (Historical Mysteries: Middle Ages)
- Medina, C.C. (Hispanic Interest)
- Medland, Maurice (like Cussler) (International Intrigue)
- Medley, Linda (Graphic Novels)
- Medlicott, Joan (Contemporary Women's Friendships) (Pastoral Fiction)
- Mednick, Kevin (Midlife Crisis)
- Medoff, Jillian (Food Fiction) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Ties That Bind)
- Medwed, Mameve (Ties That Bind: Parent/Child, Spouses) (Women's Stories)
- Meehan, Michael (Classics Revisited) (Lyrical Prose) (Theater/Acting World)
- Meek, James (September 11, 2001) (Writers/Publishing Industry)
- Meek, M.R.D. (British Mysteries)
- Mehl, Nancy (Past & Present Mysteries)
- Mehling, Harold (Legal Thrillers)
- Mehran, Marsha (Food Fiction)
- Mehta, Gita (Indian & Indian-American Interest)
- Meidav, Edie (Historical Fiction: 1930s) (Multicultural: Sri Lankan) (Nazi Holocaust)
- Meier, Leslie (Amateur Sleuths: Housewives) (Holiday Mysteries) (Librarians)
- Meier, Mary Jane (Second Time Around)
- Meier, Paul (Apocalyptic Fiction)
- Meigs, Henry (Asian Menace)
- Meissner, Susan (Christian Inspirational) (Christian Romances)
- Meister, Ellen (Suburban Humor)
- Mekler, Eva (Jewish Interest) (Nazi Holocaust)
- Melchior, Ib (Nazi Thrillers) (Technothrillers)
- Melikan, Rose (Espionage)
- Melko, Paul (Adventure SF) (Far Future/Clarke's Law) (Parallel Worlds/Other Dimensions) (SF Short Stories)
- Melling, O.R. (Children's Fantasy)
- Melnyczuk, Askold (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Meloy, Maile (Family Sagas: Various Locations) (Religious: Catholics)
- Melton, Marliss (Romantic Suspense)
- Meltzer, Brad (Corporate Thrillers) (Legal Thrillers) (Long-Lost Manuscripts & Other Antiquities) (Political Thrillers)
- Meluch, R.M. (Military/War SF) (Space Opera)
- Melville, Herman (Coming of Age) (High Seas) (Military & Naval Adventure) (Obsessions)
- Melville, Jennie (British Mysteries)
- Melville, Pauline (Magical Realism) (Notable Short Stories)
- Mendelsohn, Jane (Coming of Age) (Historical Fiction: 1930s, Biographical) (Odd Families, Quirky Characters)
- Mendelsohn, Robert (Espionage) (Legal Thrillers)
- Mendelson, Charlotte (Jewish Interest)
- Mendelson, Cheryl (Comedies of Manners)
- Mendicino, Tom (Gay Male Interest)
- Mendle, Jane (Hollywood) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Menéndez, Ana (Expatriates) (Hispanic Interest)
- Mengestu, Dinaw (Historical Fiction: 1970s) (Race Relations)
- Mengiste, Maaza (Historical Fiction: 1970s) (Multicultural: African)
- Meno, Joe (Coming of Age) (Notable Short Stories) (Psychological Fiction)
- Mercier, Pascal (International Bestsellers)
- Mercurio, Jed (Historical Fiction: Biographical) (Technothrillers)
- Meredith, D.R. (Books & Publishing Industry Mysteries) (Librarians)
- Merek, Jack (International Intrigue) (Techno-Thrillers)
- Meriwether, Louise (African-American Interest) (African-American Romances)
- Merlis, Mark (Classics Revisited) (Comic/Absurd) (Gay Male Interest) (Political Humor) (Satire) (Theological Fiction)
- Mernit, Billy (Hollywood) (Romantic Comedy)
- Merot, Pierre (Novels of Character)
- Merrick, Elizabeth (Coming of Age)
- Merritt, Rich (Gay Male Interest) (Military/War)
- Mertz, Stephen (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Merullo, Roland (Coming of Age) (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Italian) (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home) (Political Humor) (Satire) (Ties That Bind: General)
- Merz, Jon E. (Espionage) (Vampyre Gothic)
- Mesce, Bill Jr. (Legal Thrillers) (World War II)
- Messina, Lynn (Classics and Creatures) (Fashion Industry) (Urban Professionals) (Vampyre Gothic)
- Messina, Maria (Notable Short Stories)
- Messing, Robin (Affairs of the Heart)
- Messinger, Jonathan (Notable Short Stories)
- Messud, Claire (Urban Professionals)
- Mesta, Gabriel (Steampunk)
- Mestre, Ernesto (Hispanic Interest) (Magical Realism)
- Meszaros, V.S. (Outlaws & Lawmen)
- Metalious, Grace (Community)
- Metaphrog (Graphic Novels)
- Metzger, Barbara (Regency Romances)
- Metzger, Robert A. (Hard SF)
- Metzl, Jamie (Espionage)
- Mewshaw, Michael (Hostages) (Humorous Thrillers) (International Intrigue) (Mafia Thrillers) (Past & Present Thrillers) (Science Thrillers)
- Meyer, Andrea (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Meyer, Carolyn (Ties That Bind: Mother/Daughter) (Ties That Bind: Multiple Generations)
- Meyer, Deon (Children in Jeopardy) (Espionage) (Missions of Vengeance) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Regional Mysteries: South Africa)
- Meyer, Eugene L (Chesapeake Bay/Eastern Shore)
- Meyer, Kai (Children's Fantasy)
- Meyer, Nicholas (Sherlock Holmes & Friends)
- Meyer, Stephenie (Vampire Romances)
- Meyers, Annette (Historical Mysteries: 1920s, 1930s)
- Meyers, Kent (Aftermath of Tragedy/Surviving Loss) (Animal Whisperers) (Community) (Native American Interest) (Modern West)
- Meyers, Maan (Historical Mysteries: Throughout History)
- Meynell, Laurence (Historical Romances) (Pastoral Fiction)
- Mezrich, Ben (Computer Thrillers) (Medical Thrillers) (The New Plague)
- Miasha (Street Lit) (Transgender Interest)
- Michael, Judith (Contemporary Romances) (Romantic Suspense) (Theater/Acting World)
- Michael, Prince of Greece (Historical Fiction: 1700s, 1800s)
- Michaels, Barbara (Romantic Suspense) (Sewing/Needlework Mysteries)
- Michaels, David (Fighting Forces & Special Ops)
- Michaels, Fern (Big Names) (Christmas Fiction) (Contemporary Romances) (Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense) (Contemporary Melodrama) (Family Sagas) (Past & Present) (Romantic Suspense) (Twins)
- Michaels, Kasey (Books & Publishing Industry Mysteries) (Contemporary Romances) (Holiday Mysteries) (Humorous Mysteries) (Regency Romances) (Romantic Comedy)
- Michaels, Lynn (Rich & Famous: Power & Revenge) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Michalopoulou, Amanda (Notable Short Stories)
- Michalson, Karen (Dark Fantasy) (Fantasy: Mostly Magical) (Fantasy: Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Michel, DeLaune (Psychological Fiction)
- Michelaard, B. (International Intrigue) (Techno-Thrillers)
- Michener, James (Chesapeake Bay/Eastern Shore) (Epic Sagas) (Great American Novels) (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- Michna, Tanya (Conemporary Melodrama) (Ties That Bind: Sisters)
- Michod, Alec (Historical Mysteries: 19th Century)
- Michon, Cathryn (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Mickelbury, Penny (African-American Mysteries) (Legal Thrillers) (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Mickle, Shelley Fraser (Psychological Fiction) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy) (Ties That Bind)
- Micklem, Sarah (Epic Fantasy)
- Middleton, Haydn (Folk & Fairy Tales Retold) (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- Middleton, Robert (Hired Man on Horseback)
- Miéville, China (Fantasy Mysteries) (Modern Fables/Fairy Tales) (The New Weird) (Otherworld Historical Fiction) (Science Fantasy) (Steampunk) (Unreal Cities)
- Mignola, Mike (Vampire Horror)
- Mikulski, Barbara (Regional Mysteries: Washington, DC)
- Milanés, Cecilia Roderiguez (Hispanic Interest)
- Mild, Rosemary & Larry (Amateur Sleuths: Couples) (Regional Mysteries: Maryland)
- Miles, Cindy (Angels) (Romantic Fantasy)
- Miles, Jonathan (Midlife Crisis)
- Miles, Keith (Sports Mysteries)
- Miles, Lawrence (Doctor Who) (Epistolary Fiction) (Post-Apocalyptic)
- Miles, Margaret (Historical Mysteries: 17th Century)
- Miles, Rosalind (Celtic/Gaelic/Welsh Fantasy) (Historical Fiction: 1500s) (King Arthur & Camelot) (Wicca/Goddess Worship)
- Milky, D.J. (Anime/Manga)
- Millar, Margaret (Clerical Mysteries)
- Millar, Mark (Graphic Novels)
- Millar, Martin (Werewolves)
- Millar, Peter (The New Plague)
- Millar, Sam (Hardboiled Detectives)
- Miller, Adrienne (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Miller, Alyce (Notable Short Stories)
- Miller, Andrew (Historical Fiction: Biographical, 1700s) (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home)
- Miller, Arthur (Notable Short Stories)
- Miller, Barbara (Historical Romances)
- Miller, Brenda Rhodes (African-American Interest) (Christian Inspirational)
- Miller, Caroline Adams (True Psychology)
- Miller, Christopher (Music Fiction)
- Miller, Dawn (Epistolary Fiction) (Historical Romances)
- Miller, Evie Yoder (Multicultural: Amish) (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- Miller, Frank (Graphic Novels)
- Miller, Heather Ross (Coming of Age) (Historical Fiction: 1950s) (Ties That Bind)
- Miller, Henry (Historical Fiction: 1900-1919, 1920s)
- Miller, Hugh (Pastoral Fiction) (PBS Miniseries)
- Miller, John A. (Computer Thrillers) (Historical Fiction: 1950s) (Obsessions) (Sports Fiction)
- Miller, John J. (Media Fantasy)
- Miller, John Ramsey (Fugitives/On the Run) (Hurricane Katrina) (Mafia Thrillers) (Mean Streets)
- Miller, Judith (Christian Historical Fiction)
- Miller, Karen E. Quinones (African-American Interest) (Coming of Age) (Sistahs) (Ties That Bind) (Twins)
- Miller, Keith (Allegory) (Librarians) (Modern Fables & Fairy Tales)
- Miller, Linda Lael (Christmas Fiction) (Contemporary Romance) (Cowboy Romances) (Historical Romances) (Contemporary Melodrama) (Pastoral Fiction) (Romantic Suspense) (Time-Travel Romances) (Vampyre Gothic)
- Miller, M.C. (2012 Apocalypse) (End of the World)
- Miller, Robert Tate (Christmas Tales)
- Miller, Sasha (Fantasy: Mostly Magical) (Fantasy: Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Miller, Steve (Futuristic Romances) (Generation Ships) (Psychological/Sociological SF) (Space Opera)
- Miller, Sue (Past and Present) (September 11, 2001) (Survivng Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy) (Ties That Bind) (Women's Stories)
- Miller, Walter M. (Post-Apocalyptic) (Religious/Philosophical SF)
- Millet, Lydia (Libraries & Librarians) (Magical Realism) (Novels of Character) (Psychological Fiction) (Reincarnation) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy)
- Millett, Larry (Sherlock Holmes & Friends)
- Millhauser, Steven (Historical Fiction: 1800s, 1900-1919) (Magical Realism) (Notable Short Stories)
- Millhiser, Marlys (Humorous Mystery)
- Milligan, H.B. (Second Time Around)
- Milligan, J. (Atlantis) (Comic/Absurd) (Satire SF)
- Millington, Mil (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Writers/Publishing Industry)
- Millionaire, Tony (Graphic Novels)
- Millner, Denene & Chiles, Nick (African-American Interest) (African-American Romances) (Urban Professionals)
- Mills, Deanie Francis (Children in Jeopardy) (Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense)
- Mills, DiAnn (Christian Suspense/Thrillers)
- Mills, James (R.) (Christian Historical) (Legal Thrillers) (Mafia Thrillers) (Political Thrillers)
- Mills, Kyle (Conspiracy Thrillers) (Corporate Thrillers) (Espionage) (Legal Thrillers) (Sports Thrillers) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Mills, Magnus (Allegory) (Satire) (Workplace Humor)
- Mills, Mark (Espionage) (Notable Historical Mysteries) (World War II)
- Mills, Steven (End of the World) (The New Plague)
- Mills, Wendy Howell (Cozy Mysteries)
- Milner, Donna (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Min, Anchee (East-Asian Interest) (Historical Fiction: Biographical, 1800s)
- Min, Katherine (East-Asian Interest)
- Mina, Denise (British Mysteries) (Psychological Suspense) (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Ming, Wu (Historical Fiction: 1950s)
- Minichino, Camille (Amateur Sleuths) (Amateur Sleuths: Sweet Old Ladies & Other Seniors)
- Mink, Meesha (Urban Lit)
- Minot, Eliza (Coming of Age) (Surviving Loss/Dealing with Tragedy) (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Minot, George (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Minot, Susan (Historical Fiction: 1900-1919) (Lyrical Prose) (Notable Short Stories)
- Minter, Alex (Regional Mysteries: New York City)
- Mirvis, Tova (Jewish Interest)
- Miscione, Lisa (Books & Publishing Industry Mysteries) (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Mistry, Rohinton (Indian & Indian-American Interest) (Ties That Bind)
- Mitcham, Judson (Coming of Age) (Race Relations) (Serious Southern Fiction)
- Mitchard, Jacquelyn (Christmas Tales) (Junior Bestsellers) (Religious: Specific Denominations) (Second Time Around) (Contemporary Melodrama) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy) (Ties That Bind: General, Unhappy Families)
- Mitchell, Bob (Sports Humor) (Theological Fiction)
- Mitchell, David (Coming of Age) (Lyrical Prose) (Meaning of Life/Nature of Existence) (Non-Christian Inspirational) (New Age)
- Mitchell, James C. (Regional Mysteries: Arizona)
- Mitchell, Joseph (Multicultural: Gypsies) (Notable Short Stories) (Novels of Character)
- Mitchell, Judith Claire (Historical Fiction: 1900-1919) (World War I)
- Mitchell, Ken (Theological Fiction)
- Mitchell, Kirk (Forensic Detectives) (Native American Mysteries)
- Mitchell, Margaret (Civil War) (Classics Revisited) (Notable Short Stories)
- Mitchell, Mary Ann (Horror: Vampires) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Mitchell, Michele (Political Thrillers)
- Mitchell, Sharon (African-American Interest) (like Toni Morrison) (Sistahs) (Ties That Bind)
- Mitchell, Stephen (Christian Inspirational) (Epic Fantasy)
- Mitchell, Syne (Biological SF) (End of the World) (High Frontier/Life in Space) (Medical Thrillers) (The New Plague)
- Mitgutsch, Anna (Jewish Interest)
- Mittelmark, Howard (Haunted Houses)
- Miura, Tetsuo (East Asian Interest)
- Miyabe, Miyuki (Paranormal Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: Japan)
- Miyazaki, Hayao (Anime/Manga)
- Mizner, David (Political Humor)
- Mizukami, Tsutomu (East Asian Interest)
- Mlynowski, Sarah (Celebrity & Celebrities) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Mochizuki, Minetaro (Anime/Manga)
- Modesitt, L.E. Jr. (Alternate History) (Ecological/Environmental SF) (Epic Fantasy) (Fantasy: There and Back Again) (Fantasy: Uneasy Lies the Head) (Future Worlds) (Galactic Empires) (SF: Psychological/Sociological) (Mostly Magical) (SF: Military/War) (SF: Religious/Philosophical)
- Moench, Doug (Graphic Novels)
- Moers, Walter (Humorous Fantasy)
- Monette, Sarah (Mostly Magical)
- Moffett, Julie (Time Travel Romances)
- Mofina, Rick (Psychological Suspense)
- Moggach, Deborah (Historical Fiction: 1600s) (Paintings & Artists)
- Mohin, Ann (Women's Stories)
- Mohr, Joshua (Psychological Fiction)
- Moline, Karen (Obsessions) (Rich & Famous: Sex & Revenge)
- Molist, Jorge (Long-Lost Manuscripts & Other Antiquities)
- Moloney, Susie (Haunted Houses) (The Skull Beneath the Skin)
- Molstad, Stephen (Revolutionary War)
- Monahan, Brent (Historical Mysteries: 1900-1919) (Occult/Supernatural) (Vampyre Gothic)
- Monahan, William (Comic/Absurd) (Odd Families, Quirky Characters) (Satire)
- Monardo, Anna (Ties That Bind: Mother/Daughter)
- Monay, Michelle (Urban Lit)
- Mones, Nicole (Affairs of the Heart) (Food Fiction) (East-Asian Interest)
- Monette, Paul (Anthropomorphic Fantasy) (Modern Fables & Fairy Tales)
- Monette, Sarah (Animal Companions) (Ghost Stories) (Horror Short Stories) (Mostly Magical) (Unreal Cities)
- Monfredo, Miriam Grace (Historical Mysteries: 19th Century, Throughout History)
- Moning, Karen Marie (Highland Romances) (Romantic Fantasy) (Time-Travel Romances)
- Monk, Karyn (Highland Romances) (Historical Romances)
- Monkey Punch (Anime/Manga)
- Monk, Bathsheba (Community) (Notable Short Stories)
- Monninger, Joseph (Epistolary Fiction) (Ties That Bind: Spouses)
- Monroe, Mary (African-American Interest) (Coming of Age) (like Toni Morrison) (Music Fiction) (Romantic Suspense) (Sistahs) (Women's Stories)
- Monroe, Mary Alice (Contemporary Women's Friendships) (Epistolary) (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home) (Multicultural: Gullah) (Notable Past & Present) (Ties That Bind)
- Monroe, Steve (Hardboiled Detectives) (Historical Fiction: 1950s) (Historical Mysteries: 1940s) (Sports Thrillers)
- Monsarrat, Nicholas (Military & Naval Adventure)
- Monsour, Theresa (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Montague, Dan (Journey of Discovery/Quest for Home) (Past & Present) (Sailing/Boating)
- Montalbano, William D. (Clerical/Church Thrillers)
- Montanari, Richard (Past & Present Thrillers) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Montefiore, Santa (Contemporary Melodrama) (Paintings & Artists)
- Monteleone, Thomas F. (Apocalyptic Fiction) (Millennial Fiction) (Nazi Thrillers)
- Montero, Mayra (Hispanic Interest) (Historical Fiction: 1950s)
- Montiel, Dito (Celebrity & Celebrities) (Hollywood)
- Moody, Bill (Musical Mysteries)
- Moody, David (Psychological Suspense)
- Moody, Greg (Regional Mysteries: Colorado) (Sports Mysteries)
- Moody, Martha (Workplace Humor)
- Moody, Rick (Notable Short Stories)
- Moody, Skye Kathleen (Ecological/Environmental Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: Washington State)
- Moon, Elizabeth (Military/War SF) (Psychological/Sociological SF) (SF Short Stories) (SF Small Press) (Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Moon, Fabio (Graphic Novels)
- Mooney, Chris (Espionage) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Pulp Fictions) (Science Thrillers) (Technothrillers)
- Mooney, Ted (Political Thrillers)
- Moorat, A.E. (Classics and Creatures)
- Moorcock, Michael (Adventure Fantasy) (Adventure SF) (Alternate History) (The Dying Earth) (Eternal Champion Multiverse) (Fantasy Short Stories) (Far Future/Clarkes's Law) (Historical Fiction: 20th Century) (Mars) (Otherworld Historical Fantasy) (Parallel Worlds/Other Dimensions) (Religious/Philosophical SF) (Science Fantasy) (SF Short Stories) (Steampunk) (Sword & Sorcery) (Trips in Time)
- Moorcraft, Paul L. (Obsessions) (Past & Present) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Moore, Alan (Graphic Novels)
- Moore, Ann (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Irish) (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (Immigrant Experience)
- Moore, Brian (Espionage)
- Moore, C.L. (SF Short Stories)
- Moore, Christopher (African-American Interest) (Christmas Fiction) (Classics Revisited) (Comic/Absurd) (Magical Realism) (Occult/Supernatural) (Satire) (Theological Fiction)
- Moore, Christopher G. (Regional Mysteries: Southeast Asia)
- Moore, Elaine (Vampyre Gothic)
- Moore, Harker (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Moore, James A. (Dark Fantasy) (Evil Incarnate) (Horror: Naughty Little Children) (Just Plain Scary) (Monsters)
- Moore, Jeffrey (Affairs of the Heart) (Magical Realism) (Psychological Fiction) (Satire) (SF/Fantasy Small Press)
- Moore, Kate (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Moore, Laurie (British Mysteries) (Humorous Mysteries) (Police Procedurals) (Regional Mysteries: Texas) (Romantic Suspense) (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Moore, Lisa (Canadian Interest) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy)
- Moore, Lorrie (Notable Short Stories)
- Moore, Margaret (Historical Romances)
- Moore, Michael Scott (Coming of Age) (Voices of the Dead)
- Moore, Miriam Ann (Humorous Mysteries)
- Moore, Richard (Graphic Novels) (Vampyre Gothic)
- Moore, Shavon (Urban Lit)
- Moore, Susanna (Coming of Age) (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (Multicultural: Hawaiian) (Obsessions) (Psychological Suspense)
- Moore, T.M. (Science Fantasy)
- Moore, Ward (Dixie Triumphant)
- Moore, Y. Blak (Street Lit)
- Moquist, Richard (Historical Mysteries: 19th Century)
- Mor, Caiseal (Celtic/Gaelic/Welsh Fantasy)
- Morales, Aaron Michael (Mean Streets)
- Moran, Michelle (Historical Fiction: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome)
- Moran, Richard (Disaster Epics)
- Moran, Thomas (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Irish) (Jewish Interest) (Nazi Holocaust) (Obsessions) (Psychological Fiction) (Starcrossed Lovers) (World War II)
- Mordden, Ethan (Gay Male Interest)
- Moreau, C.X. (Civil War)
- Moredun, P.R. (Children's Fantasy)
- Morehouse, Lyda (Cyberpunk) (Man & Machine) (SF: Religious/Philosophical)
- Morelli, Linda (Romantic Suspense)
- Morgan, Douglas (like Clive Cussler)
(International Intrigue)
- Morgan, Fidelis (Historical Mysteries: 18th Century)
- Morgan, Hunter (Romantic Suspense)
- Morgan, Jude (The Brontës and Friends) (Music Fiction)
- Morgan, Kathleen (Christian Historical)
- Morgan, Marlo (Multicultural: Australian Aborigines) (Non-Christian Inspirational)
- Morgan, Mary (Past & Present)
- Morgan, Philippa (Author as Sleuth) (Historical Mysteries: 14th Century)
- Morgan, Richard K. (Corporate Thrillers) (Dying Earth) (Epic Fantasy) (SF Mysteries) (Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Morgan, Robert (Christian Romances) (Historical Fiction: 1800s, 1920s) (Novels of Character) (Revolutionary War) (Ties That Bind) (Women's Stories)
- Morganstern, S. (Books That Never Were)
- Morgenroth, Kate (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Psychological Suspense) (Upper Crust Mysteries)
- Morgenstern, Erin (Circus Fiction) (Mostly Magical)
- Mori, Kyoko (East-Asian Interest) (Survivng Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy)
- Moriarty, Chris (Cyberpunk)
- Moriarty, Jaclyn (Coming of Age) (Epistolary)
- Moriarty, Laura (Ties That Bind: Parent/Child)
- Moriarty, Liane (Ties That Bind: Sisters) (Twins)
- Morin, Donna Russo (Swashbuckling Adventure)
- Moriyama, Daisuke (Manga)
- Morley, Christopher (Comedies of Manners)
- Morrall, Clare (Aftermath of Tragedy/Surviving Loss) (Psychological Fiction)
- Morrell, David (Christmas Fiction) (Conspiracy Thrillers) (Espionage) (Fighting Forces & Special Ops) (Fugitives/On the Run) (Horror Short Stories) (Missions of Vengeance) (Nazi Thrillers) (Obsessions) (Paranormal Thrillers) (Psychological Suspense) (The Skull Beneath the Skin)
- Morren, Ruth Axtell (Christian Historical Fiction) (Historical Romances)
- Morrissey, Donna (Historical Fiction: 1940s)
- Morris, Alan (Christian Historical)
- Morris, Bob (Humorous Thrillers)
- Morris, Gerald (Children's Fantasy) (King Arthur & Camelot)
- Morris, Gilbert (Christian Romances) (Christian Historical) (Christian Westerns)
- Morris, Henriette Hampton (Pastoral Fiction) (Ties That Bind)
- Morris, J.M. (Psychological Suspense)
- Morris, Joe Edd (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home)
- Morris, Ken (Corporate Thrillers)
- Morris, Lynn (Christian Historical)
- Morris, M.E. (New Plague)
- Morris, Mark (Monsters)
- Morris, Mary (Hispanic Interest) (Past & Present) (Ties That Bind)
- Morris, Mary McGarry (Going Home Again) (Novels of Character) (Past & Present Thrillers) (Ties That Bind) (Women's Stories)
- Morris, Michael (Coming of Age) (Serious Southern Fiction)
- Morris, R.N. (Classics Revisited) (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (Notable Historical Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: Russia)
- Morris, Scott (Past & Present) (Serious Southern Fiction) (Ties That Bind: General)
- Morris, Suzanne (Epic Sagas)
- Morris, Willie (Serious Southern Fiction)
- Morrisey, Tom (Christian Suspense/Thrillers)
- Morrison, Blake (Historical Fiction: Biographical, Middle Ages)
- Morrison, Boyd (Archaeological Thrillers)
- Morrison, Grant (Graphic Novels)
- Morrison, Mary B. (African-American Romances) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Morrison, Toni (African-American Interest) (Historical Fiction: 1700s) (like Toni Morrison) (Slavery)
- Morrone, Wenda Wardell (Computer Thrillers) (Millennial Fiction) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Morrow, Bradford (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home) (Magical Realism) (Ties That Bind)
- Morrow, James (Comic/Absurd) (Historical Fiction: 1600s) (Theological Fiction)
- Morrow, Jill (Paranormal Thrillers) (Romantic Fantasy)
- Morrow, Laurie Bogart (Pastoral Fiction)
- Morse, C. Scott (Graphic Novels)
- Morsi, Pamela (Meaning of Life/Nature of Existence) (Ties That Bind: Mother/Daughter)
- Morson, Ian (Historical Mysteries: 13th Century)
- Mort, John (Vietnam War)
- Mortimer, John (British Mysteries) (British Humor) (Courtroom Mysteries) (Humorous Mysteries) (PBS Miniseries) (Rogues) (Ties That Bind)
- Mortimore, Jim (British Mysteries)
- Mortman, Doris (Rich & Famous: Power & Revenge) (Romantic Suspense) (Struggling Artists)
- Morton, Brian (Affairs of the Heart) (Contemporary Melodrama) (Struggling Artists) (Writers/Publishing Industry)
- Morton, Kate (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Mosby, Katherine (Coming of Age) (Historical Romances: Modern)
- Mosby, Steve (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Moscoe, Mike (SF: Military/War)
- Moseley, Margaret (Humorous Mysteries)
- Moser, Edward P. (Humorous Historical Fiction) (Satire)
- Moser, Nancy (Biogrphical Fiction) (Christian Fiction) (Christian Historical) (Christian Inspirational) (Christian Suspense/Thrillers) (Jane Austen & Friends)
- Moses, Kate (Historical Fiction: Biographical)
- Mosher, Howard Frank (Civil War) (Coming of Age) (Historical Fiction: Humorous) (Odd Families, Quirky Characters) (Pastoral Fiction) (Sports Fiction: Baseball)
- Mosher, Jake (Epistolary Fiction) (Modern Westerns)
- Moshiri, Farnoosh (Islamic Interest) (Multicultural: Iranian)
- Mosiman, Billie Sue (Vampyre Gothic)
- Mosley, Nicholas (Journey of Discovery/Quest for Home) (Lyrical Prose) (September 11, 2001)
- Mosley, Walter (Affairs of the Heart) (African American Interest) (African-American Mysteries) (Allegory) (Angels) (Erotica) (Hardboiled Detectives) (Music Fiction) (New Age) (Novels of Character) (Psychological Fiction) (Race Relations)
- Moss, Barbara Klein (Notable Short Stories)
- Moss, Robert (Historical Fantasy) (Historical Fiction: 1700s) (Native American Interest) (New Age) (Techno-Thrillers)
- Moss, Tara (Romantic Suspense)
- Mosse, Kate (Long-Lost Manuscripts) (Past & Present Thrillers)
- Mossanen, Dora Levy (Erotica) (Historical Romances) (Multicultural: Iranian)
- Mostert, Natasha (Gothic Romances) (Obsessions) (Psychological Suspense)
- Motley, Annette (Family Sagas) (Historical Fiction: 1600s)
- Mott, Brenda (Humorous Mysteries)
- Mount, Ferdinand (Historical Fiction: 1500s, 20th century, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, Humorous) (Sports Fiction)
- Mountain, Fiona (British Mysteries)
- Mountord, B.J. (Regional Mysteries: North Carolina)
- Moya, Horacio Castellanos (Hispanic Interest)
- Moyer, Marsha (Music Fiction) (Picking Up the Pieces) (Southern/Small Town Humor)
- Moyes, Jojo (Past & Present)
- Mrazek, Robert J. (Civil War) (Forensic Detectives) (Historical Mysteries: 1940s) (World War II)
- Muddock, J.E. (Horror Short Stories) (Occult//Supernatural Horror)
- Mukai, Natsumi (Anime/Manga)
- Mukherjee, Bharati (The Immigrant Experience) (Indian & Indian-American Interest) (like Toni Morrison) (Past and Present)
- Mueller, Marnie (East-Asian Interest) (World War II)
- Muir, Kate (Euro & Euro-American Interest: French)
- Mujica, Barbara (Historical Fiction: 1500s)
- Mulisch, Harry (International Bestsellers)
- Mullane, Mike (Techno-Thrillers)
- Mullen, Thomas (Community)
- Muller, Eddie (Historical Mysteries: 1940s) (Sports Mysteries)
- Müller, Herta (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Romanian) (Psychological Fiction)
- Muller, Marcia (Mystery Short Stories) (Police Procedural) (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Mullins, Meg (Starcrossed Lovers)
- Mulvany, Catherine (Romantic Fantasy) (Romantic Suspense)
- Mun, Nami (Runaways)
- Mundle, Rob (Man Against Nature) (Nonfction Sea Adventures)
- Munger, Katy (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Munn, Vella (Historical Fiction: 1500s, 1800s) (Native American Interest)
- Munnings, Clare (Academic Mysteries) (Humorous Mysteries)
- Munoz, Braulio (Hispanic Interest) (The Immigrant Experience)
- Munoz, Manuel (Notable Short Stories)
- Munro, Alice (Notable Short Stories)
- Munroe, Jim (Future Fiction) (SF/Fantasy Small Press)
- Munson, Ronald (Epistolary Fiction) (Stalkers)
- Mura, David (East-Asian Interest)
- Murakami, Haruki (Future Fiction) (Journey of Discovery/Quest for Home) (Magical Realism) (Notable Short Stories)
- Murakami, Ryu (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Murdoch, Anna (Ties That Bind)
- Murdoch, Iris (Meaning of Life/Nature of Existence) (Odd Families & Quirky Characters) (Struggling Artists) (Ties That Bind) (Tragicomedy)
- Murkhoff, Bruce (Historical Fiction: 1930s)
- Murphy, C.E. (Elfpunk/Urban Fantasy) (Otherworld Historical Fantasy)
- Murphy, Garth (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (Native American Westerns)
- Murphy, Gloria (Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense) (Psychological Suspense)
- Murphy, Kevin Andrew (Based on Comics)
- Murphy, Margaret (Psychological Suspense)
- Murphy, Michael (Sports Fiction: Golf)
- Murphy, Pat (Alternate History) (Paranormal Thrillers) (Shapeshifters/Shapechangers) (SF: Far Future/Clarke's Law) (SF For Those Who Hate SF) (SF: Humorous)
- Murphy, Peter (Coming of Age) (Multicultural: Irish)
- Murphy, Sean (Graphic Novels) (Satire) (Writers/Publishing Industry)
- Murphy, Shirley Rousseau (Cat Mysteries) (Holiday Mysteries)
- Murphy, Walter F. (Nazi Thrillers)
- Murphy, Warren (Atlantis) (King Arthur & Camelot)
- Murphy, Yannick (Historical Fiction: Biographical) (Notable Short Stories) (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families) (World War II)
- Murr, Naeem (Novels of Character)
- Murray, Albert (African-American Interest) (Music Fiction)
- Murray, Earl (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (Native American Westerns) (Westerns: Captives)
- Murray, Edmund (Espionage)
- Murray, J.J. (African-American Romances) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Starcrossed Lovers)
- Murray, Jaye (Addictions)
- Murray, Lynne (Amateur Sleuths) (Spunky Women Sleuths) (Women of Size)
- Murray, Paul (Comedies of Manners) (Coming of Age)
- Murray, Sabina (Psychological Suspense)
- Murray, Stuart (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- Murray, Victoria (Christian Inspirational) (Christian Romances)
- Murray, Yxta Maya (Long-Lost Manuscripts) (Past & Present)
- Musk, Justine (Dark Fantasy)
- Muske-Dukes, Carol (Journey of Discovery/Quest for Home) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy)
- Musser, Elizabeth (Christian Inspirational) (Christian Romances) (Writers/Publishing Industry)
- Mustian, Mark (Apocalyptic Fiction) (Church Thrillers) (Hispanic Interest) (Magical Realism)
- Mutabaruka, Mustafa (Abused Children) (African-American Interest)
- Mutou, Hiromu (Anime/Manga)
- Myers, Amy (Historical Mysteries: Victorian)
- Myers, Beverle Graves (Historical Mysteries: 18th Century) (Musical Mysteries)
- Myers, Bill (Apocalyptic/Millennial) (Christian Inspirational) (Christian Thrillers)
- Myers, Cindi (Second Time Around)
- Myers, Gary (Cthulhu Mythos) (Horror Short Stories)
- Myers, John J. (Adventure SF)
- Myers, Katherine (Espionage) (Past & Present Thrillers)
- Myers, Tamar (Culinary Mysteries) (Humorous Mysteries)
- Myers, Tim (Amateur Sleuths) (Cozy Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: North Carolina)
- Myrer, Anton (War/Military)
- Myrick, Leland (Graphic Novels)
1044 authors
updated: Monday, November 07, 2011