And now there were two Legions. The younger group, known as "Legionnaires" or "The Teen Legion," spun off into a new comic, taking a few characters from the original book. The older team, known as "The Adult Legion," stayed in LSH v.4. With Giffen out of the way, the Adult Legion went to Ludicrous Speed, taking on a handful of new members dictated by the Khunds, and entering a protracted battle with Mordru. At least the art got better!

A brand-new direction began with a new creative team in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #50. Long-unanswered questions were disposed of, and the Legion regained some of its heroic flavor.

Info Issue Date Title Roll Call
SW6 Legion LEGIONNAIRES 1 1993/04 Baptism By Fire
Alchemist, Andromeda, Apparition, Brainiac 5, Catspaw, Cham, Computo, Comsic Boy, Dragonmage, Ferro, Gossamer, Inferno, Invisible Kid, Leviathan, Live Wire, Matter-Eater Lad, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet, Triad, Ultra Boy, Troy Stewart, Mano
Glorithverse Legion LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES 42 1993/04 The Enemy Within >
Ayla, Brainy, Celeste, Cham, Chuck, Imra, Jo, Kent Shakespeare, Kono, Laurel Kent, Luornu (regained second body), Rokk, Rond Vidar, Vi, Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Lightning Lad, Triad, Ultra Boy, Valor, Dag, Lauren Gand, Staq, Computo, Glorith
L.E.G.I.O.N. L.E.G.I.O.N. 93 51 1993/04 Desert Island Blues
Lobo, Telepath, Dagon-Ra
Post-Crisis DC Universe VALOR 6 1993/04 Blasters to the Rescue
Valor, Dominators
SW6 Legion LEGIONNAIRES 2 1993/05 In Death's Grip
Alchemist, Apparition, Brianiac 5, Chameleon, Computo, Cosmic Boy, Dragonmage, Ferro, Gossamer, Inferno, Invisible Kid, Leviathan, Live Wire, Matter-Eater Lad, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet, Triad, Ultra Boy, Arm Fall-Off Boy (unnamed), Cera Kesh (applicant), Plaid Lad (applicant), Sean Erin, X-Bomb Betty (applicant), Emerald Empress (Ingria), Emerald Eye, Leland McCauley IV, Mano, Mordecai
Glorithverse Legion LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES 43 1993/05 The Witch is Back
Brainy, Devlin O'Ryan, Jacques, Jo, Kono, Mysa, Mysa/Ametheyst, Rokk, Drura, J'onn J'onzz, Mordru, Sussa Paka
L.E.G.I.O.N. L.E.G.I.O.N. 93 52 1993/05 Past Imperfect
Amon Hakk, Bertron Diib, Borb Borbb, Darius, Davroth Catto, Garryn Bek, Lady Quark, Lobo, Lydea Mallor, Phase, Stealth, Strata, Telepath, Vril Dox, Zena Moonstruk
Post-Crisis DC Universe VALOR 7 1993/05 Unimaginable Consequences
SW6 Legion LEGIONNAIRES 3 1993/06 The Beast Below
Alchemist, Andromeda, Brianiac 5, Chameleon, Cosmic Boy, Dragonmage, Gossamer, Inferno, Invisible Kid, Leviathan, Live Wire, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet, Cera Kesh, Emerald Empress (Cera Kesh), Emerald Eye, Modercai, Persuader
Glorithverse Legion LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES 44 1993/06 Projectra Returns
Andrew (Mordruverse), Ayla, Bloodclaw, Brainy, Celeste, Devlin O'Ryan, Firefist, Flederweb, Garth, Jacques, Jeckie, Jo, Kent Shakespeare, Kono, Laurel Gand, Lydda, Mysa/Amethyst, Mysa (Mordruverse), Rokk, Tenzil, Veilmist, Vi, Drura, J'onn J'onzz, Pol Krinn II, Garridan Ranzz, Ivy, Sussa Paka, Galmark, Mordru, Roxxas


Blok, Chemical King, Karate Kid, Magnetic Kid, Reflecto, Sun Boy, Luc Ranzz, Perla Ranzz
L.E.G.I.O.N. L.E.G.I.O.N. 93 53 1993/06 Shadows of the Past
Amon Hakk, Bertron Diib, Borb Borbb, Darius, Davroth Catto, Lady Quark, Lydea Mallor, Lyrissa Mallor, Phase, Strata, Zena Moonstruk, Pulsar Stargrave
L.E.G.I.O.N. L.E.G.I.O.N. 93 54 1993/06 Passages
Amon Hakk, Bertron Diib, Borb Borbb, Darius, Davroth Catto, Garryn Bek, Lady Quark, Lydea Mallor, Phase, Strata, Vril Dox, Zena Moontruk
Post-Crisis DC Universe VALOR 8 1993/06 Red Alert
Valor, Dominators
SW6 Legion LEGIONNAIRES 4 1993/07 If Looks Could Kill
Alchemist, Andromeda, Catspaw, Chameleon, Computo, Cosmic Boy, Dragonmage, Ferro, Inferno, Invisible Kid, Live Wire, Matter-Eater Lad, Saturn Girl, Ultra Boy, Cera Kesh, Emerald Empress (Cera Kesh), Emerald Empress (Ingria), Emerald Eye (Cera's), Emerald Eye (Ingria's), Leland McCauley IV, Magpie, Mano, Mordecai, Persuader, Tharok
Glorithverse Legion LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES 45 1993/07 New Members? New Problems!
Ayla, Bloodclaw, Brainy, Dawnstar, Devlin O'Ryan, Firefist, Flederweb, Jacques, Jan, Jeckie, Jo, Kono, Laurel Gand, Lydda, Nura, Rokk, Rond Vidar, Tenzil, Veilmist, Vi, Drura, J'onn J'onzz, Sussa Paka, Roxxas

Blok, Chemical King, Ferro Lad, Invisible Kid (Lyle), Karate Kid (Val), Magnetic Kid, Reflecto, Sun Boy, Triad
L.E.G.I.O.N. L.E.G.I.O.N. 93 55 1993/07 Heritage
Amon Hakk, Bertron Diib, Darius, Davrot Catto, Garv, Lady Quark, Lydea Mallor, Lyrissa Mallor, Phase, Strata, Zena Monnstruk
L.E.G.I.O.N. L.E.G.I.O.N. 93 56 1993/07 Bouncing Back
Amon Hakk, Bertron Diib, Borb Borbb, Darius, Davroth Catto, Garryn Bek, Garv, Strata, Zena Moonstruk, Ig'nea, Jiv Reduu
Jiv Reduu's last name is spelled "Riddu" in this story.
Post-Crisis DC Universe VALOR 9 1993/07 How to Win Friends and Influence People
SW6 Legion LEGIONNAIRES 5 1993/08 New Life New Death!
Andromeda, Apparition, Catspaw, Computo, Cosmic Boy, Ferro, Matter-Eater Lad, Shrinking Violet, Ultra Boy, Jeryl, Emerald Empress (Cera Kesh), Emerald Empress (Ingria) (died), Emerald Eye Cera's), Emerald Eye (Ingria's), Leland McCauley III, Mano, Mordecai, Persuader, Tharok
Glorithverse Legion LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES 46 1993/08 (untitled)
Ayla, Bloodclaw (died), Brainy, Devlin O'Ryan, Firefist, Flederweb, Jan, Jeckie, Jo, Kono, Laurel Gand, Nura, Rokk, Tenzil, Veilmist, Vi, J'onn J'onzz, Sussa Paka, Mordru, Roxxas, Vrykos

Blok, Bloodclaw, Chemical King, Ferro Lad, Karate Kid (Val), Magnetic Kid, Sun Boy, Triad
L.E.G.I.O.N. DARKSTARS 11 1993/08 Escalation of Hostilities (Trinity 4)
Amon Hakk, Bertron Diib, Captain Comet, Davroth Catto, Garryn Bek, Lobo, Lydea Mallor, Phase, Stealth, Vril Dox
L.E.G.I.O.N. GREEN LANTERN 44 1993/08 Urban Renewal (Trinity 2)
Bertron Diib, Captain Comet, Lobo, Phase, Stealth, Vril Dox
LSH-related GREEN LANTERN MOSAIC 10 1993/08 Turmoil
People of Fwang
L.E.G.I.O.N. L.E.G.I.O.N. 93 57 1993/08 Police Action (Trinity 3)
Amon Hakk, Bertron Diib, Borb Borbb, Captain Comet, Davroth Catto, Garryn Bek, Lady Quark, Lobo, Lydea Mallor, Phase, Stealth, Vril Dox, Zena Moonstruk
L.E.G.I.O.N. TRINITY 1 1993/08 Trinity Part 1
Bertron Diib, Captain Comet, Phase, Vril Dox
L.E.G.I.O.N. VALOR 10 1993/08 Power Struggle
SW6 Legion LEGIONNAIRES 6 1993/09 An Eye For An Eye
Alchemist, Andromeda, Apparition, Catspaw, Chameleon, Computo, Cosmic Boy, Dragonmage, Ferro, Gossamer, Invisbile Kid, Matter-Eater Lad, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet, Triad, Ultra Boy, Jeryl, Emerald Empress (Cera Kesh), Emerald Eye (Cera's), Emerald Eye (Ingria's), Leland McCauley, Mano, Mordecai, Persuader, Tharok
Glorithverse Legion LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES 47 1993/09 Last Rites for the Legion
Ayla, Brainy, Devlin O'Ryan, Firefist (died), Flederweb, Jan, Jeckie, Jo, Kono, Laurel Gand, Mysa, Nura, Rokk, Tenzil, Veilmist, Vi, J'onn J'onzz, Sussa Paka, Mordru, Roxxas, Vrykos

Blok (cover only), Ferro Lad (cover only), Invisible Kid (Lyle) (cover only), Karate Kid (Val), Nemesis Kid, Sun Boy

Glorithverse Legion

SW6 Legion
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ANNUAL 4 1993/09 (untitled)
Dawnstar, Jacques, Loomis, Lydda, Rond Vidar, Tasmia, Timber Wolf, Valor, Andromeda (SW6), Apparition (SW6), Cosmic Boy (SW6), Dragonmage (SW6), Matter-Eater Lad (SW6), Drura, Harlak, Jamm, Lauren Gand, Pol Krinn II
L.E.G.I.O.N. DARKSTARS 12 1993/09 Aftershock (Trinity 7)
Amon Hakk, Borb Borbb, Davroth Catto, Lady Quark, Lydea Mallor, Phase, Stealth, Strata, Telepath, Vril Dox, Zena Moonstruk
L.E.G.I.O.N. GREEN LANTERN 45 1993/09 Turf War (Trinity 5) Borb Borbb, Captain Comet, Garryn Bek, Lobo, Lydea Mallor, Phase, Stealth, Vril Dox 1993-18c
L.E.G.I.O.N. L.E.G.I.O.N. 93 58 1993/09 Split Decision (Trinity 6)
Amon Hakk, Bertron Diib (died), Borb Borbb, Captain Comet, Davroth Catto, Lady Quark, Lobo, Lydea Mallor, Phase, Stealth, Strata, Telepath, Vril Dox, Zena Moonstruk
L.E.G.I.O.N. TRINITY 2 1993/09 Reunion (Trinity 7)
Amon Hakk, Borb Borbb, Captain Comet, Davroth Catto, Garryn Bek, Lady Quark, Lobo, Phase, Stealth, Strata, Telepath, Vril Dox, Zena Moonstruk

Post-Crisis DC Universe

SW6 Legion
VALOR 11 1993/09 Fight the Power
Alchemist (Element Lad), Bouncing Boy, Brainaic 5, Catspaw, Chameleon Boy, Ferro (Lad), Triad, Valor, Valor (SW6), Glorith, Time Trapper
SW6 Legion LEGIONNAIRES 7 1993/10 Devils in the Deep
Andromeda, Apparition, Brainiac 5, Inferno, Matter-Eater Lad, Shrinking Violet, Triad, Ultra Boy, Devil-Fish
Glorithverse Legion LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES 48 1993/10 Mordru Triumphant
Brainy, Celeste, Devlin O'Ryan, Flederweb (resigned), Imra, Jan, Jeckie, Jo, Kent Shakespeare, Kono, Laurel Gand, Mysa, Nura, Rokk, Veilmist (resigned), Vi, Dacey or Dorritt Ranzz (can't tell which), Duplicate Boy, J'onn J'onzz, Life Lass, Sussa Paka, Galmark, Mordru, Roxxas
L.E.G.I.O.N. L.E.G.I.O.N.'93 59 1993/10 Spooked
Amon Hakk, Borb Borbb, Captain Comet, Davroth Catto, Lydea Mallor, Lyrl Dox, Marij'n, Phase, Stealth, Telepath, Vril Dox, Zena Moonstruk
Post-Crisis DC Universe VALOR 12 1993/10 Prognosis: Negative (DOA 1)
Valor, Garryn Bek, Lobo, Phase, Strata, Vril Dox, Glorith, Time Trapper
SW6 Legion LEGIONNAIRES 8 1993/11 In Heart and Conscience Free
Alchemist, Andromeda, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Computo, Cosmic Boy, Dragonmage, Gossamer, Invisible Kid, Live Wire, Saturn Girl, Triad
SW6 Legion LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES 49 1993/11 All Matter-Eater Lad Issue
Brek, Tenzil, Evillo, Eyeful Ethel, Satun Queen, Sugyn

Glorithverse Legion

SW6 Legion
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES 50 1993/11 A Transcendence >
Ayla, Brainy, Chemical King (memorial statue), Dawnstar, Devlin O'Ryan, Garth, Imra, Invisible Kid (Lyle) (memorial statue), Jacques, Jan, Jo, Kono, Laurel Gand, Loomis, Lydda, Mysa, Nura, Rokk, Rond Vidar, Tenzil, Timber Wolf, Triad (memorial statue), Troy, Vi, Wildfire, Alchemist, Apparition, Chameleon, Computo, Cosmic Boy, Dragonmage, Ferro, Invisible Kid, Live Wire, Matter-Eater Lad, Saturn Girl, Ultra Boy, Ambassador Relnic, Drura, Sean Erin, Lauren Gand, J'onn J'onzz, King Jonn, Mist-Rider, Moonwalker, Pol Krinn II, Dacey Ranzz, Dorritt Ranzz, Sussa Paka, B.I.O.N., Roxxas, Saturn Queen, Time Trapper, Universo
Brainiac Adventures Legion LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES 50 1993/11 The Brainiac Adventures
Ayla, Brainy, Devlin O'Ryan, Jacques, Jo, Laurel Gand, Vi, B.I.O.N.
L.E.G.I.O.N. L.E.G.I.O.N.'93 60 1993/11 Ghost of a Chance
Captain Comet, Davroth Catto, Garryn Bek, Marij'n, Phase, Stealth, Telepath, Zena Moonstruk

Post-Crisis DC Universe

SW6 Legion
VALOR 13 1993/11 Future Shock
Valor, Brainiac 5, Triad, Vril Dox, Glorith
SW6 Legion LEGIONNAIRES 9 1993/12 Skin Deep
Andromeda, Catspaw, Chameleon, Computo, Cosmic Boy, Dragonmage, Inferno, Invisible Kid, Leviathan, Live Wire, Matter-Eater Lad, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet, Accordion King (applicant), Barber Boy (applicant), Troy Stewart
Lil' Legion LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES 51 1993/12 Unchained! (A Lil' Legion Adventure)
Celeste, Garridan Ranzz, Ivy, Kent Shakespeare, Lynk, Mara Williams, Spunge, Khefeurb Chee Bez, Cocheta Drisden, Grimbor
Glorithverse Legion LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES 52 1993/12 Broken Dreams Fuzzy Memories
Ayla, Brainy, Celeste, Devlin O'Ryan, Furball, Jacques, Jo, Kent Shakespeare, Laurel Gand, Lydda, Mysa, Rokk, Rond Vidar, Timber Wolf, Vi, Wildfire, Blok, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Dawnstar, Dream Girl, Impulse, Karate Kid (Val), Light/Lightning Lass, Polar Boy, Saturn Girl, Sensor Girl, Star Boy, Sun Boy, Timber Wolf, Wildfire, Drura, Doctor Gym'll, Khefeurb Chee Bez, Lauren Gand, Mar Londo, Nannette Londo, Mara Williams, Pol Krinn II, Sussa Paka, Doctor Regulus
L.E.G.I.O.N. BLOODBATH 2 1993/12 Bloodbath Chapter 3 & 4
Lobo, Vril Dox, Jamm
L.E.G.I.O.N. L.E.G.I.O.N.'93 61 1993/12 Death of the Party
Captain Comet, Garryn Bek, Lobo, Lyrl Dox, Marij'n, Phase, Stealth, Strata, Telepath, Vril Dox, Zena Moonstruk
L.E.G.I.O.N. L.E.G.I.O.N.'93 ANNUAL 4 1993/12 Blood Relatives
Captain Comet, Lady Quark, Lobo, Marij'n, Phase, Stealth, Vril Dox

Post-Crisis DC Universe

SW6 Legion
VALOR 14 1993/12 Future Shock
Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Triad, Valor, Valor (SW6), Glorith

updated: 12 Sep 2010


Who's Listed? I try to list all appearances of Legionnaires and major characters. This includes images, visions, flashbacks, statues and statuettes, disembodied heads, and any other visual represenations of the characters.

Who's a Major Character? Ultimately, it's a judgement call. I try to include all continuing characters: Legionnaires, friends, family members, professional associates, villains, and assorted others. For one-shot characters, I try to include those whose names are given, or who otherwise play a major role in a story.

What About Non-Legion Stories? When Legionnaires make appearances in other comics, I only list the characters with a direct Legion connection. For example, if the Legion guest-stars with the Justice League, I don't list all the Justice Leaguers.

In What Order Do You List Characters? First, Legionnaires in alphabetical order. (This includes Subs, Honorary Legionnaires, Legion Reserve, and some special cases like Duplicate Boy). Seconds, friendly (or neutral) characters in alphabetical order. Third, bad guys in alphabetical order. Finally, statuettes go on their own line to preserve the aesthetics. Occasionally I will list all the members of a groups together, like the Fatal Five or the Heroes of Lallor.

In What Order Do You List Comics? Yeah, I know it doesn't always seem right. Chronological by month, then alphabetical by title -- but mainstream Legion titles always get listed first in the month. Aren't you glad you asked?

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