Series Index: N - O

Series Index: N - O
If the series is named for a character (i.e. Hercule Poirot), it will be listed under both first and last name. Series of the form "Chronicles of," "Saga of," "Tales of," etc. (i.e. Chronicles of Amber) are listed under the terms that follow (i.e. Amber).
Click on a category name to bring up the corresponding list. If the list is long, use your browser's "find" or "find in page" command to search for the series name or author's name.
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z
- Name, Code series by Christina Skye (Romantic Suspense)
- Name, Code series by William W. Johnstone (Men's Action/Adventure Series)
- Nameless Detective series by Bill Pronzini (Hardboiled Detectives)
- Nan & Bert Tatum series by Barbara Taylor McCafferty and Beverly Taylor Herald (Amateur Sleuths: Couples) (Humorous Mysteries) (Twins/Triplets/etc.)
- Nan Vining series by Diane Emley (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Nanette Hayes series by Charlotte Carter (African-American Mysteries) (Humorous Mysteries) (Musical Mysteries)
- Nanny Diaries series by Emma McLaughlin (Nanny Diaries & Mommy Tracks) (Urban Professionals)
- Napoleon series by Patrick Rambaud (Historical Fiction: Biographical)
- Nappily series by Trisha R. Thomas (African-American Interest) (like Toni Morrison) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Narnia, Chronicles of by C.S. Lewis (Like Harry Potter)
- Narratives, Berrybender series by Larry McMurtry (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (Wagons West)
- Nash, Katie series by Elizabeth Berg (Women's Stories)
- Natalie Gold series by Jody Jaffe (Animal Mysteries)
- Natalie Price series by Elise Title (Belly of the Beast) (Mean Streets)
- Natasha Blake series by Fiona Mountain (British Mysteries)
- Nate Gordon series by J.P. Sinclair Lewis (African-American Interest) (African-American Westerns) (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (Historical Westerns)
- Nathan Active series by Stan Jones (Multicultural: Eskimo) (Police Procedurals) (Regional Mysteries: Alaska)
- Nathan Heller series by Max Allan Collins (Hardboiled Detectives) (Historical Mysteries: 20th century)
- Nathan Peake series by Seth Hunter (Military & Naval Adventure)
- Nathan Zuckerman series by Philip Roth (Jewish Interest) (Novels of Character) (Psychological Fiction)
- Nathaniel Drinkwater series by Richard Woodman (Military & Naval Adventure)
- Nathaniel Gye series by Derek Wilson (Paranormal Mysteries)
- Nathaniel McCormick series by Joshua Spanogle (Medical Thrillers)
- National Football League series by Wil Mara (Sports Fiction)
- Nations, Vampire series by Billie Sue Mosiman (Vampyre Gothic)
- Natural History, Museum of, series by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Childs (Paranormal Thrillers) (Science Thrillers)
- Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind series by Hayao Miyazaki (Anime/Manga)
- Nautilus, Harry & Ryder, Carson series by Jack Kerley (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Navarre, Tres series by Rick Riordan (Regional Mysteries: San Antonio)
- Navarro Breed series by Janelle Taylor (Native American Romances) (Sweet & Savage Romances)
- Nayir Sharqi and Katya Hijazi series by Zoë Ferraris (Multicultural: Arabic) (Regional Mysteries: Saudi Arabia)
- Neanderthal Parallax series by Robert J. Sawyer (Alternate History) (Parallel Worlds/Other Dimensions) (Psychological/Sociological SF) (Religious/Philosophical SF)
- Necklace, Heirloom series by Kat Martin (Regency Romances)
- Necroscope series by Brian Lumley (Horror: Vampires)
- Ned Parker series by Peter King (Historical Mysteries: Victorian)
- Need, Mordant's series by Stephen R. Donaldson (Epic Fantasy)
- Needlecraft, Betsy Devonshire series by Monica Ferris (Sewing/Needlework Mysteries)
- Neely, North Carolina series by T.R. Pearson (Pastoral Fiction)
- Negation series by Tony Bedard (Graphic Novels)
- Negotiator series by C.E. Murphy (Elfpunk/Urban Fantasy)
- Neil Gulliver & Steve Marriner series by Robert Levinson (Gay Male Mysteries) (Historical Mysteries: 1950s) (Humorous Mysteries)
- Neil Hamel series by Judith VanGieson (Regional Mysteries: New Mexico)
- Neil Marshall series by Tim Hemlin (Culinary Mysteries)
- Neil Paget, Chief Inspector series by Frank Smith (Police Procedurals)
- Nell Bray series by Gillian Linscott (Historical Mysteries: 1900-1919)
- Nell Matthews series by Eve K. Sandstrom (Amateur Sleuths)
- Nelson, Rhoda & Goode, Annette series by Mary Monroe (African-American Interest) (Sistahs)
- Nelson, Victory series by Tanya Huff (Vampyre Gothic)
- Nerd series by Vicki Lewis Thompson (Romantic Comedy)
- Ness, Eliot series by Max Allan Collins (Historical Mysteries: 1930s)
- Nessantico Cycle series by S.L. Farrell (Uneasy lies the Head)
- Nestleton, Alice series by Lydia Adamson (Cat Mysteries)
- Net Center series by Tom Clancy & Steve Pieczenik (Fighting Forces & Special Ops) (International Intrigue) (Techno-Thrillers)
- Net Force series by Tom Clancy & Steve Pieczenik (Fighting Forces & Special Ops) (International Intrigue) (Techno-Thrillers)
- Netherworld series by Christopher Rowley (Streetpunk)
- Network, Puzzle series by Charles Sheffield (Hard SF) (High Frontier/Life in Space)
- Nevya, Singers of, series by Louise Marley (ESP and Psionics)
- New Amsterdam series by Elizabeth Bear (Fantasy Mysteries)
- New Crobuzon series by China Miéville (Modern Fables/Fairy Tales) (The New Weird) (Otherworld Historical Fiction) (Science Fantasy) (Steampunk) (Unreal Cities)
- New Jedi Order series (Star Wars)
- New Kashubia series by Leo Frankowski (Military/War SF)
- New Kind of Christian series by Brian D. McLaren (Christian Inspirational)
- New Mexico series by P.G.Nagle (Historical Fiction: Civil War)
- New Orleans series by Lisa Jackson (Romantic Suspense)
- New Sun, Book of the, series by Gene Wolfe (SF: Far Future/Clarke's Law)
- New Tales of the Vampire series by Anne Rice (Vampyre Gothic)
- New York series by Maan Meyers (Historical Mysteries: Throughout History)
- New York series by Beverly Swerling (Epic Sagas)
- New York Mystery series by Alex Minter (Regional Mysteries: New York City)
- Newcombe, Chloe series by Betsy Thornton (Regional Mysteries: Arizona)
- Newford series by Charles deLint (Elfpunk/Urban Fantasy)
- Newman, Peter series by Oliver North (Fighting Forces & Special Ops) (International Intrigue)
- Newpointe 911 series by Terri Blackstock (Christian Suspense/Thrillers) (Rescue Workers)
- Newport Summer series by Nikki Poppen (Historical Romances)
- News, KEY series by Mary Jane Clark (Amateur Sleuths) (Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense) (Psychological Suspense)
- Next, Thursday series by Jasper Fforde (Books & Publishing Industry Mysteries) (Comic/Absurd) (Future Fiction)
- Neya, Kaylin series by Michelle Sagara (Warrior Women)
- Nez, Lee series by David & Amiee Thurlo (Native American Mysteries) (Paranormal Mysteries) (Vampyre Gothic)
- Nic Costa & Gianni Peroni series by David Hewson (Regional Mysteries: Italy)
- Niccolo, House of series by Dorothy Dunnett (Historical Fiction: Middle Ages)
- Niccolò Zuliani series by Ian Morson (Historical Mysteries: Middle Ages)
- Nicholas Bracewell series by Edward Marston (Historical Mysteries: Elizabethan)
- Nicholas Chase Cigar series by Harry Paul Lonsdale (Cozy Mysteries)
- Nicholas Chirke series by P.C. Doherty (Historical Mysteries: 14th Century)
- Nicholas Linnear series by Eric Van Lustbader (Asian Menace)
- Nicholas Marten series by Allan Folsom (Conspiracy Thrillers)
- Nicholas Segalla series by Ann Dukthas (Historical Mysteries: Throughout History)
- Nichols, Billy series by Eddie Muller (Historical Mysteries: 1940s) (Sports Mysteries)
- Nichols, Jane series by Marueen Tan (Espionage) (Bond. James Bond)
- Nicholson series by Jessica Stirling (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- Nick & Julia series by Takis & Judy Iakovou (Amateur Sleuths: Couples)
- Nick Delvecchio series by Robert J. Randisi (Hardboiled Detectives)
- Nick Heller series by Joseph Finder (Psychological Suspense)
- Nick Hoffman series by Lev Raphael (Academic Mysteries) (Amateur Sleuths) (Gay Male Mysteries)
- Nick Revill series by Philip Gooden (Historial Mysteries: Elizabethan)
- Nick Stone series by Andy McNab (Espionage) (International Intrigue)
- Nick Travers series by Ace Atkins (Musical Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: New Orleans)
- Nick Velvet series by Edward D. Hoch (Rogues)
- Nickel Saloon, Lucky series by Ken Rand (Historical Fantasy)
- Nickerson, Marty series by Rose Connors (Courtroom Mysteries)
- Nickles, Eddie series by William D. Pease (Humorous Thrillers)
- Nicky D'Amico series by Chuck Zito (Gay Male Mysteries) (Theater Mysteries)
- Nicolette Scott series by Val Davis (Archaeological Mysteries) (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Niema Burdock series by Linda Howard (Romantic Suspense)
- Niflheim series by Ed Greenwood (Realm of Faerie)
- Nigel Barnes series by Dan Waddell (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Night, Gods of the, series by Nina Bangs (2012 Apocalypse) (Paranormal Romances)
- Night, Instrumentalities of the, series by Glen Cook (Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Night Knitting Club, Friday series by Kate Jacobs (Sewing Circles)
- Night, Sisters of the, series by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (Vampyre Gothic)
- Night Slayer series by Robin T. Popp (Vampyre Gothic)
- Night, Songs in the, series by Jack Cavanaugh (Christian Romances)
- Night Stalkers series by Michael Hawke (Technothrillers)
- Night Tales series by Nora Roberts (Contemporary Melodrama) (Contemporary Romances)
- Night Visions series (Dark Fantasy) (Horror Short Stories)
- Night Watch series by Sergei Lukyanenko (Elfpunk)
- Nightfall series by Mickey Zucker Reichert (Sword & Sorcery)
- Nightingale, Billy series by Shelley Reuben (Forensic Detectives)
- Nightmare on Elm Street series by various authors (Slasher Stories)
- Night's Dawn series by Peter F. Hamilton (Far Future/Clarke's Law) (Galactic Empires) (Immortals & Immortality) (Religious/Philosophical SF) (Space Opera)
- Nights, Merovingen series edited by C.J. Cherryh (SF Shared Worlds/Franchised Worlds)
- Nightside series by Simon R. Green (Dark Fantasy)
- Nik Kane series by Mike Doogan (Regional Mysteries: Alaska)
- Nikki Hill series by Christopher Darden & Dick Lochte (Legal Thrillers)
- Nikolai Hoffner series by Jonathan Rabb (Historical Mysteries: 1900-1919)
- Nimbus, Dragon series by Irene Radford (Dragons) (Fantasy: Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Nimbus History, Dragon series by Irene Radford (Dragons) (Fantasy: Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Nina Halligan series by Norman Kelley (African-American Mysteries) (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Nina Quinn series by Heather Webber (Gardening Mysteries)
- Nina Reilly series by Perri O'Shaughnessy (Courtroom Mysteries) (Legal Thrillers)
- Nina Zero series by Robert M. Eversz (Amateur Sleuths) (Humorous Mysteries)
- Ninefingers, Logen series by Joe Abercrombie (Sword & Sorcery)
- Nine Lives of Chloe King series by Celia Thomson (Young Adult SF)
- Nine Muses series by Ellen Pall (Amateur Sleuths)
- No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series by Alexander McCall Smith (Regional Mysteries: Botswana)
- No Pain, Beauty Knows series by Doug Crandell (Odd Families, Quirky Characters)
- Noah Bishop series by Kay Hooper (Paranormal Thrillers)
- Noah Braddock series by Jeff Shelby (Regional Mysteries: California)
- Noah Haldane series by Daniel Kalla (Medical Thrillers)
- Noble, Charlie series by Clyde Ford (Cussler-Like)
- Noble Dead series by Bard & J.C. Hendee (Vampyre Gothic)
- Noble Warriors series by William Nicholson (Children's Fantasy)
- Noir (Akashic) series by various authors (Noir & Neo-Noir) (Mystery Short Stories)
- Noir, Berlin series by Philip Kerr (Nazi Suspense/Thrillers)
- Noir (Capital Crime) series by various authors (Noir & Neo-Noir) (Mystery Short Stories)
- Nolan series by Max Allan Collins (Rogues)
- Nolan Kilkenny series by Tom Grace (Science Thrillers) (Technothrillers)
- Nolan, Leo series by Terence M. Green (Short & Sweet Romances) (Ties That Bind: General)
- Noncoiré, Tess series by P.R. Frost (Gates Between Worlds) (Warrior Women)
- Nop series by Donald McCaig (Animal Whisperers)
- Nora Gavin & Cormac Macguire series by Erin Hart (Regional Mysteries: Europe: Ireland)
- Norah Mulcahaney series by Lillian O'Donnell (Police Procedureals)
- Noreela series by Tim Lebbon (Dark Fantasy) (Mostly Magical)
- Norie Gorzack series by Barbara Mikulski & Marylouise Oates (Regional Mysteries: Washington, DC)
- North Americans, First series by Kathleen & W. Michael Gear (Prehistoric Fiction)
- North and South series by John Jakes (Civil War) (Epic Sagas) (Family Sagas: American South)
- North Carolina, Neely series by T.R. Pearson (Pastoral Fiction)
- North, Cleo series by Merline Lovelace (Romantic Suspense)
- North, Eddie series by Scott Flander (Police Procedurals)
- North Haven series by Michael L. Lindvall (Pastoral Fiction)
- Northern Lights series by Lisa Tawn Bergren (Christian Romances)
- Northern Lights series by Bonnie Leon (Christian Westerns)
- Nostradamus, Maestro series by Dave Duncan (Fantasy Mysteries) (Historical Fantasy)
- Notes series by Frederick Exley (Comic/Absurd) (Novels of Character) (Struggling Artists)
- Nothing, Prince of, series by R. Scott Bakker (Epic Fantasy)
- Nothing, Sir Apropos of, series by Peter David (Humorous Fantasy)
- Notorious series by Nicole Jordan (Regency Romances)
- Notre Dame series by Ralph McInerny (Academic Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: Indiana) (Sports Mysteries)
- Novak, Jack series by E. Howard Hunt (Bond. James Bond)
- November Man series by Bill Granger (Bond. James Bond) (Espionage)
- Nuala Anne McGrail series by Andrew Greeley (Amateur Sleuths: Couples) (Paranormal Mysteries)
- Nulapeiron Sequence by John Meaney (Space Opera)
- Null-A series by A.E. van Vogt (Future Worlds) (Psychological/Sociological SF) (Superman & Superwoman/Next Stage)
- NUMA Files series by Clive Cussler & Paul Kemprecos (Like Cussler)
- Number 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series by Alexander McCall Smith (Regional Mysteries: Botswana)
- Nursery Crime series by Jasper Fforde (Fantasy Mysteries) (Folk & Fairy Tales Retold)
- O, Henrie series by Carolyn G. Hart (Amateur Sleuths: Seniors)
- O, Inspector series by James Church (Hardboiled Detectives) (Regional Mysteries: North Korea)
- Oak, Black series by Charles Grant (Paranormal Thrillers)
- Oakes, Blackford series by William F. Buckley (Espionage)
- Oath of Empire series by Thomas Harlan (Historical Fantasy)
- Obernewtyn Chronicles by Isobelle Carmody (Like Harry Potter)
- O'Brien, Kali series by Jonnie Jacobs (Courtroom Mysteries)
- Obsidian Chronicles series by Lawrence Watt-Evans (Dragons)
- Obsidian series by Mercedes Lackey & James Mallory (Epic Fantasy)
- Occupational Hazards series by Rene Gutterdige (Christian Inspirational)
- Ocean Tribe series by Charlotte Prentiss (Prehistoric Fiction)
- O'Clare, Mairead & Gold, Sheldon series by Terry Devane (Courtroom Mysteries) (Legal Thrillers)
- O'Conner, Thunderbird series by Tom Deitz (New Age)
- O'Connor, Cork series by William Kent Krueger (Regional Mysteries: Minnesota)
- O'Connor, Dallas series by Chloe Green (Amateur Sleuths) (Fashion Industry) (Humorous Mysteries)
- O'Connor, Matt series by John McEvoy (Horses & Horseracing Mysteries)
- O'Connor, Rachel series by Mary Freeman (Gardening Mysteries)
- Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz (Ghost Stories) (Paranormal Thrillers)
- Odelia Grey series by Sue Ann Jaffarian (Amateur Sleuths) (Women of Size)
- O'Dell, Maggie series by Alex Kava (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- O'Donnell, Maureen series by Denise Mina (British Mysteries) (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- O'Dwyer Collins, Henrietta series by Carolyn G. Hart (Amateur Sleuths: Seniors)
- Odyssey, Time series by Arthur C. Clarke & Stephen Baxter (Hard SF) (Religious/Philosophical SF) (Trips in Time)
- O'Fallons and a Baby, Four series by Dianne Castell (Contemporary Romances)
- O'Flaherty, Danny series by Jonathan Harrington (Regional Mysteries: Ireland)
- O'Hara, Annie and Claudius series by Ann Campbell (Animal Mysteries)
- Ohayon, Michael series by Batya Gur (Regional Mysteries: Israel)
- Ohio Amish series by P.L. Gaus (Multicultural: Amish) (Regional Mysteries: Ohio)
- O'Hurley series by Nora Roberts (Contemporary Melodrama) (Contemporary Romances)
- Okie Dunn series by Fred Harris (Historical Mysteries: 1930s)
- Oklahoma, Valentine series by Curtiss Ann Matlock (Pastoral Fiction)
- Old California series by Stephen Bly (Christian Historical)
- Old Filth series by Jane Gardam (British Humor)
- Old Gang of Mine series by Richard F. West (Amateur Sleuths: Seniors)
- Old Kane series by Sharon Rolens (Pastoral)
- Oletta Honor series by Dayna Dunbar (Southern/Small Town Humor)
- Olivaw, Daneel & Baley, Lije series by Isaac Asimov (SF Mysteries)
- Oliver, Andi series by Martha Grimes (Animal Whisperers) (Modern West)
- Oliver, Gideon series by Aaron Elkins (Academic Mysteries) (Forensic Detectives)
- Oliver, Gillian, and Stuart series by Julian Barnes (Tragicomedy)
- Oliver Sithin series by Alan Beechey (Humorous Mysteries)
- Olivia Brown series by Annette Meyers (Historical Mysteries: 1920s)
- Olivia Clemenso, Atta series by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (Vampyre Gothic)
- Olivier series by Terry Griggs (Children's Fantasy)
- Olson, Shannon series by Shannon Olson (Parent & Child) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Olympians, Percy Jackson and the, series by Rick Riordan (Children's Fantasy)
- O'Malley Saga by Bertrice Small (Historical Romances)
- O'Malley series by Andrew Greeley (Family Sagas: Various Locations)
- O'Malley Family series by Dee Henderson (Christian Romances)
- O'Malley, Father John & Holden, Vicky series by Margaret Coel (Clerical Mysteries) (Native American Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: Wyoming)
- O'Malley, Gracelin sereis by Ann Moore (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Irish) (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (The Immigrant Experience)
- Omar Yussef series by Matt Benyon Rees (Palestinian Interest) (Regional Mysteries: Israel)
- Omega, Alpha and, series by Patricia Briggs (Werewolves)
- Omega Force series by Joe Dalton (International Intrigue)
- Omega, Jay series by Sharyn McCrumb (Humorous Mysteries)
- Omega, Unit series by Jim Grand (Figting Forces/Special Ops) (Paranormal Thrillers)
- One, Marine Force series by David Alexander (Fighting Forces & Special Ops)
- One, Mars Year series by Brad Strickland & Thomas E. Fuller (Mars: The Red Planet) (Young Adult SF)
- One-Eyed Mack series by Jim Lehrer (Humorous Thrillers) (Political Thrillers)
- Onion, Wild, Ltd. series by David J. Walker (Humorous Mysteries)
- Op, Continental series by Dashiell Hammett (Hardboiled Detectives)
- Opara, Christie series by Dorothy Uhnak (Police Procedurals)
- Op-Center series by Tom Clancy & Steve Pieczenik (Fighting Forces & Special Ops) (International Intrigue) (Techno-Thrillers)
- Opening of the World series by Harry Turtledove (Prehistoric Fiction)
- Open Road, Last series by B.S. Levy (Coming of Age) (Historical Fiction: 1950s)
- Opening of the World series by Harry Turtledove (Prehistoric Fiction)
- Opens, The Circle series by Tamora Pierce (Children's Fantasy)
- Ophelia & Abby series by Shirley Damsgaard (Libraries & Librarians) (Paranormal Mysteries)
- Ops, Black series by John Weisman (Fighting Forces/Special Ops)
- Ops Squad, Spec series by Rick Shelley (Military/War SF)
- Oracle Prophecies series by Catherine Fisher (Children's Fantasy)
- Orangefield series by Al Sarrantonio (Occult/Supernatural Horror)
- Orchid series by Anchee Min (East-Asian Interest) (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- Order, New Jedi series (Star Wars)
- Oregon Files series by Clive Cussler (Cussler-like)
- Oregon, Ukiah series by Wen Spencer (Adventure SF) (Streetpunk)
- Orfeo, Ariane, & Daniel series by Jemiah Jefferson (Vampire Horror) (Vampyre Gothic)
- Orleans, New series by Lisa Jackson (Romantic Suspense)
- Orphan Lamb series by Ann Purser (Pastoral Fiction)
- Orphans series by V.C. Andrews® (Neo-Gothic)
- Orphans series by Sean Williams & Shane Dix (Space Opera)
- Orphan's Tales series by Catherynne M. Valente (Folk & Fairy Tales Retold)
- Orr, Terry series by Jim Fusili (Hardboiled Detectives) (Regional Mysteries: New York City)
- Osborne Jr., Porter series by Ferrol Sams (Historical Fiction: 20th century, 1930s, 1940s)
- Osbourne, Michael series by Daniel Silva (Espionage)
- Oscar Wilde series by Gyles Brandreth (Author as Sleuth) (Historical Mysteries: 1800s)
- O'Shea, Torie series by Rett MacPherson (Humorous Mysteries)
- Oskar Rheinhardt series by Frank Tallis (Historical Mysteries: 20th Century) (Regional Mysteries: Austria)
- Oswald Bastable series by Michael Moorcock (Alternate History) (Eternal Champion Multiverse) (Steampunk)
- Oswald, Lee Henry series by Harry Hunsicker (Hardboiled Detectives) (Regional Mysteries: Dallas)
- Otherland series by Tad Williams (Cyberpunk)
- Otherworld, Women of the, series by Kelley Armstrong (Romantic Fantasy) (Shapechangers/Shapeshifters) (Unicorns in the Garden)
- Otomichi, Takako series by Asa Nonami (Regional Mysteries: Japan) (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Otori, Tales of the, series by Lian Hearn (East-Asian Interest) (Multicultural Fantasy)
- Otto Prohaska series by John Biggins (Military & Naval Adventure)
- Oughterard, Francis series by Suzette A. Hill (Clerical Mysteries)
- Out of Prison, Bad-Ass series by Dave Zeltserman (Mean Streets) (Pulp Fictions)
- Out of the Silent Planet trilogy by C.S. Lewis (Mythic/Mythopoeic/High Fantasy) (Theological Ficiton)
- Out of Time, David Brin's series (Shared/Franchised Worlds) (Trips in Time)
- Outback Stars series by Sandra McDonald (Military/War SF)
- OutCast series by Christopher Golden & Thomas E. Sniegoski (Children's Fantasy)
- Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon (Time Travel Romances)
- Outlanders series by James Axler (After the Fall)
- Outlaws series by Connie Mason (Historical Romances)
- Outremer series by Chaz Brenchley (Epic Fantasy)
- Over Time, Bridges series by Valerie Anand (Family Sagas: English/Irish/Scottish)
- Overstreet, Blades series by Glenville Lovell (African-American Romances) (Mean Streets)
- Owen Allison series by John Billheimer (Humorous Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: West Virginia)
- Owen Archer series by Candace Robb (Historical Mysteries: 14th Century)
- Owen Keane series by Terence Faherty (Amateur Sleuths)
- Owly series by Andy Runton (Graphic Novels)
- Owyang, Lindsey series by Kim Wong Keltner (East-Asian Interest) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Oxby, Jack series by Thomas Swann (Art Mysteries) (British Mysteries)
- Oxford, Medieval series by Ian Morson (Historical Mysteries: 13th Century)
- Oz Blackstone series by Quintin Jardine (British Mysteries)
updated: Saturday, September 18, 2010