Author Index
Genre(s) in which an author writes appear in parentheses after the author's name. If the author is most known for one or two "main" genres, those appear in boldface.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Sa, Shan (East-Asian Interest) (Historical Fiction: Ancient Greece, Middle Ages)
- Saban, Cheryl (Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense)
- Sabatini, Rafael (Historical Fiction: 1700s) (Mystery Short Stories) (Swashbuckling Adventure)
- Saberhagen, Fred (Children's Fantasy) (Classics Revisited) (King Arthur & Camelot) (Man & Machine) (Military/War SF) (Mythic/Mythopoeic Fantasy) (Theological Fiction) (Vampire Gothic)
- Sabin, E. Rose (Children's Fantasy)
- Sackett, Jeffrey (Werewolves)
- Sacks, Jen (Humorous Mysteries) (Satire)
- Sacks, Oliver (True Psychology)
- Sadamoto, Yoshiyuki (Anime/Manga)
- Sáenz, Bejamin Alire (Hispanic Interest) (Historical Fiction: 1960s)
- Safire, William (Epistolary Fiction) (Espionage) (Historical Fiction: 1700s, 1800s)
- Sagan, Nick (Biolgocial SF) (Psychological Suspense)
- Sagara, Michelle (Warrior Women)
- Sage, Angie (Children's Fantasy)
- Sager, Mike (Mean Streets) (Paranormal Thrillers)
- Said, Kurban (Historical Fiction: 1900 - 1919, 1920s)
- Saintcrow, Lilith (Dark Fantasy)
- Saint-Exupery, Antoine de (Modern Fables & Fairy Tales)
- Saito, Takao (Anime/Manga)
- Sakai, Stan (Graphic Novels) (Manga)
- Sakamoto, Kerri (East-Asian Interest)
- Sakers, Don (Abused Children) (African-American Interest) (Alien Beings) (Biological SF) (Computer Thrillers) (Cyberpunk) (Dark Fantasy) (Ecological/Environmental SF) (ESP/Psionics) (Evil Twins) (Future Worlds) (Galactic Empires) (Gay Male Interest) (Identity Theft) (Immortals & Immortality) (Libraries & Librarians) (Man & Machine) (Paranormal Thrillers) (Psychological/Sociological SF) (Religious/Philosophical SF) (SF/Fantasy Small Press) (SF For Those Who hate SF) (SF: Games & Gaming) (Space Opera) (Women of Size)
- Sakey, Marcus (Mean Streets)
- Saki (Notable Short Stories)
- Sala, Sharon (Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense) (Romantic Suspense)
- Sala, Richard (Graphic Novels)
- Salazar, Michael (Fighting Forces) (Rescue Workers)
- Salem, J.J. (Rich & Famous: Sex & Revenge)
- Salinger, Steven D. (Caribbean Interest) (Paranormal Thrillers)
- Sallis, James (African-American Mysteries) (Fantasy Short Stories) (Hardboiled Detectives) (Psychological Suspense) (Regional Mysteries: Florida, New Orleans, Tennessee)
- Sallis, Susan (Family Sagas: British/Irish/Scottish) (Ties That Bind: General) (Women's Stories)
- Salter, Anna (Forensic Detectives)
- Salvatore, Diane (Lesbian Interest)
- Salvatore, R.A. (Adventure Fantasy) (Epic Fantasy)
- Salway, Sarah (Psychological Fiction) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Salzman, Mark (Christian Suspense/Thrillers) (Coming of Age) (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home) (East-Asian Interest)
- Samarasan, Preeta (Multicultural: Malaysian)
- Samartin, Cecilia (Hispanic Interest)
- Samerjan, George (Christmas Fiction)
- Sampson, Catherine (Psychological Suspense)
- Sams, Ferrol (Historical Fiction: 20th century, 1930s, 1940s) (Notable Short Stories)
- Samson, Lisa (E.) (Christian Inspirational) (Christian Romances) (Maryland) (Women's Stories)
- Samuel, Barbara (Historical Romance) (Sweet & Savage Romances) (Ties That Bind: General, Spouses)
- Samura, Hiroaki (Graphic Novels)
- Sanchez, Alex (Coming of Age) (Gay Male Interest)
- Sanchez, Patrick (Sistahs)
- Sanchez, Thomas (Hispanic Interest) (Historical Fiction: 1950s)
- Sand, Bob (Historical Fiction: 1960s) (Hollywood) (Humorous Historical Fiction)
- Sanders, Annie (Fashion Industry)
- Sanders, Dori (Race Relations) (Serious Southern Fiction) (Women's Stories)
- Sanders, Lauren (Celebrity & Celebrities) (Epistolary Fiction) (Obsessions) (Psychological Fiction)
- Sanders, Lawrence (Comedies of Manners) (Conspiracy Thrillers) (Espionage Thrillers) (First Ladies) (Political Thrillers) (Rich & Famous: Power & Revenge) (Rogues) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Sanders, Louis (Regional Mysteries: France)
- Sanders, Marcella (African-American Romances)
- Sanders, Mike (Street Lit)
- Sanderson, Brandon (Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Sanders-Self, Melissa (Ghost Stories)
- Sandford, John (Big Names) (Conspiracy Thrillers) (Political Thrillers) (Psychological Suspense)
- Sandlin, Tim (Satire)
- Sandoval, Lynda (Contemporary Women's Friendships)
- Sands, Lynsay (Highland Romances) (Historical Romances) (Vampire Romances)
- Sands, Marella (Historical Fiction: Mayan)
- Sandstrom, Eve K. (Amateur Sleuths)
- Sankaran, Vanitha (Historical Fiction: 1300s)
- Sansal, Boualem (Arabic Interest) (Islamic Interest) (Nazi Holocaust)
- Sansom, C.J. (Espionage) (Historical Mysteries: 16th Century) (Notable Historical Mysteries)
- Sansom, Ian (Going Home Again) (Libraries & Librarians) (Regional Mysteries: Ireland)
- Santana, Patricia (Coming of Age) (Historical Fiction: 1960s) (Hispanic Interest)
- Santangelo, Helen (Paranormal Mysteries)
- Santiago, Danielle (Street Lit)
- Santiago, Esmerelda (Hispanic Interest)
- Santiago, Soledad (Hispanic Interest)
- Santlofer, Jonathan (Art Mysteries) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Santmyer, Helen Hooven (Historical Fiction: 1900-1919) (Ties That Bind: Generations)
- Saperstein, David (Christmas Fiction)
- Saramago, José (Allegory) (Doppelgangers) (International Bestsellers)
- Sargent, Pamela (Alternate History) (SF Short Stories) (SF/Fantasy Small Press)
- Sarrantonio, Al (Adventure SF) (Anthropomorphic Fantasy/SF) (Horror Short Stories) (Mars, the Red Planet) (Occult/Supernatural Horror)
- Sartre, Jean-Paul (Meaning of Life/Nature of Existence)
- Sarvas, Mark (Midlife Crisis)
- Sasaki, Joh (World War II)
- Sassoon, Beverly (Rich & Famous: Sex & Revenge)
- Sasson, Jean (Historical Fiction: 1940s) (Islamic Interest) (Jewish Interest) (Nazi Holocaust) (Palestinian Interest)
- Saterstrom, Selah (Coming of Age) (Family Sagas: The South)
- Satran, Pamela Redmond (Second Time Around) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Suburban Humor)
- Satterlie, Richard (Just Plain Scary)
- Satterthwait, Walter (Historical Mysteries: 1920s, 1930s) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Sattler, Gail (Christian Romances)
- Sattler, Veronica (Historical Romances)
- Satyal, Rakesh (Coming of Age) (Indian & Indian-American Interest)
- Saul, John (Evil Incarnate) (Ghost Stories) (Haunted Houses) (Horror: Naughty Little Children) (Just Plain Scary) (Occult/Supernatural) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Reincarnation)
- Saulnier, Beth (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Saums, Mary (Cozy Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: Tennessee)
- Saunders, Charles (African-American SF/Fantasy) (SF/Fantasy Small Press) (Sword and Sorcery)
- Saunders, Kate (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Ties That Bind: Sisters)
- Savage, Les Jr. (Western Short Stories)
- Savage, Sam (Anthropomorphic Fantasy) (Writers/Publishing Industry)
- Savage, Tom (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Stalkers)
- Savarin, Julian Jay (Espionage)
- Savielle, Diana (Ties That Bind: Spouses)
- Sawyer, Clyde Lynwood Jr. (Paranormal Mysteries)
- Sawyer, Robert J. (Alternate History) (Biological SF) (Cyberpunk) (Dinosaurs) (Man & Machine) (Parallel Worlds/Other Dimensions) (Psychological/Sociologial SF) (Religious/Philosophical SF)
- Saxon, Samantha (Romantic Suspense)
- Saxton, Judith (Historical Romances: English/Irish/Scottish)
- Say, F. (Occult/Supernatural Horror)
- Sayers, Dorothy (Advertising Industry) (British Mysteries) (Cozy Mysteries)
- Saylor, Steven (Children in Jeopardy) (Epic Sagas) (Historical Fiction: Ancient Rome) (Historical Mysteries: Ancient Rome) (Psychological Suspense) (Twins)
- Scalzi, John (Military/War SF)
- Scanlan, Patricia (Contemporary Women's Friendships) (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Irish) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Scarborough, Chuck (Disaster Epics)
- Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann (Biological SF) (Other Worlds) (Twins, Triplets, etc.)
- Scarrow, Simon (Historical Fiction: Ancient Rome) (Military & Naval Adventure)
- Schaap, James Calvin (Christian Historical)
- Schaeffer, Susan Fromberg (East-Asian Interest) (Historical Fiction: Middle Ages) (Lyrical Prose)
- Schaffer, Dylan (Legal Thrillers) (Musical Mysteries)
- Schaffert, Timothy (Ties That Bind: General)
- Schaill, William S. (like Cussler)
- Schalesky, Marlo (Christian Historical)
- Schatzing, Frank (Eco-Thrillers) (Notable Historical Mysteries)
- Schechter, Harold (Author as Sleuth) (Historical Mysteries: 19th Century) (Notable Historical Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: Maryland)
- Schechter, Peter (International Intrigue)
- Scheft, Bill (Sports Humor)
- Scheibe, Amy (Nanny Diaries & Mommy Tracks)
- Schell, Andy (Gay Male Interest) (Mixed Singles, Doubles, etc.)
- Schenck, Hilbert (Dystopian Futures)
- Schickler, David (Romantic Comedy) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Urban Professionals)
- Schiefelbein, Michael (Clerical Mysteries) (Gay Male Mysteries)
- Schilling, Peter Jr. (Historical Fiction: 1940s) (Race Relations) (Sports Fiction)
- Schilling, Vivian (Paranormal Thrillers) (Psychological Suspense)
- Schine, Cathleen (Comedies of Manners) (Humor: Single Life)
- Schlink, Bernhard (Affairs of the Heart) (International Bestellers) (Notable Short Stories) (Novels of Character) (Past & Present) (Regional Mysteries: Germany)
- Schmidt, Anna (Christian Romances)
- Schmidt, Dan (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Schmidt, Heidi Jon (Lesbian Interest) (Odd Families & Quirky Characters)
- Schmitt, Richard (Circus Fiction) (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home)
- Schmitz, James H. (Galactic Empires) (Humorous SF) (SF: ESP and Psionics)
- Schneider, Katie (Contemporary Romances) (Women's Stories)
- Schnur, Leslie (Contemporary Romances) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Schnurnberger, Lynn (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Schoeneman, Deborah (Celebrity & Celebrities)
- Scholes, Ken (Epic Fantasy)
- Scholten, Jenny (Amateur Sleuths) (Lesbian Mysteries)
- Schonberg, Leonard (Medical Thrillers)
- Schone, Robin (Erotica) (Time-Travel Romances)
- Schow, David J. (Espionage) (Psychological Suspense)
- Schramski, Mary (Going Home Again)
- Schrank, Ben (Affairs of the Heart)
- Schreck, Tom (Humorous Mysteries)
- Schrefer, Eliot (Urban Professionals)
- Schreiber, Flora Rheta (True Psychology)
- Schreiber, Joe (Ghost Stories) (Skull Beneath the Skin) (Slasher Stories)
- Schroeder, Adam Lewis (Multicultural: Singaporean) (World War II)
- Schroeder, Karl (Bigger Than Worlds) (Far Future/Clarke's Law) (Hard SF) (Religious/Philosophical SF)
- Schulman, Audrey (Psychological Fiction) (Ties That Bind)
- Schulman, David (Jewish Interest) (Past & Present Mysteries)
- Schulman, Helen (Jewish Interest) (Nazi Holocaust) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Schulman, Sarah (Satire)
- Schulte, Elaine (Christian Historical)
- Schultz, Mark (Based on Comics)
- Schulze, Dallas (Family Relationships) (Sweet & Savage Romances)
- Schumacher, Aileen (Amateur Sleuths) (Police Procedurals)
- Schumacher, Barrett (Paranormal Thrillers)
- Schumacher, Julie (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Schupack, Deborah (Psychological Fiction) (Ties That Bind)
- Schutt, Christine (Academic Satire) (Notable Short Stories)
- Schutz, Benjamin (Legal Thrillers) (Psychological Suspense)
- Schutzer, Amy (Lesbian Interest)
- Schuyler, Nina (East Asian Interest) (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (Paintings & Artists)
- Schwabauer, Daniel (Anthropomorphic Fantasy) (Children's Fantasy)
- Schwandt, Stephen (Boating/Sailing Mysteries) (Past & Present Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: Wisconsin)
- Schwartz, David J. (Based on Comics)
- Schwartz, John Burnham (Affairs of the Heart) (East-Asian Interest) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy) (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Schwartz, Karen (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Schwartz, Leslie (Community) (Psychological Suspense) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy)
- Schwartz, Lynn Sharon (Comedies of Manners) (Libraries & Librarians) (Notable Short Stories) (September 11, 2001) (Ties That Bind: General) (Twins/Triplets/etc.)
- Schwartz, Richard B. (Hardboiled Detectives)
- Schwartzman, J. (Music Fiction) (Struggling Artists)
- Schwarz, Christina (Struggling Artists) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy) (Ties That Bind) (Tragicomedy)
- Schwarz, Robin (Rogues)
- Schwegel, Theresa (Police Procedurals)
- Schweighardt, Joan (Odd Families & Quirky Characters) (Ties That Bind) (Tragicomedy)
- Schweitzer, Peter (Political Thrillers)
- Scofield, Ruth (Christian Romances)
- Scofield, Sandra (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy) (Ties That Bind: General, Grandparents/Grandchildren, Mother/Daughter, Spouses)
- Scollins-Mantha, Brandi (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy)
- Scoppettone, Sandra (Hardboiled Detectives) (Lesbian Mysteries) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Scott, Amanda (Highland Romances)
- Scott, Anne (Psychological Suspense)
- Scott, Darieck (Gay Male Interest) (Occult/Supernatural)
- Scott, Holden (Medical Thrillers) (The New Plague)
- Scott, Joanna (Catherine) (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (Past & Present) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy) (Ties That Bind: General, Fathers/Sons)
- Scott, Jody (Feminist/Sex Roles SF) (Satire SF) (Vampyre Gothic) (Visitors From Space)
- Scott, Justin (Classics Revisited) (Espionage) (High Seas) (Regional Mysteries: Connecticut) (World War I)
- Scott, Lawrence (Multicultural: Caribbean) (World War II)
- Scott, Lena (Urban Lit)
- Scott, Leonard B. (Fighting Forces) (Historical Fiction: Vietnam War)
- Scott, Manda (British Mysteries) (Celtic/Gaelic/Welsh) (Children in Jeopardy) (Historical Fiction: Ancient Rome, Biographical) (Paranormal Thrillers) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Psychological Suspense)
- Scott, Melissa (Cyberpunk) (Fantasy Mysteries) (Games & Gaming SF) (Historical Fantasy) (Man & Machine) (Mostly Magical) (Otherworld Historical Fantasy) (Psychological/Sociological SF) (Religious/Philosophical SF) (SF: Feminist/Sex Roles) (Space Opera) (Transgender Interest) (Trips in Space) (Unreal Cities)
- Scott, Michael (Alternate History) (Historical Fantasy) (Time Travel SF)
- Scott, Michele (Culinary Mysteries)
- Scott, Paul (PBS Miniseries)
- Scott, Sophfronia (African-American Interest) (Past & Present)
- Scott, Susan Holloway (Historical Fiction: Biographical, 1600s, 1700s)
- Scott, Theresa (Prehistoric Fiction)
- Scott, Tim (Adventure SF)
- Scott, Trevor (Regional Mysteries: Oregon) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Scott, Valerie (Doctor & Nurse Romances)
- Scott, (Sir) Walter (Historical Fiction: Middle Ages, 1500s) (Swashbuckling Adventure)
- Scottoline, Lisa (Alter Egos/New Identities) (Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense) (Legal Thrillers) (Past & Present Thrillers) (Twins, Triplets, etc.)
- Scribner, Keith (Angels) (Psychological Suspense)
- Scully, Helen (Family Sagas: The South)
- Seale, Anne (Humorous Mysteries) (Lesbian Mysteries)
- Sear, Joann (Graphic Novels) (Jewish Interest)
- Searcy, David (Occult/Supernatural) (The Skull Beneath the Skin)
- Searle, Elizabeth (Gay Male Interest) (Mixed Singles, Doubles, etc.)
- Searles, John (Aftermath of Tragedy/Surviving Loss) (Coming of Age)
- Searls, Hank (Asian Menace) (Military & Naval Adventure) (Past & Present) (Psychological Suspense)
- Sears, Richard (Clerical/Chruch Thrillers) (Conspiracy Thrillers) (Paranormal Thrillers)
- Seay, Davin (Christian Inspirational) (Christmas Tales)
- Seay, Jody (Lesbian Interest)
- Sebanc, Mark (Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Sebastian, Tim (Espionage)
- Sebold, Alice (Angels) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy) (Theological Fiction) (Ties That Bind: Mothers/Daughters, Unhappy Families) (Voices of the Dead)
- Secombe, Andy (Theological Fiction)
- Sedaris, Amy (Satire) (Southern/Small Town Humor)
- Sedia, Ekaterina (Alternate History) (Steampunk) (Unicorns in the Garden) (Urban Fantasy)
- Sedlack, Robert (Satire)
- Sedley, Kate (Historical Mysteries: 15th Century)
- Sedwick, John (Psychological Suspense)
- See, Carolyn (Odd Families & Quirky Characters) (Struggling Artists) (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- See, Lisa (Asian Menace)
- Seebohm, Caroline (Historical Fiction: 1900-1919) (Twins/Triplets/etc.)
- Seeley, Tim (Graphic Novels)
- Sefton, Maggie (Holiday Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: Colorado) (Sewing/Needlework Mysteries)
- Segal, Erich (Inspirational) (Rich & Famous: Power & Revenge) (Starcrossed Lovers)
- Segal, Harriet (Family Sagas: The South) (Family Sagas: Various Locations) (Music Fiction)
- Segami, Akira (Anime/Manga)
- Segawa, Masaki (Anime/Manga)
- Seidel, Kathleen Gilles (Gentle Fiction) (Nanny Diaries & Mommy Tracks)
- Seiffert, Rachel (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Irish) (Notable Short Stories)
- Seigel, Andrea (Romantic Fantasy/Paranormal Romance) (Tragicomedy)
- Seitz, Nicole (Christian Inspirational)
- Seitz, Rebeca (Contemporary Women's Friendships) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Self, Will (AIDS/HIV) (Classics Revisited) (Dystopian Futures) (Future Fiction) (Gay Male Interest) (Satire)
- Sellers, Susan (Biographical Fiction)
- Sellers-Garcia, Sylvia (Hispanic Interest)
- Selvadurai, Shyam (Gay Male Interest) (Historical Fiction: 1920s)
- Selzer, Richard (Hospital/Medical Fiction) (Notable Short Stories)
- Senate, Melissa (Nanny Diaries & Mommy Tracks) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Ties That Bind: Sisters)
- Senese, Peter (Clerical/Church Thrillers)
- Senna, Danzy (Women's Stories)
- Senstad, Susan Schwartz (Psychological Fiction) (War/Military)
- Sepulveda, Luis (Hispanic Interest)
- Seranella, Barbara (Hardboiled Detectives) (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Serge, Victor (World War II)
- Seth, Vikram (Lyrical Prose)
- Setiawan, Erick (Magical Realism)
- Setlowe, Richard (Asian Menace) (High Seas) (East-Asian Interest)
- Seto, Andy (Manga)
- Seton, Anya (Gothic Romance)
- Setterfield, Diane (Ghost Stories)
- Settle, Mary Lee (Historical Fiction: Biographical, 1600s, 20th Century)
- Setton, Ruth Knafo (Islamic Interest) (Jewish Interest) (Multicultural: Arabic)
- Seuss, Dr. (Graphic Novels) (Modern Fables & Fairy Tales)
- Sewell, Kitty (Past & Present Thrillers)
- Sexton, Linda Gray (Ties That Bind: Parent/Child) (Urban Professionals)
- Seyeong O (Anime/Manga)
- Seymour, Ana (Historical Romances)
- Seymour, Gerald (Drug Lords & the Drug Trade) (Espionage Thrillers) (Mafia Thrillers) (Mean Streets) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Sguiglia, Eduardo (Historical Fiction: 1920s) (Magical Realism)
- Shaara, Jeff (Big Names) (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (Revolutionary War) (World War I) (World War II)
- Shaara, Lila (Romantic Suspense)
- Shaara, Michael & Jeff (Civil War)
- Shaara, Michael (Classics Revisited) (Sports Fiction)
- Shaber, Sarah R. (Academic Mysteries) (Forensic Detectives) (Regional Mysteries: North Carolina)
- Shabtai, Yaakov (Jewish Interest) (Notable Short Stories)
- Shacochis, Bob (Multicultural: Caribbean)
- Shafak, Elif (Immigrant Experience) (Multicultural: Turkish)
- Shaffer, Louise (Past & Present) (Southern/Small Town Humor)
- Shaffer, Mary Ann (Epistolary Fiction) (Odd Families & Quirky Characters)
- Shaffner, George (Christian Inspirational) (Pastoral Fiction)
- Shagan, Steve (Espionage)
- Shah, Indries (Multicultural: Afghan)
- Shakar, Alex (Popular Science/Math) (Satire)
- Shakespeare, Nicholas (Affairs of the Heart) (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home)
- Shakur, Sanyika (Urban Lit)
- Shalev, Meir (Jewish Interest)
- Shalev, Zeruya (Jewish Interest)
- Shalvis, Jill (Contemporary Romances)
- Shames, Laurence (Humorous Mysteries)
- Shamp, Dawn (Historical Fiction: 1920s) (Women's Stories)
- Shamsie, Kamila (Multicultural: Pakistani)
- Shan, Darren (Post-Apocalyptic)
- Shane, Jack (Fighting Forces & Special Ops)
- Shange, Ntozake (African-American Interest) (Struggling Artists)
- Shanghvi, Siddharth Dhanvant (Indian & Indian-American Interest)
- Shannon, Barry (Humorous Mysteries)
- Shannon, Colleen (Paranormal Romances) (Time Travel Romances)
- Shannon, Dell (Regional Mysteries: Los Angeles) (Police Procedurals)
- Shannon, John (Hardboiled Detectives)
- Shannon, Ray (Humorous Thrillers) (Pulp Fictions)
- Shanower, Eric (Graphic Novels)
- Shapero, Rick (Addictions)
- Shapiro, Anna (Coming of Age) (Struggling Artists)
- Shapiro, Jane (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Ties That Bind: Spouses)
- Shapiro, Jeff (Pastoral Fiction)
- Shapiro, Laurie Gwen (Jewish Interest) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Shapiro, NancyKay (Gay Male Interest)
- Shapiro, Rochelle Jewel (Suburban Humor)
- Shapiro, Robert (Abortion) (Legal Thrillers) (Medical Thrillers)
- Sharfeddin, Heather (Modern West)
- Sharma, Prem (Epic Sagas)
- Sharp, Adrienne (Affairs of the Heart) (Follow the Dream) (Music Fiction) (Struggling Artists)
- Sharp, Deborah (Humorous Mysteries) (Senior Sleuths)
- Sharp, Zoe (Bond. James Bond)
- Sharpe, Isabel (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Sharpe, Jon (Adult Westerns)
- Sharpe, Matthew (Humorous Historical Fiction) (Satire) (Ties That Bind: Parent/Child)
- Sharratt, Mary (Historical Fiction: 1600s) (Women's Stories)
- Shatner, William (Adventure SF) (Mars, the Red Planet) (Space Opera)
- Shattuck, Jessica (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Shaw, Bob (Far Future/Clarke's Law) (Teleportation)
- Shaw, Catherine (Historical Mysteries: 19th Century)
- Shaw, George Bernard (Immortals & Immortality)
- Shaw, Irwin (Psychological Suspense) (World War II)
- Shaw, Rebecca (Pastoral Fiction)
- Shawver, Brian (Sports Fiction: Baseball)
- Shay, Kathryn (Romantic Suspense) (School Shootings)
- Shayne, Maggie (Romantic Fantasy) (Vampire Romances)
- Shea, Michael (Sword & Sorcery)
- Shea, Suzanne Strempek (Alter Egos/New Identities) (Gentle Reads) (Past & Present)
- Sheard, Timothy (Amateur Sleuths)
- Shearn, Amy (Odd Families, Quirky Characters)
- Sheckley, Robert (Humorous SF) (Satire SF) (SF Short Stories) (SF/Fantasy Small Press)
- Sheed, Wilfrid (Satire) (Sports Humor) (Writers/Publishing Industry)
- Sheehan, Aurelie (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Sheehan, Jacqueline (Historical Fiction: Biographical, 1800s) (Time Travel Romances)
- Sheepshanks, Mary (British Humor) (Music Fiction) (Picking Up the Pieces) (Struggling Artists) (Ties That Bind: General) (Ties That Bind: Generations) (Ties That Bind: Spouses)
- Sheers, Owen (Alternate History)
- Shefchik, Rick (Sports Mysteries)
- Sheffield, Charles (End of the World) (Hard SF) (High Frontier) (Historical Fantasy) (SF: Short Stories)
- Shelby, Philip (Conspiracy Thrillers) (International Intrigue) (Legal Thrillers) (Political Thrillers) (Regional Mysteries: California)
- Sheldon, Lee (Sports Mysteries)
- Sheldon, Mary (Rags to Riches) (Ties That Bind)
- Sheldon, Sidney (Rich & Famous: Power & Revenge)
- Shelton, Connie (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Shelley, Mary (Classics Revisited) (Graphic Novels) (Horror: Monsters)
- Shelley, Rick (SF: Military/War)
- Shengold, Nina (Mixed Singles, Doubles, Etc.)
- Shepard, Jim (Coming of Age) (Notable Short Stories) (World War II)
- Shepard, Karen (East-Asian Interest) (Psychological Suspense) (Ties That Bind: Divorce) (Women's Stories)
- Shepard, Lucius (Celebrity & Celebrities) (Dark Fantasy) (Magical Realism) (Non-Christian Inspirational) (Notable Short Stories) (SF/Fantasy Small Press)
- Shepard, Sam (Notable Short Fiction)
- Shepard, Steve (International Intrigue) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Shepherd, Jean (Christmas Tales) (Satire)
- Shepherd, Joel (Adventure SF) (Man & Machine) (Military/War SF) (Uneasy lies the Head) (Warrior Women)
- Shepherd, Lynn (Jane Austen and Friends)
- Shepherd, Mike (Military/War SF)
- Sher, Ira (Great American Novels)
- Sher, Sheri (Urban Lit)
- Sherbaniuk, Richard (Medical Thrillers) (The New Plague)
- Sherer, Michael W. (Regional Mysteries: Washington State)
- Sheridan, Maura (Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense)
- Sheridan, Michael (Ties That Bind)
- Sheridan, Peter (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Irish) (Women of Size)
- Sherman, Beth (Regional Mysteries: New Jersey)
- Sherman, Charlotte Watson (African-American Interest) (Notable Short Stories)
- Sherman, David (Military/War SF) (Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Sherman, Dayne (Serious Southern Fiction)
- Sherman, Delia (Otherworld Historical Fantasy)
- Sherman, Jory (Family Sagas) (Ties That Bind) (Westerns: Texas & Mexico) (Writers/Publishing Industry)
- Sherman, Rachel (Notable Short Stories)
- Sherrill, Martha (Hollywood) (Satire)
- Sherrill, Steven (Magical Realism) (Notable Past & Present) (Psychological Fiction) (Psychological Suspense)
- Sherwin, Hiroko (East-Asian Interest)
- Sherwood, Barrie (Asian Menace) (Noir Thrillers)
- Sherwood, Ben (Comic/Absurd) (Non-Christian Inspirational)
- Sherwood, Frances (Historical Fiction: 1600s) (Jewish Interest)
- Sherwood, John (British Mysteries)
- Sherwood, Valerie (Historical Romances)
- Shetterly, Will (Biological SF) (Cyberpunk) (Streetpunk) (Theological Fiction)
- Shields, Carol (Affairs of the Heart) (Epistolary Fiction) (Historical Fiction: Twentieth Century) (Novels of Character) (Ties That Bind: Prent/Child) (Ties That Bind: Spouses) (Women's Stories)
- Shields, Dave (Sports Fiction)
- Shields, Joy (Historical Mysteries: 1900-1919) (Notable Historical Mysteries)
- Shigekuni, Julie (East-Asian Interest) (Women's Stories)
- Shimerman, Armin (Alternate History) (Time Travel SF)
- Shimko, Bonnie (Coming of Age)
- Shimoda, Todd (East-Asian Interest) (Past & Present)
- Shimpi, Shekhar (Graphic Novels)
- Shiner, Lewis (Fantasy Short Stories) (Race Relations) (Rock & Roll) (Short SF)
- Shinkai, Makoto (Anime/Manga)
- Shinn, Sharon (Angels) (The Brontës and Friends) (Fantasy Short Stories) (Futuristic Romance) (Other Worlds) (Romantic Fantasy) (Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Shipp, Jeremy C. (Occult/Supernatural Horror)
- Shirley, John (Based on Comics) (Media Fantasy) (Occult/Supernatural Horror) (Skull Beneath the Skin) (Splatterpunk) (Urban Fantasy)
- Shobin, David (Medical Thrillers)
- Shoemaker, Bill (Horse Mysteries)
- Sholokhov, Mikhail (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Russian) (Historical Fiction: 1900-1919)
- Shomette, Donald (Chesapeake Bay/Eastern Shore)
- Shone, Rob (Graphic Novels)
- Shors, John (Historical Fiction: 1600s) (Indian & Indian-American Interest)
- Short, Sharon (Culinary Mysteries) (Humorous Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: Ohio)
- Showalter, Gena (Atlantis) (Romantic Comedy) (Romantic Fantasy)
- Shrake, Bud (Bond. James Bond.) (Coming of Age) (Sports Fiction: Golf)
- Shrake, Edwin (Epic Sagas) (Historical Westerns) (Westerns: Texas & Mexico)
- Shreve, Anita (Affairs of the Heart) (Contemporary Melodrama) (Expatriates) (Psychological Fiction) (Starcrossed Lovers) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy) (Ties That Bind: Spouses, Unhappy Families) (World War II) (Writers/Publishing Industry)
- Shreve, Porter (Novels of Character) (Ties That Bind: General)
- Shreve, Susan Richards (Affairs of the Heart) (Community) (Future Fiction) (Psychological Fiction) (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Shriver, Lionel (Affairs of the Heart) (Epistolary Fiction) (Ties That Bind: Parent/Child)
- Shroff, Murzban F. (Indian & Indian-American Interest)
- Shteyngart, Gary (Dystopian Futures) (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Russian) (Expatriates) (Satire)
- Shubin, Seymour (Psychological Suspense)
- Shuken, Julia (Christian Historical)
- Shuker, Carl (East-Asian Interest) (Expatriates) (Pulp Fictions)
- Shukman, Henry (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home)
- Shuler, Linda Lay (Prehistoric Fiction)
- Shulman, Alix Kates (Contemporary Women's Friendships) (Ties That Bind: General)
- Shuman, George D. (Paranormal Thrillers) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Shuman, Malcolm (JFK Thrillers) (Past & Present Mysteries)
- Shusterman, Neal (Epic Fantasy)
- Shute, Jenefer (User I.D.)
- Shute, Nevil (End of the World) (Novels of Character)
- Shwartz, Susan (Fantasy: Short Stories) (Historical Fantasy) (SF Mysteries)
- Sibley, William Jack (Gay Male Interest) (Southern/Small Town Humor)
- Sickels, Noëlle (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (Paranormal Romances)
- Siddons, Anne Rivers (Coming of Age) (Community) (Contemporary Melodrama) (Going Home Again) (Historical Fiction: 1960s) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy) (Ties That Bind: Unconventional Families) (Writers/Publishing Industry)
- Siddoway, Richard M. (Christmas)
- Sidebottom, Harry (Historical Fiction: Ancient Rome)
- Sides, Charles (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home)
- Sidhwa, Bapsi (Multicultural: Pakistani)
- Sidor, Steven (Past & Present Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: US Midwest)
- Siebert, Steven (Millennial Fiction) (Paranormal Thrillers)
- Siegal, Nina (Romantic Suspense)
- Siegel, Barry (Legal Thrillers)
- Siegel, Benjamin (Hospital/Medical Fiction)
- Siegel, James (Hardboiled Detectives) (Past & Present Mysteries) (Psychological Suspense)
- Siegel, Jan (Atlantis) (like Harry Potter) (There & Back Again)
- Siegel, Lee (Comic/Absurd) (Epistolary Fiction) (Erotica) (Humorous Historical) (Indian & Indian-American Interest) (Reader Participation)
- Siegel, Robert Anthony (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (Novels of Character)
- Siegel, Sheldon (Legal Thrillers)
- Sierra, Javier (Clerical/Church Thrillers) (Historical Fiction: 1500s) (Long-Lost Manuscripts) (Paintings & Artists)
- Sigaloff, Jane (Contemporary Romances) (Romantic Comedy) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Sigerson, Davitt (Erotica)
- Sigler, Scott (Claws & Jaws) (Just Plain Scary) (Monsters) (SF/Horror)
- Sigurdardóttir, Yrse (Regional Mysteries: Iceland)
- Sijie, Dai (East-Asian Interest)
- Silber, Diana (Rich & Famous: Sex & Shopping)
- Silber, Joan (Notable Short Stories)
- Siler, Jenny (Fugitives/On the Run) (Mean Streets) (Past & Present Thrillers) (Psychological Suspense)
- Sillitoe, Alan (Novels of Character)
- Silva, Daniel (Clerical/Church Thrillers) (Espionage) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Silva, David (Paranormal Thrillers) (SF: ESP/Psionics)
- Silva, K.E. (Caribbean Interest) (Lesbian Interest)
- Silver, Don (Past & Present Thrillers)
- Silver, Ester Katz (Coming of Age) (Jewish Interest)
- Silver, Eve (Gothic Romances)
- Silver, Jim (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Silver, Marisa (Coming of Age)
- Silverberg, Robert (Atlantis) (Dystopian Futures) (Epic Fantasy) (Epistolary Fiction) (Inside & Outside/Fortress City) (Mythic/Mythological/Mythopoeic Fantasy) (Psychological/Sociological SF) (Religious/Philosophical SF) (SF/Fantasy Small Press) (SF Short Stories) (Superman & Superwoman/Next Stage)
- Silverwood, Roger (British Mysteries)
- Silvis, Randall (Author as Sleuth) (Historical Mysteries: 19th Century) (Notable Historical Mysteries)
- Simak, Clifford (Teleportation) (Visitors From Space)
- Simenon, Georges (Courtroom Mysteries) (Fugitives/On the Run) (Psychological Suspense)
- Simmons, Charles (Coming of Age)
- Simmons, Dan (Classics Revisited) (Conspiracy Thrillers) (Dystopian Futures) (Far Future/Clarke's Law) (Horror: Vampires) (Mafia Thrillers) (Mars: The Red Planet) (SF Mysteries) (Occult/Supernatural Horror) (Paranormal Thrillers) (SF Short Stories) (Skull Beneath the Skin)
- Simmons, Edwin Howard (Historical Fiction: 1950s) (War/Military)
- Simmons, Kelly (Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense)
- Simmons, Sylvie (Celebrity & Celebrities) (Rock & Roll)
- Simmons, William P. (Dark Fantasy) (Fantasy Short Stories) (Horror Short Stories)
- Simmons, Wm. Mark (Humorous Fantasy) (Vampyre Gothic)
- Simon, Clea (Cat Mysteries)
- Simon, Michael (Hardboiled Detectives) (Regional Mysteries: Texas)
- Simon, Roger L. (Hardboiled Detectives)
- Simon, Scott (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Bosnian) (Islamic Interest) (Political Thrillers)
- Simoni, Lina (Historical Romances)
- Simonds, Merilyn (Lyrical Prose) (Notable Past & Present) (Women's Stories)
- Simone, Nea Anna (African-American Interest) (Family Sagas: The South)
- Simons, Paullina (Psychological Suspense) (Women's Stories) (World War II)
- Simons, Rikki (Manga)
- Simonson, Sheila (Regional Mysteries: Washington State)
- Simpson, Donna (Regency Romances)
- Simpson, Donna Lea (Romantic Fantasy)
- Simpson, Dorothy (British Mysteries)
- Simpson, Marcia (Regional Mysteries: Alaska)
- Simpson, Mona (Odd Families, Quirky Characters) (Women's Stories)
- Simpson, Patricia (Romantic Fantasy)
- Simpson, Thomas William (Great American Novels) (Odd Families, Quirky Characters) (Psychological Suspense) (Satire)
- Sims, Elizabeth (Lesbian Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: Los Angeles) (Theater Mysteries)
- Sims, Janice (African-American Romance)
- Sims, Kassandra (Vampyre Gothic)
- Sims, Stacy (Ties That Bind: Mother/Daughter)
- Sinclair, April (African-American Interest)
- Sinclair, Emma (Romantic Suspense)
- Sinclair, Iain (Jack the Ripper)
- Sinclair, Linnea (Futuristic Romances) (Military/War SF) (Mostly Magical)
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis (Jewish Interest)
- Singer, Judy Renee (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Singer, June Flaum (Rich & Famous: Sex & Shopping)
- Singer, Margot (Jewish Interest) (Notable Short Stories)
- Singer, Nathan (Comic/Absurd) (Time-Travel Romances) (Tragicomedy)
- Singer, Randy (Christian Suspense/Thrillers)
- Singerman, Philip (Asian Menace)
- Singh, Sonia (Indian & Indian-American Interest) (Romantic Fantasy) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Theological Fiction)
- Singleton, Elyse (Historical Fiction: 1940s) (World War II)
- Singleton, George (Coming of Age) (Notable Short Stories) (Struggling Artists)
- Sinha, Indra (Aftermath of Tragedy/Surviving Loss) (Indian & Indian-American Interest)
- Sipherd, Ray (Affairs of the Heart) (Amateur Sleuths) (Animal Mysteries) (Sailing/Boating)
- Siplin, Karen (Starcrossed Lovers)
- Sisman, Robyn (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Sisson, Rosemary Anne (Historical Romances)
- Sittenfeld, Curtis (Coming of Age) (First Ladies)
- Siverling, Michael (Hardboiled Detectives)
- Sizemore, Susan (Historical Romances) (Romantic Suspense) (Vampyre Gothic)
- Sjöwall, Maj
- Skámeta, Antonio (Hispanic Interest)
- Skarie, Heidi (Native American Interest) (New Age)
- Skelton, Alison Scott (Ties That Bind: Generations)
- Sketchley, Martin (Military/War SF)
- Skibbins, David (Alter Egos/New Identities) (Amateur Sleuths)
- Skibell, Joseph (Jewish Interest) (Midlife Crisis)
- Skillings, Judith (Regional Mysteries: Maryland, Washington DC) (Romantic Suspense) (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Skimin, Robert (Dixie Triumphant) (Alternate History) (Historical Fiction: Biographical, 1800s) (Native American Interest)
- Skinner, B.F. (Classics Revisited) (Utopias)
- Skinner, Michael (Technothrillers)
- Skinner, Quinton (Psychological Suspense)
- Skinner, Richard (Historical Fiction: 1800s, Biographical)
- Skipp, John (Splatterpunk)
- Sklepowich, Edward (Regional Mysteries: Italy)
- Skully, Jennifer (Romantic Suspense)
- Skurzynski, Gloria (Young Adult SF)
- Skye, Christina (Romantic Suspense) (Twins/Triplets/etc.)
- Skye, Maggie (Rich & Famous: Sex & Shopping)
- Skyler, Heather (Coming of Age)
- Slade, Michael (Long-Lost Manuscripts & Other Antiquities) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Sladek, John (Man & Machine)
- Slan, Joanna Campbell (Amateur Sleuths)
- Slatalla, Michelle (Computer Thrillers)
- Slate, Caroline (Psychological Suspense) (Ties That Bind)
- Slater, Harrison Gradwell (Long-Lost Manuscripts) (Notable Historical Mysteries)
- Slater, Ian (International Intrigue)
- Slater, Susan (Humorous Mysteries) (Native American Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: New Mexico)
- Slaughter, Carolyn (Indian & Indian-American Interest)
- Slaughter, Frank G. (Demonic Possession)
- Slaughter, Karin (Forensic Detectives) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Sleator, William (Young Adult SF)
- Slezak, Ellen (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy)
- Slim, Iceberg (Street Lit)
- Sloan, Bob (Regional Mysteries: New York City)
- Sloan, kay (Coming of Age)
- Sloan, Susan R. (Legal Thrillers) (Terrorism Thrillers) (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Sloane, Kit (Regional Mysteries: California)
- Slonczewski, Joan (Biological SF)
- Slotkin, Richard (Historical Fiction: Biographical, 1800s)
- Slouka, Mark (Historical Fiction: Biographical, 1800s) (Notable: Past & Present)
- Small, Bertrice (Erotic Fantasy) (Historical Romances) (King Arthur & Camelot) (Sweet & Savage Romances)
- Small, David (Novels of Character)
- Smalley, Gary (Christian Inspirational) (Christian Romances)
- Smeds, Dave (Dark Fantasy) (Monsters) (SF/Fantasy Small Press)
- Smilevski, Goce (Historical Fiction: Biographical)
- Smiley, Jane (Academic Satire) (Comedies of Manners) (Historical Fiction: Middle Ages, 1800s) (Hollywood) (Odd Families, Quirky Characters) (Ties That Bind: Parent/Child)
- Smiley, Patricia (Humorous Mysteries)
- Smith, Alexander McCall (British Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: Africa) (Romantic Comedy) (Short & Sweet Romances)
- Smith, Ali (Lyrical Prose) (Transgender Interest)
- Smith, Andrea (African-American Interest) (Historical Fiction: 1960s) (Music Fiction)
- Smith, Anne Easter (Historical Fiction: Middle Ages)
- Smith, April (Sports Thrillers) (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Smith, Barbara Burnett (Amateur Sleuths) (Regional Mysteries: Texas)
- Smith, Barbara Dawson (Historical Romances) (Regency Romances)
- Smith, Betty (Affairs of the Heart)
- Smith, Bob (Gay Male Interest)
- Smith, Bobbi (Historical Romances)
- Smith, Brad (Rogues) (Satire)
- Smith, Brenda Gates (Prehistoric Fiction) (Wicca/Goddess Worship)
- Smith, Bryan (Back From the Dead)
- Smith, Carl T. (Historical Fiction: 1960s)
- Smith, Clark Ashton (Fantasy Short Stories)
- Smith, Cotton (Cattle Ranching) (Native American Westerns) (Outlaws & Lawmen) (Westerns: Texas & Mexico)
- Smith, D.L. (Expatriates) (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Italian) (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home)
- Smith, Danyel (Coming of Age) (Historical Fiction: 1980s) (Ties That Bind: Sisters)
- Smith, David L. (Sports Humor)
- Smith, Dean Wesley (End of the World) (Underground Worlds)
- Smith, Deborah (Aftermath of Tragedy/Surviving Loss) (Community) (Contemporary Melodrama) (Contemporary Romances) (Contemporary Women's Friendships) (First Ladies) (Past & Present) (Romantic Comedy) (September 11, 2001) (Serious Southern Fiction) (Ties That Bind)
- Smith, Debra White (Christian Romances)
- Smith, Diane (Epistolary Fiction) (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- Smith, Dinitia (Erotica) (Transgender Interest)
- Smith, Dodie (Coming of Age) (Epistolary Fiction)
- Smith, Dominic (Biogrpahical Fiction) (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- Smith, E.E. "Doc" (Space Opera)
- Smith, Evelyn E. (Rogues)
- Smith, Felipe (Anime/Manga)
- Smith, Frank (Police Procedurals)
- Smith, Haywood (Contemporary Women's Friendships) (Highland Romances) (Southern/Small Town Humor)
- Smith, Ian (Academic Mysteries)
- Smith, James (Graphic Novels)
- Smith, James Robert (Eco-Thrillers)
- Smith, Jane (Satire)
- Smith, Jeff (Graphic Novels)
- Smith, Julie (Regional Mysteries: New Orleans, San Francisco)
- Smith, Kate Nolte (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- Smith, Kathryn (Historical Romances)
- Smith, Kristine (SF: Military/War) (Space Opera)
- Smith, Kyle (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Smith, L. Neil (Alternate History) (Humorous SF) (Religious/Philosophical SF)
- Smith, Lee (Christmas Fiction) (Contemporary Women's Friendships) (Epistolary Ficiton) (Food Fiction) (Gentle Fiction) (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (Humorous Mysteries) (Notable Short Stories) (Odd Families, Quirky Characters) (Women's Stories)
- Smith, Mark Haskell (Humorous Thrillers)
- Smith, Martin Cruz (Big Names) (Claws & Jaws) (Espionage Thrillers) (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (International Intrigue) (Monsters) (Notable Historical Mysteries) (Police Procedurals) (World War II)
- Smith, Martin J. (Psychological Suspense)
- Smith, Mary Burnett (African-American Interest) (like Toni Morrison)
- Smith, Mary C. (Dystopian Futures)
- Smith, Mary Sanders (Historical Fiction: 1940s) (Women's Stories)
- Smith, Mary-Ann Tirone (Humorous Mysteries)
- Smith, Meta (Urban Lit)
- Smith, Michael A. (Dystopian Futures) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Smith, Michael Marshall (Horror Short Stories) (Paranormal Thrillers)
- Smith, Mitchell (Post-Apocalyptic) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Psychological Suspense) (Survival & Deliverance)
- Smith, Murray (Espionage Thrillers)
- Smith, Neil (Notable Short Stories)
- Smith, Noble (Historical Fiction:Humorous, 1800s)
- Smith, Peter J. (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Smith, Peter Moore (Psychological Suspense)
- Smith, Robert Barr (Nazi Thrillers)
- Smith, Robert Kimmel (Picking Up the Pieces) (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Smith, Rosamond (Pseudonym of Joyce Carol Oates) (Doppelgangers) (Obsessions) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Psychological Suspense) (Twins)
- Smith, R.T. (Notable Short Stories) (Serious Southern Fiction)
- Smith, Sarah (Academic Mysteries) (Gothic Romance)
- Smith, Scott (Psychological Suspense) (Survival and Deliverance)
- Smith, Sheri Cobb (Regency Romances)
- Smith, Sherwood (Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Smith, Shirley (Historical Mysteries: 19th Century)
- Smith, Susan Arnout (Forensic Detectives) (Medical Thrillers)
- Smith, Taylor (Espionage) (Past and Present Thriller)
- Smith, Tom Rob (Historical Mysteries: 1950s) (Regional Mysteries: Russia)
- Smith, Virginia (Christian Romances)
- Smith, Wilbur (Children in Jeopardy) (Eco-Thrillers) (Family Sagas) (Historical Fiction: Ancient Egypt) (like Clive Cussler) (Long-Lost Manuscripts) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Smith, Zadie (Comic/Absurd) (Meaning of Life/Nature of Existence)
- Smith-Ready, Jeri (Rock and Roll) (Vampyre Gothic)
- Smolens, John (Historical Fiction: 1900-1919) (JFK Thrillers) (Past & Present Thrillers)
- Smolinski, Jill (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Smythe, Sheridon (Contemporary Romances) (Romantic Comedy) (Twins, Triplets, etc.)
- Snaden, Andrew (Christian Thrillers)
- Sneed, Tamara (African-American Romances)
- Snelling, Lauraine (Animal Whisperers) (Christian Historical) (Christian Inspirational) (Christian Romances)
- Snicket, Lemony (like Harry Potter)
- Sniegoski, Thomas E. (Children's Fantasy) (Dark Fantasy)
- Snow, Carol (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Snoe, Eboni (African-American Romance)
- Snow, Nathan (Christmas Fiction)
- Snowden, Faye (Legal Thrillers) (Race Relations)
- Snyder, Don J. (Christmas) (Conspiracy Thrillers)
- Snyder, James D. (Christian Historical)
- Snyder, John (Christmas Fiction)
- Snyder, Keith (Humorous Mysteries)
- Snyder, Maria V. (Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Snyder, Michael (Christian Inspirational)
- Snyder, Midori (Elfpunk/Urban Fantasy)
- Snyder, Scott (Notable Short Fiction)
- Sobin, Gustaf (Obsessions) (Past & Present) (Psychological Fiction)
- Soehnlein, K.M. (Gay Male Interest)
- Sofer, Dalia (Jewish Interest) (Multicultural: Iranian)
- Sohn, Amy (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Soignée, Princess Jacqueline de (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Sojourner, Mary (Notable Short Stories) (Voices of the Dead) (Women's Stories)
- Soldan, Edmundo Paz (Hispanic Interest) (International Bestsellers)
- Sole, Linda (Contemporary Romances) (Gothic Romances) (Historical Fiction: 1900-1919) (Historical Romances) (Ties That Bind: Parent/Child)
- Soli, Tatjana (Vietnam War)
- Solomon, Anne (Romantic Suspense)
- Solomita, Stephen (Hardboiled Detectives) (Mean Streets) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- Solomon, Haley Ann (Regency Romances)
- Solomon, Nina (Ties That Bind: Spouses)
- Solow, Jennifer (Advertising Industry) (Fashion Industry)
- Solstad, Dag (Midlife Crisis)
- Solzhenitsyn, Alexander (Historical Fiction: 1920s) (International Bestsellers) (Novels of Character)
- Solwitz, Sharon (Ties That Bind: Mother/Daughter) (Tragicomedy)
- Somer, Mehmet Murat (Gay Male Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: Turkey) (Transgender Interest)
- Somerville, Patrick (Notable Short Stories)
- Sommerfield, Sylvie (Historical Romances)
- Somers, Jeff (Military/War SF)
- Somoza, Jose Carlos (Historical Mysteries: Ancient Greece) (Long-Lost Manuscripts) (Magical Realism) (Science Thrillers)
- Somtow, S.P. (Back From the Grave) (Historical Fantasy)
- Songer, C.J. (Hardboiled Detectives)
- Sontag, Susan (Historical Ficiton: 1800s) (Journey of Discovery/Quest for Home)
- Sook Ji Hwang (Anime/Manga)
- Soos, Troy (Historical Mysteries: 19th Century) (Sports Mysteries)
- Sophocles (Classics Revisited)
- Sorrells, Walter (Courtroom Mysteries) (Legal Thrillers)
- Sorrentino, Gilbert (Notable Short Stories)
- Soryo, Fuyumi (Anime/Manga)
- Sosnowski, David (Angels) (Vampyre Gothic)
- Soucy, Gaétan (Modern Fables & Fairy Tales)
- Soueif, Ahdaf (Islamic Interest) (Multicultural: Arabic) (Notable Short Stories) (Past & Present)
- Soule, Maris (Romantic Suspense)
- Souljah, Sister (African-American Interest) (Street Lit)
- Southerland, Ellease (African-American Interest) (Lyrical Prose)
- Southey, Roz (Historical Mysteries: 1700s)
- Southgate, Martha (African-American Interest) (Race Relations)
- Souza, Sharon (Christian Inspirational)
- Sováková, Lidmila (International Bestsellers)
- Spalding, Linda (Obsessions)
- Spanbauer, Tom (AIDS/HIV) (Coming of Age) (Gay Male Interest) (Historical Fiction: 1980s)
- Spanier, Muriel (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy)
- Spanogle, Joshua (Medical Thrillers)
- Spark, Debra (Hispanic Interest)
- Spark, Muriel (British Humor) (Comedies of Manners) (Notable Short Stories) (Psychological Fiction) (Writers/Publishing Industry)
- Sparks, Nicholas (Affairs of the Heart) (Big Names) (Contemporary Melodrama) (Obsessions) (Picking Up the Pieces) (Rescue Workers) (Short & Sweet Romances)
- Sparling, Ken (Ties That Bind: Parent/Child)
- Sparling, Nancy (Comedies of Manners) (Urban Professionals)
- Spatz, Gregory (Coming of Age) (Music Fiction)
- Speart, Jessica (Ecological/Environmental Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: New Orleans)
- Speed, John (Epic Sagas) (Indian & Indian-American Interest)
- Speer, Flora (Time-Travel Romances)
- Spellman, Cathy Cash (Family Sagas: English/Irish/Scottish) (Naughty Little Children) (Women's Stories)
- Spence, Alan (Coming of Age) (East-Asian Interest)
- Spence, June (Ties That Bind: Mother/Daughter)
- Spencer, Camika (African-American Interest) (Celebrity/Celebrities) (Past & Present) (Sex & the Single (or Married) Person) (Urban Professionals) (Writers/Publishing Industry)
- Spencer, David (Maryland) (Novels of Character)
- Spencer, Elizabeth (Historical Fiction: Vietnam War) (Notable Short Stories) (Serious Southern Fiction)
- Spencer, James (Fighting Forces) (War/Military)
- Spencer, Judy (Rich & Famous: Sex & Revenge)
- Spencer, Katherine (Pastoral Fiction)
- Spencer, LaVyrle (Contemporary Romances) (Contemporary Melodrama)
- Spencer, Mary (Historical Romance) (Sweet & Savage Romances)
- Spencer, Sally (British Mysteries) (Cozy Mysteries) (Historical Mysteries: Victorian, 1960s) (Police Procedurals)
- Spencer, Scott (Affairs of the Heart) (Midlife Crisis) (Political Thrillers)
- Spencer, Wen (Adventure SF) (Streetpunk)
- Spender-Fleming, Julia (Clerical Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: New York)
- Spiegelman, Art (Graphic Novels) (Nazi Holocaust) (September 11, 2001)
- Spiegelman, Ian (Celebrity & Celebrities) (Psychological Fiction)
- Spiegelman, Peter (Corporate Thrillers) (Rogues)
- Spiess, Gerry (Nonfiction Sea Adventures)
- Spillane, Mickey (Hardboiled Detectives) (Sailing/Boating Mysteries)
- Spiller, Nancy (Food Fiction)
- Spindler, Erica (Hurricane Katrina) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Psychological Suspense) (Romantic Suspense) (Twins/Triplets/etc.)
- Spinka, Penina Keen (Historical Fiction: Middle Ages)
- Spinosa, Tony (Hardboiled Detectives)
- Spinrad, Norman (Ecological) (Historical Fiction: Ancient Rome) (Psychological/Sociological SF) (Trips in Time)
- Spirson, Leslie Lehr (Midlife Crisis)
- Spitalnic, Stuart (Hospital/Medical Fiction)
- Spitz, Marc (Coming of Age) (Historical Fiction: 1980s) (Rock & Roll)
- Spoor, Ryk E. (Adventure Fantasy)
- Spragg, Mark (Going Home Again) (Modern Westerns)
- Sprague, Gretchen (Amateur Sleuths: Seniors & Sweet Old Ladies) (Cozy Mysteries)
- Spring, Michelle (Academic Mysteries) (British Mysteries) (Conspiracy Thrillers)
- Springer, Kathryn (Christian Romances)
- Springer, Nancy (Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Sprinkle, Patricia (Regional Mysteries: Georgia)
- Sprott, Duncan (Historical Fiction: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece)
- Spruill, Steven (Medical Thrillers) (Vampires)
- Squire, Elizabeth Daniels (Humorous Mysteries)
- Squires, Susan (Vampyre Gothic)
- St. Aubin de Teran, Lisa (Historical Fiction: Biographical, 1800s, 20th Century)
- St. Claire, Rozanne (Romantic Suspense)
- St. Giles, Jennifer (Gothic Romances)
- St. John, D.W. (SF: Future Worlds)
- St. John, Kelley (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person) (Women of Size)
- St. John, Madeleine (Affairs of the Heart) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy) (Ties That Bind: Spouses)
- St. John, Tina (Historical Romances) (Paranormal Romances)
- Stabenow, Dana (Regional Mysteries: Alaska) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Stableford, Brian (Biological SF) (Humorous SF) (Immortality) (SF Short Stories) (Small Press SF) (Vampyre Gothic)
- Stacey, Lyndon (Dog Mysteries) (Horse & Horseracing Mysteries)
- Stack, John (Historical Fiction: Ancient Rome)
- Stackhouse, Bill (Regional Mysteries: New York State)
- Stackpole, Michael A. (Dragons) (Epic Fantasy) (Fantasy: Uneasy Lies the Head) (Star Wars)
- Stacy, Judith Minthorn (Southern/Small Town Humor) (Women's Stories)
- Stadther, Michael (Children's Fantasy) (Reader Participation)
- Staeger, Will (Espionage)
- Stahl, Hilda (Chirstian Historical Fiction)
- Stahl, Jerry (Historical Fiction: Biographical, 1920s)
- Staincliffe, Cath (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Stallman, Robert (Shapechangers/Shapeshifters)
- Stamm, Peter (Notable Short Stories)
- Standiford, Les (Amateur Sleuths) (Disaster Epics) (Regional Mysteries: Florida) (Survival & Deliverance)
- Standridge, Dana (East-Asian Interest)
- Stanfill, Francesca (Psychological Fiction)
- Stang, Virginia (Baltimore) (Historical Mysteries: 19th Century) (Regional Mysteries: Maryland)
- Stanisic, Sasa (International Bestsellers) (Refugees)
- Stanley, Diane (Children's Fantasy)
- Stanley, J.B. (Antiques Mysteries) (Culinary Mysteries) (Libraries and Librarians)
- Stanley, Kelli (Historical Mysteries: Ancient Rome)
- Stanley, Michael (Forensic Detectives) (Regional Mysteries: Botswana)
- Stansberry, Domenic (Hardboiled Detectives) (Historical Mysteries: 1970s)
- Stansbury, Nicole (Notable Short Stories) (Ties That Bind: General)
- Stanush, Claude & Michele (Historical Westerns) (Outlaws & Lawmen)
- Starhawk (Dystopian Futures) (New Age)
- Stark, Richard (Mystery: Rogues)
- Starling, Dora (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- Starling, Boris (Espionage) (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Russian) (Nazi Thrillers) (Psycho-Killer Thriller)
- Starr, Jason (Gambling Mysteries) (Hardboiled Detectives) (Humorous Thrillers) (Mean Streets) (Rogues) (Urban Professionals)
- Starr, Mel (Historical Mysteries: 1300s)
- Stasheff, Christopher (Adventure SF) (Epic Faqntasy) (like Harry Potter) (Humorous Fantasy) (Humorous SF) (Mostly Magical) (Religious/Philosophical SF) (SF Short Stories) (There and Back Again)
- Stashower, Daniel (Historical Mysteries: 19th Century)
- Stassen, J.P. (Graphic Novels)
- Staton, Carmen (Modern Fables & Fairy Tales)
- Staub, Wendy Corsi (Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense) (Slasher Stories)
- Stavans, Ilan (Jewish Interest) (Notable Short Stories)
- Stavis, R.H. (Ghost Stories) (Romantic Fantasy)
- Steavenson, Wendell (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Georgian)
- Steel, Danielle (Angels) (Big Names) (Christmas Tales) (Contemporary Romances) (Contemporary Melodrama) (Fashion Industry) (Picking Up the Pieces) (Second Time Around)
- Steele, Allen (Adventure SF) (Other Worlds) (SF Short Stories) (Trips in Space) (Undersea/On the Sea SF)
- Steen, Thorvald (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (International Bestsellers)
- Stefaniak, Mary Helen (Euro & Euro-American Interest: Croatian) (Family Sagas: Various Locations) (The Immigrant Experience)
- Steffans, Karrine (Street Lit)
- Steffen, Kathy (Historical Fiction: 1900-1919)
- Steffen, Sandra (Contemporary Romances)
- Stegner, Lynn (Novels of Character) (Women's Stories)
- Stegner, Wallace (Family Sagas: Various Locations) (Historical Fiction: Biographical, 1900-1919, 1920s)(Meaning of Life/Nature of Existence) (Novels of Character)
- Steiber, Ellen (Mostly Magical) (Paranormal Thrillers)
- Steig, William (Children's Fantasy)
- Steiger, Brad (Monsters)
- Stein, Ben (Nazi Suspense/Thrillers)
- Stein, Garth (Anthropomorphic Fantasy)
- Stein, Michael (Notable Past & Present) (Ties That Bind: Mothers/Sons)
- Stein, Triss (Amateur Sleuths)
- Steinbach, Hanz (Anime/Manga)
- Steinbeck, John (Community) (Family Sagas: Various Locations) (Meaning of Life/Nature of Existence)
- Steinberg, Richard (Espionage)
- Steinberg, Susan (Notable Short Stories)
- Steiner, Peter (Espionage)
- Steinhauer, Olen (Espionage) (Historical Mysteries: 1940s, 1950s) (Regional Mysteries: Eastern Europe)
- Stella, Charlie/Charles (Mafia Thrillers) (Mean Streets) (Mysteries: Rogues) (Police Procedurals) (Technothrillers) (Vietnam War)
- Stella, Leslie (Fashion Industry) (Odd Families, Quirky Characters)
- Stella, Mary (Contemporary Romances)
- Stemple, Adam (Celtic/Gaelic/Welsh Tales) (Children's Fantasy) (Elfpunk/Urban Fantasy) (Realm of Faerie) (Unicorns in the Garden)
- Stendahl (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- Stengl, Anne Elisabeth (Christian Fantasy/SF)
- Stephen, Martin (Historical Fiction: 1600s)
- Stephens, J.B. (Young Adult SF)
- Stephens, Jackie (Historical Romances)
- Stephens, Jeffrey S. (Espionage) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Stephens, Reed [pseudonym of Stephen R. Donaldson] (Hardboiled Detectives)
- Stephenson, Neal (Cyberpunk) (Epic Sagas) (Historical Ficiton: 1600s, 1700s) (Religious/Philosophical SF)
- Sterling, Bruce (Cyberpunk) (September 11, 2001) (SF/Fantasy Small Press) (SF Short Stories) (Steampunk) (Technothrillers) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Sterling, Cynthia (Romantic Fantasy)
- Stern, Amanda (Affairs of the Heart) (Music Fiction)
- Stern, Richard Martin (Disaster Epics) (Legal Thrillers) (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Stern, Roger (Based on Comics)
- Stern, Steve (Jewish Interest) (Notable Short Stories)
- Stern, Tracy (Contemporary Melodrama) (Rich & Famous: Power & Revenge)
- Sterne, Laurence (Novels of Character)
- Stetson, Jeff (African-American Interest) (Legal Thrillers) (Race Relations)
- Stevens, Brooke (Circus Fiction) (Magical Realism) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Stevens, Chevy (Psychological Suspense)
- Stevens, David (African-American Interest) (Family Sagas)
- Stevens, Marcus (Native American Mysteries) (Survival & Deliverance)
- Stevens, Rosemary (Historical Mysteries: 19th Century) (Regency Romances)
- Stevens, Shane (Nazi Thrillers)
- Stevens, Stella (Rich & Famous: Sex & Revenge)
- Stevenson, Jane (Historical Fiction: 1600s) (Notable Short Stories) (Women's Stories)
- Stevenson, Jennifer (Fantasy Small Press) (Unicorns in the Garden)
- Stevenson, Robert Louis (Classics Revisited) (Swashbuckling Adventure)
- Stevenson, Robert Louis III (like Clive Cussler)
- Stevenson, Talitha (Ties That Bind: Spouses)
- Stevenson, William (Espionage) (International Intrigue) (World War I)
- Stevermer, Caroline (Fantasy Mysteries) (Historical Fantasy) (Modern Fables & Fairy Tales)
- Stewart, Chris (Aviation Thrillers) (International Intrigue) (Technothrillers)
- Stewart, Edward (Music Fiction) (Police Fiction)
- Stewart, Fred Mustard (Family Sagas: Rags to Riches) (Medical Thrillers) (Music Fiction) (Occult/Supernatural)
- Stewart, Ian (Far Future/Clarke's Law) (Religious/Philosophical SF)
- Stewart, Leah (Psychological Suspense)
- Stewart, Mariah (Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense)
- Stewart, Mary (Gothic Romance) (Historical Romances) (King Arthur & Camelot) (Romantic Suspense)
- Stewart, Michael (Obsessions) (Psychological Suspense)
- Stewart, Mike (Regional Mysteries: Alabama)
- Stewart, Paul (Children's Fantasy)
- Stewart, Sally (Contemporary Romances) (Historical Romances)
- Stewart, Sean (Fantasy Small Press) (Unicorns in the Garden) (Voices of the Dead)
- Steyn, Johan (Euro & Euro-Colonial: South African) (Hospital/Medical)
- Stiefel, Vicki (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Stillings, Marianne (Rommantic Comedy) (Romantic Suspense)
- Stillman, Deanne (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Stimpson, Michelle (African-American Interest) (African-American Romances) (Christian Romances)
- Stimson, Tess (Ties That Bind; Spouses)
- Stirling, Jessica (Historical Fiction: 1700s, 1800s, 1930s) (Historical Romances) (Women's Stories)
- Stirling, S.M. (Alternate History) (Post-Apocalyptic) (Media SF) (SF Short Stories) (SF Small Press)
- Stith, John E. (SF For Those Who Hate SF)
- Stivers, Valerie (Fashion Industry) (Vampyre Gothic)
- Stoberock, Johanna (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home)
- Stockenberg, Antoinette (Contemporary Melodrama)
- Stockley, Philippa (Struggling Artists)
- Stockwin, Julian (Military & Naval Adventure)
- Stoddard, James (Adventure Fantasy)
- Stoker, Bram (Classics Revisited) (Horror Short Stories) (Vampire Horror)
- Stoker, Dacre (Classics Revisited) (Vampire Horror)
- Stokes, Naomi A. (Native American Mysteries)
- Stokes, Penelope J. (Christian Thrillers) (Contemporary Women's Friendships) (Inpsirational) (Past & Present) (Psychological Fiction)
- Stoks, Peggy (Christian Historical Fiction) (Christian Romances) (Christmas Fiction)
- Stollman, Aryeh Lev (Jewish Interest) (Magical Realism) (Nazi Holocaust) (Past & Present)
- Stolz, Karen (Ties That Bind) (Twins)
- Stone, Abigail (Food Fiction)
- Stone, Dave (Humorous SF)
- Stone, David (Espionage)
- Stone, David Lee (Children's Fantasy)
- Stone, Eric (Regional Mysteries: East & Southeast Asia)
- Stone, George (Disaster Epics)
- Stone, Irving (First Ladies) (Historical Fiction: Biographical, 1500s, 1800s) (Paintings & Artists)
- Stone, Jean (Contemporary Romances) (Contemporary Melodrama)
- Stone, Jonathan (Past & Present Thrillers) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Spunky Women Sleuths)
- Stone, Katherine (Contemporary Romances) (Contemporary Melodrama) (Twins)
- Stone, Robert (Affairs of the Heart) (Jewish Interest) (Obsessions) (Psychological Fiction) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Stoner, Tom (Odd Families & Quirky Characters)
- Stonich, Sarah (Affairs of the Heart) (Starcrossed Lovers) (Ties That Bind)
- Storey, Gail Donohue (Librarians) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Story, Rosalyn (African-American Interest) (Music Fiction) (Ties That Bind: Spouses)
- Stott, Rebecca (Historical Fiction: 1800s)
- Stout, Aneva (Reader Participation) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Stover, Matthew Woodring (Adventure SF) (Historical Fantasy) (Sword & Sorcery)
- Straczynski, J. Michael (Occult/Supernatural Horror)
- Straight, Susan (African-American Interest) (Historical Fiction: 1800s) (The Immigrant Experience) (Slavery) (Ties That Bind: Mother/Daughter) (Women's Stories)
- Straka, Andy (Past & Present Mysteries) (Sports Mysteries)
- Stranger, Joyce (Animal Whisperers) (Anthropomorphic Fantasy) (Pastoral Fiction)
- Straub, Peter (Epic Fantasy) (Evil Twins) (Ghost Stories) (Haunted House/Bad Place) (Horror Short Stories) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Skull Beneath the Skin) (There and Back Again)
- Strauss, Darin (Historical Fiction: Biographical, 1800s, 1900-1919) (Psychological Fiction) (Satire)
- Strauss, Victoria (Epic Fantasy)
- Strayed, Cheryl (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Stream, Arnold C. (Legal Thrillers)
- Strick, Wesley (Historical Fiction: 1940s) (Hollywood)
- Strickland, Brad (Mars: The Red Planet) (Young Adult SF)
- Strieber, Anne (Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense)
- Strieber, Whitley (2012 Apocalypse) (Children in Jeopardy) (Demonic Possession) (Disaster Epics) (Dystopian Futures) (End of the World) (Haunted Houses) (Media SF) (Terrorism Thrillers) (Vampyre Gothic) (Visitors From Space)
- Stringer, Vickie M. (African-American Interest) (Alter Egos) (Rags to Riches) (Urban Lit)
- Strobel, Alison (Christian Romances)
- Stroby, Wallace (Mafia Thrillers)
- Strohmeyer, Sarah (Humorous Mysteries) (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Strom, Dao (Multicultural: Vietnamese) (Notable Short Stories)
- Strong, Tony (Past & Present Mysteries)
- Stross, Charles/Charlie (Adventure SF) (Cyberpunk) (Epic Fantasy) (Fantasy Short Stories) (Future Worlds) (Gates Between Worlds) (Man & Machine) (Parallel Worlds/Other Dimensions) (Religious/Philosophical SF) (Science Fantasy) (Second Person) (SF Short Stories) (Space Opera) (Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Stroud, Carsten (Espionage) (High Seas) (Mean Streets) (Pulp Fictions)
- Stroud, Jonathan (Children's Fantasy) (Dragons)
- Strout, Elizabeth (Novels of Character) (Ties That Bind: Mother/Daughter)
- Stroyar, J.N. (Alternate History) (Nazi Thrillers)
- Stryker, Dev (Conspiracy Thrillers) (Espionage)
- Stuart, Anne (Historical Romances)
- Stuart, Gary L. (Historical Fiction: 1930s) (Race Relations)
- Stuart, Sebastian (Coming of Age) (Gay Male Interest) (Nanny Diaries & Mommy Tracks) (Psychological Suspense)
- Stubbs, Jean (Ties That Bind: Sisters) (Wicca/Goddess Worship)
- Stuckart, Diane A.S. (Historical Mysteries: Middle Ages)
- Stukas, David (Gale Male Mysteries) (Humorous Mysteries) (Lesbian Mysteries)
- Sturges, Karen (Musical Mysteries)
- Sturm, James (Graphic Novels) (Jewish Interest) (Sports Fiction: Baseball)
- Sturman, Jennifer (Humorous Mysteries)
- Stutzman, Ervin R. (Multicultural: Amish) (Religious: Amish)
- Styles, T. (Urban Lit)
- Styron, Alexandra (Journey of Discovery/Search for Home) (Women's Stories)
- Styron, William (Historical Fiction: Biographical, 1800s) (Jewish Interest) (Notable Short Stories) (Past & Present) (Surviving Loss/Aftermath of Tragedy) (True Psychology) (War/Military)
- Suarez, Daniel (Computer Thrillers)
- Sucharitkul, Somtow (Far Future/Clarke's Law) (Historical Fantasy)
- Sucher, Dorothy (Odd Families, Quirky Characters) (Pastoral Fiction)
- Sullivan, Eugene (Political Thrillers)
- Sullivan, Faith (Gentle Reads) (Pastoral)
- Sullivan, Mark T. (Alter Egos/New Identities) (Conspiracy Thrillers) (Corporate Thrillers) (Fugitives/On the Run) (Haunted Houses) (Psycho-Killer Thrillers) (Psychological Suspense) (Science Thrillers) (Terrorism Thrillers) (Twins/Triplets/etc.)
- Sullivan, Mary (Coming of Age)
- Sullivan, Robert (Atlantis)
- Sullivan, Thomas (Dark Fantasy) (Occult/Supernatural)
- Sullivan, Tricia (Feminist/Sex Roles SF) (SF/Fantasy Small Press)
- Sully, Sue (Historical Romances)
- Sulzer, Alain Claude (Gay Male Interest) (Notable Past & Present)
- Sumisawa, Katsuyuki (Anime/Manga)
- Summers, E.W. (Psychological Suspense) (Ties That Bind: Hidden Secrets)
- Summers, Rachel (Romantic Fantasy)
- Summers, Rowena (Family Sagas: British/Irish/Scottish) (Historical Romances)
- Sumner, Tracy (Historical Romances)
- Sumners, Cristina (Clerical Mysteries) (Regional Mysteries: New Jersey)
- Sumter, Trenae (Time Travel Romances)
- Sundaresan, Indu (Historical Fiction: 1500s, Biographical) (Indian & Indian-American Interest) (World War II)
- Sundeen, Mark (Satire) (Writers/Publishing Industry)
- Sundell, Joanne (The Disabled)
- Sundstrand, David (Ecological/Environmental Mysteries)
- Sunny (Erotic Fantasy)
- Suri, Manil (Indian & Indian-American Interest)
- Susann, Jacqueline (Classics Revisited)
- Süskind, Patrick (Comic/Absurd)
- Suson, Marlene (Historical Romances)
- Sussman, Ellen (Contemporary Romances)
- Sussman, Paul (Long-Lost Manuscripts) (Past & Present Thrillers)
- Sussman, Susan (Theater Mysteries)
- Sutcliffe, Katherine (Historical Romances)
- Sutcliffe, William (Ties That Bind: Mothers/Sons)
- Sutherland, Grant (Conspiracy Thrillers)
- Sutherland, Regina (Contemporary Women's Friendships)
- Suthren, Victor (Military & Naval Adventure)
- Sutton, Barbara (Notable Short Stories)
- Sutton, Mike (War/Military) (Vietnam War)
- Suyin, Han (Affairs of the Heart) (Historical Fantasy) (East-Asian Interest) (Starcrossed Lovers)
- Suzuki, Koji (SF/Horror)
- Svoboda, Terese (Christian Inspirational) (Theological Fiction)
- Swain, Heather (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Swain, James (Children in Jeopardy) (Gambling Mysteries) (Hardboiled Detectives) (Rogues)
- Swainston, Steph (The New Weird) (Uneasy Lies the Head)
- Swale, Rosie (Nonfiction Sea Adventures)
- Swan, Gladys (Notable Short Stories)
- Swan, Mary (Community) (Lyrical Prose)
- Swan, Thomas (Art Mysteries) (British Mysteries)
- Swann, E.L. (Contemporary Romance)
- Swann, Maxine (Coming of Age)
- Swann, S.A. (Werewolves)
- Swann, S. Andrew (Elfpunk/Urban Fantasy) (Fantasy Mysteries) (Military/War SF) (Terrorism Thrillers)
- Swanson, Denise (Amateur Sleuths) (Humorous Mysteries)
- Swanson, Doug (JFK Thrillers) (Regional Mysteries: Dallas)
- Swanwick, Michael (Elfpunk) (Fantasy Short Stories) (SF Short Stories) (SF/Fantasy Small Press)
- Swarup, Vikas (Indian & Indian-American Interest)
- Swee, Karen (Historical Mysteries: 18th Century)
- Sweeney, Leann (Amateur Sleuths)
- Swendson, Shanna (Romantic Fantasy) (Workplace Humor)
- Swerling, Beverly (Epic Sagas) (Historical Fiction: 1600s, 1700s, 1800s)
- Swick, Marly (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Swierczynski, Duane (Espionage) (Pulp Fictions)
- Swift, Graham (Men's Friendships) (Novels of Character) (Ties That Bind: Unhappy Families)
- Swift, Sue (Computer Thrillers) (Contemporary Melodrama) (The Disabled) (Espionage) (Sports Fiction)
- Swift, Virginia (Humorous Mysteries)
- Swindells, Madge (Historical Romances) (Contemporary Melodrama)
- Swindle, Renee (Sex & the Single [or Married] Person)
- Swinson, Kiki (Street Lit)
- Syal, Meera (Indian & Indian-American Interest)
- Sydney, Robert (Trips in Time)
- Sykes,Plum (Comedies of Manners)
- Symons, Julian (Epistolary Fiction)
- Szilagyi, Steven G. (Historical Fiction: WWII)
- Szulc, Tad (Clerical/Church Thrillers)
1015 authors
updated: Tuesday, October 11, 2011